
A Queen And A Fallen Knight

Entry 172:

Linus Ozias POV:

Septem was over, and currently, Da Vinci, along with Romani and Paracelsus, are locating the next singularity, but from what they can tell, it will take place in Okeanos or simply a part of the Atlantic Ocean. But for now, I work in my own lab to give the others some necessary upgrades.

"What are you working on?" Altera asks as she stares at my desk, to which I respond while working, "I am currently improving the Seraph suits that Ritsuka and I use by coating them in various wards and metals." Based on my initial calculations with the improvements I've given, these suits should be able to tank a mid to low-high-level Noble Phantasm if it doesn't have any esoteric effects.

For now, though, as I continue to work, Altera stands guard against Kiyohime, who keeps trying to pull me into her room and is mildly successful. Altera seems to be struggling, but I can tell she is not taking her too seriously. But I can't help but feel in the zone at this moment.

I am simply in my element inventing and creating, to which I try to combine various magecraft with the armor to make it similar to Fragrach, which nullifies magic. It's based on Bastet's gear from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. For now, though, it is still in the alpha stage, but since we have a couple of days before the next singularity, I should be able to finish the upgrade.

"Hey, Lin Da Vinci Chan wants us to do today's summoning, mikon." Tamamo says as she enters the room, and when I look back, I see Altera covered in seals, to which I sigh and say, "Please release her, Tamamo." Tamamo, with a smile, releases the seal's hold, and Altera gets up stoically, looks at the fox, and says, "I will not be caught off guard again."

Tamamo simply remained smiling as she said, "You keep telling yourself that, dear." The hun then scoffs as we head to the summoning room, and as we enter, I see Mash and Ritsuka with Ritsuka walking up to me and saying, "Hey Oz, how are the upgrades on the suits?" 

I pat her on the head and say, "The upgrades are currently in the alpha stage but will be completed by the time we head to the next singularity, and no, Ritsuka, I am not able to add any universe-destroying weaponry to the suits." 

The last comment makes her frown, but only for a moment, as she says, "I feel like you can add it, but you won't, but I shall take tribute in the form of food." I chuckle and walk up to the summoning circle as I say to her, "Who knows, we may even summon a cook today." So you won't need to eat my food.'

Ritsuka then goes bloodshot as she looks at me and says, "Oz, you have ruined food for me. I can't live without it anymore." Hentai talks aside, I walk up to the circle and say the chant, but I place the bell I got from Tamamo Cat on the circle, and as the circle glows, the bell disappears, and from the smoke, I hear an excited voice saying, "I am one of the Tamamo Nine, the Wild Fox, Tamamo Cat! Nice to meet you, my Master woof!" 

I smile as I say back, "And it's nice to meet another member of the Tamamo Nine. It is also nice to meet you." The maid then sniffs around and says, "I smell the original me. I should find her and see if she managed to burn off that fat."

I can feel Tamamo growing irritated as she says in my mind, "Master, feel free to disregard this servant as I am all the Tamamo you need." I respond by saying, "Come on, Tamamo, we will need all the help we can get, and besides, I like this version's energy." I can feel the disappointment from that response, but after sighing, she says, "You are the master here, so I cannot argue, but I will also feel free to not have to deal with my other selves."

I send her some thanks as I respond, "Yes, Cat, your original Self is here, but she's currently not in the room. Feel free to go out and find her. I would also recommend heading to our Cafe and see if you can help workers there." Tammo then does a mock salute and leaves, but not before saying, "Feel free to stop by and be wowed by my glorious cuisine woof."

Then, in a cloud of dust, she disappears as Ritsuka smiles and says, "It's nice to have someone more excitable here as with all the stoicness in this place, I was getting bored."

 I have a feeling this girl does not know the meaning of the word jinx as I am simultaneously excited and dreading future summons. But for now, I activate the summoning circle again, and as the circle glows and dissipates, the second servant appears.

"Servant, Assassin-class. My name is Semiramis. Now then...first, you must prepare a throne for me. Then we shall talk. If you do not have one, you will have to serve as my chair." The eleven-eared woman says, yet as she looks at me in the eye, a small inkling of emotion appears in her eyes as I say, "I greet the Queen of Assyria and hope your power and insights may aid us in the coming future."

My response leaves her silent, yet she remains in the circle, staring at me. After a minute, she says, "An interesting idea. Do you not find me beautiful?" As she says that, she sways her form alluringly, but I continue to look her in the eye as I already have a harem, and I am not looking to play Pokemon.

"You are indeed beautiful, but every rose has its thorns, and all I value from my servants are their insights and their abilities. The personalities are a bonus in addition to the fact that I'm already in relations with others, and I have no need to experience any others." My refusal, instead of infuriating her, makes her smile and says, "Then I shall endeavor to change your opinion."

That was in no way ominous, but I walked back as Ritsuka cracked her fingers and said, "Well, since we have a queen in our presence, now it's time to show her my skills." Mash continues to smile as she says, "Delusional Master, please do not make the queen angry." Ritsuka remains smiling as she steps up to the circle.

But as per usual, the gacha does not favor her as she summons seven mapo tofus, and as she remains smiling, she enacts the last summoning, and as the circle glows and spins, another figure appears. In this case, I stand in front of her as a sword slashes out, and Lancelot Berserker appears.

I then grab his blade with my fingers and change the room to my reality marble, and as we stand on my world, I say, "I see I have to educate you on the pecking order, former knight of the round." The knight then roars as he screams, "ARRRRTHURRRRRR!" But as he begins to run at me, I increase the gravity near him and walk up to him, place a hand on his back, and say, "As much as I would like to hold this conversation with you, I have a feeling some changes are in order."

Using my essence of the Throne of Heroes, I change his Madness enhancement skill toggle on and off, and soon enough, the back darkness fades, and his armor returns to a more metallic black color. As he stands up, he says, "I can't feel the rage. What have you done?" 

I simply shake my head and say, "While your madness enhancement is useful, I can have it on all the time, especially when you threaten my friend here. I do apologize for making a slight change to your saint graph, but I felt it necessary so that you may not harm anyone around you as well as the facility."

As the marble fades and we return to the space, Olga comes over to the PA and asks, "Is everyone all right? The security monitor shows a massive amount of magic pouring into the summoning room." Mash then responds by saying, "Ozias Senpai was dealing with a berserker, Olga Sama." 

The PA goes quiet as Semiramis walks up beside me and says, "I never thought a normal Master would be able to do what you have just done. I feel like this will be a very enjoyable time as I dissect you for all of your secrets."

I give her a nod, and we all leave the summoning room to give the servants a little tour of the facility, but as we reach the cafe, I see Cat cooking in the kitchen with Tamamo helping out and Artoria eating a veritable feast at a rapid pace. But as soon as we see the former king, Lancelot's eyes begin to glow red, or at least his visor does in his helmet, but I increase the seal on the madness, and his eyes return to normal.

"May we move on? I am not quite ready to meet my king just yet." I nod to the man as we continue on, but before we can leave, Cat yells out, "Make sure to come back later, woof!" I give her a wave, and we continue on to the various facilities, such as the simulator and the library, with Murasaki reorganizing it again. Semiramis does take an interest in the library, but she continues to follow along.

"I must say the library here must hold a large wealth of knowledge." Semiramis says, to which I respond, "That library is the culmination of thousands of years of human history. I myself wish to add my own knowledge to the library, but we would have to build an entirely new facility for that."

Semirramis then looks at me curiously as she asks, "And how did you come to possess so much knowledge, Master?" Ritsuka then pipes in and says, "Well, you see, Oz here has knowledge of many alien civilizations, and he is also an-" I stop her as she is about to say it, and she looks at me and stops.

But as I look back at the queen of Assyria, she is giving me a look that brings me dread as she says, "If you truly do have knowledge from civilizations beyond the stars, why have you not added them to the library just yet?" I shake my head and say, "Sadly, all the knowledge I have can't be put into a single place, in addition to the fact that I may not trust all the servants we may summon with such knowledge."

Semiramis then nods and says, "I can understand the need to keep such information a secret if it presents such a veritable threat, but then how can we trust that you won't use it for ill intent as well?" All I can say is, "You can't trust me, similar to how I cannot trust you as well, but in this case, we shall see if we can develop a working relationship, and who knows? I may reveal more in the future."

This does not seem to satisfy her, but she accepts the answer, and we continue on to the individual servant rooms. As I explained how they work, Semiramis seemed ready to throw a fit. She said, "How is that possible? This is the work of true magic, and none of you feel like a magician!" 

I chuckle as she looks at me and says, "I feel like I shall experience mental duress being a servant of yours, master, but as a queen, I should be able to respect your eccentricities."

Accepting the answer, I then show her to her room, and as she opens it, the room shows her throne from her noble phantasm, the hanging gardens of Babylon, to which she looks at me and says, "I have no idea how you were able to replicate it without seeing it, but I have my eyes on you Master, and your secrets will be mine."

"I am ready for the challenge, Your Majesty, but I have a feeling this is a challenge you will lose." Semiramis then chuckles and says, "Unless you are a representative of the Gods themselves, that feels like a very arrogant response." I give her a small smile and leave her to her room. 

For Lancelot, his room reminds him of his old home back in Camelot, to which he shows a small smile as he says, "It's been a long time since I've been here, yet even now, I feel unworthy of it after everything I've done."

Both Ritsuka and I place our hands on his shoulders as I initially say, "Take this as a second chance as our fight may not be remembered, but everyone here will be rewarded in their own way." Ritsuka then adds, "Yeah. Besides, we have everything we could ever need here: amazing food, lots of books, a simulator, and the possibility of facing demonic gods. What else can one need?"

The pure ridiculousness of what she said gives the night a small chuckle as he says to us, "While my madness may remain, I shall use it to face all of our enemies, and I do hope I may be of some use." We both nod as he looks at Mash with a bit of recognition, but we then leave him to his thoughts.

Ritsuka then comments as we walk to the cafe, "We truly do have a ridiculous variety of servants now, Oz. I mean, we have a demigod from Hindu myth and kings and queens from various nations and a former goddess." 

I nod as I say in return, "It's only going to get more crowded here. I am going to miss the silence." Mash then smiles and says, "I have a feeling everything's going to be okay. We have Ozias Senpai after all."

"Hey, what about me!" Ritsuka says, to which we remain silent as she pouts and says, "My own friends betrayed me." I then pat her on the back as we walk to the cafe to see if Cat has made anything.

Next chapter