
Chapter 26: I, Hades, Have Returned Once Again!

Barbarus, the Northern Mountains, the old stronghold.


A plume of dust billowed from the house.

"Cough, cough, cough! Emperor's teeth! Why is there so much dust?"

Hades, face smeared with grime, brandished a broom, striking a pose reminiscent of a grand Aquila spreading its wings. After all, it was his room, and there wasn't much furniture to obstruct him.

"Behold my moves! Monkey snatching the moon, golden rooster standing on one leg!" As he noticed the dust increasing rather than decreasing, Hades simply gave up and began to dance wildly with the broom.

He figured he'd just let the dust settle on its own. With the dust swirling around, Hades stepped outside, adopting a pose reminiscent of an old lord, lost in thought.

After a month of travel and hitchhiking, Hades finally returned to his home. After the lords of the south were subdued, Mortarion and Karlast had led a portion of the Death Guard back to the north.

Hades had trailed behind the main force, stopping occasionally. Whenever he encountered migrating villagers, he'd cheekily ask for a ride.

"Good sir, a lift, please? I'll keep the monsters at bay for you."

So, with a collection of various items he'd gathered from the south, Hades returned to his humble abode. It had been five years since his last visit.

The once-small stronghold had grown into a jewel of human civilization on Barbarus. The city had expanded, with thick walls meticulously constructed from mountain stone. The main roads were paved with dark cement, shining brightly.

Mortarion's initial city plans had come to fruition. There were divisions for combat, medical, logistics, communication, community, construction, and artisans. There was even space reserved for future markets and gardens.

"By the Omnissiah," Hades mused, recalling the nights Mortarion had spent discussing plans with him and Karlast.

During those times, Mortarion, being a Primarch, could go on with just an hour of sleep, leaving Hades exhausted.

Every day, people from various regions flocked to this stronghold known for its "resistance." Some came because their homes were destroyed, others were drawn by the reputation of the Death Guard, and some sought a new beginning.

The residential area expanded rapidly. Fortunately, Hades's home, being in a remote location, was spared from demolition.

Hades thought it was very considerate that if a house was to be demolished, the construction division would help move and store the belongings.

Once the dust settled, Hades began to sweep it up carefully.

By evening, he'd tidied up his home. He lit a lamp and brought in the large bundles he'd dragged from the south. Under the lamp's glow, he began to sort through the items.

First, there were the rations he'd been eating. Then, there were herbs and seeds he'd collected from the south, which were effective against the toxic atmosphere of Barbarus.

Detailed maps, some stolen from xenos lords and others of his own design, were carefully sorted. Knowledge was power, after all. (Tzeentch, Magnus, and the Adeptus Mechanicus would approve.)

Next were various parts and components, followed by protective gear made from the skin of a xenos lord.

Hades had grown familiar with his unique ability as a "kind of" Untouchable. He could "consume" the souls or psychic energy of other beings to strengthen his null field. However, the stronger it became, the harder it was to control.

By nightfall, Hades had finished sorting. Exhausted, he decided to rest and planned to visit Herela the next day. Other than the guards, no one knew of his return.

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