
Chapter 46: Bestowal of Armor with the Master Smith

*The Endurance, Space Marine Armory.*

*Present time.*

The room was dim, lit only by the faint glow of candles clustered in the center.

Blanca led Hades in. Hades, with his towering stature, seemed somewhat out of place in the confined space.

The veteran directed Hades to a low dais surrounded by candles.

Earlier, Hades had been instructed to don the heavy black underlay of a bionic polymer armor. He was also told to memorize a phrase. Yet, he had no idea what the Gothic phrase meant. He was only told to recite it at the end.

Couldn't they at least explain its meaning? It felt like he was signing away his life!

From the shadows, Galo observed Hades, detecting the faint scent of nervous sweat emanating from the recruit.


Galo held certain expectations for this neophyte, the last to have fought alongside the Primarch.

He hoped he wasn't mistaken.

Master Smith Enrik of the Seventh Company entered, followed by a Techmarine.

Dressed in a Mk3 power armor, the many servo-arms on his power pack quivered slightly with his movements.

The Techmarine approached Blanca. Soon, he would lead Hades in the Oath of Allegiance.

Typically, the Rite of Bestowal for a neophyte would be led by a Magos of the Cult Mechanicus. However, with the legion in transition and a surge of new recruits, the Magos, burdened with supplying the legion's gear, had delegated this duty to the company's Techmarines.

Enrik moved to stand beside Galo in the shadows, both waiting for Hades' ceremony.

Within Galo's helmet, a static-filled comm channel activated.

Enrik's voice, deep and clear in Gothic, remarked, "Blanca hasn't explained the oath to the neophyte."

Galo's gaze remained fixed on Hades, the flickering candlelight reflecting off the black armor underlay.

"You've taken an interest in him."

It was a statement, not a question, delivered in Galo's calm and steady tone.

Enrik wouldn't typically bother explaining things to a mere recruit.

After a moment's hesitation, Enrik's voice returned, "My colleagues and I collected their technology on Barbarus. This recruit, not only was he among the last to ascend with the Primarch, but the armor they wore was his design."

Impressive craftsmanship. Not just the logical armor structure, but the unique technique of incorporating fibers from a local fern into the ceramite, enhancing the armor's overall resilience.

Enrik remembered the prototype armor and the detailed schematics. The Master Smiths had been taken aback.

They had assumed this was a relic technology of the planet. Although primitive compared to the Imperium's tech, Barbarus' economy suggested its people couldn't have developed such gear.

Yet, it turned out to be the creation of a local Death Guard resistance fighter.

What surprised Enrik more was that this armor's designer was one of only two recruits in his company.

He hadn't expected such a gift from Galo.

The Mechanicus believes they're not creating, but restoring equipment to its "original form" as inspired by the Omnissiah. Bold innovations are heretical.

Yet, reality often diverges from ideals.

On the battlefield, where unpredictability reigns, sometimes you have to improvise. If you have a Predator tank and another with a broken track, do you transfer the turret from the damaged one? That would be "heresy."

Such actions have tarnished the reputation of Techmarines within the Mechanicus.

Moreover, Enrik had been analyzing the strategic preferences of the Primarch Mortarion. The Death Guard's Master Smiths and Techmarines noticed Mortarion's preference for infantry over armored and transport vehicles.

This meant that the already marginalized Techmarines, due to their adherence to the Cult Mechanicus, would further fade into obscurity within the Death Guard.

Now, before Enrik stood a gifted mechanic, rumored to be close to Mortarion.

Even if he had a slight creative flaw, it was negligible.

Galo's voice interrupted Enrik's thoughts, "During his training period, do not disturb him."

The red lights of various devices flickered on Enrik, "I'm aware."

The Techmarine's authoritative voice broke the room's silence.

On the dais, surrounded by candles, Hades stood as servitors methodically assembled the heavy armor onto him.

"Hades of Barbarus," the Techmarine intoned in ornate High Gothic, "In the name of Mortarion and the Emperor."

"Do you pledge to be His silent warrior?"

"Do you vow to be His unyielding blade?"

"Do you swear to give all for the Imperium?"

As the final piece of armor was affixed, two servitors bearing bolters stepped forward.

From the shadows, both Galo and Enrik watched the figure on the dais.

"For the Emperor," came the muffled reply, tinged with the accent of Barbarus.

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