
Is Cooking The Greatest Power In The Universe?

Entry 166:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I exited the command tent, I found our group sitting next to the fire as it was currently nighttime, and this was the third night we'd been in this Singularity. This, to be honest, should be considered a speed run as most singularities, according to the timeline, take months as they have to travel from one end of a continent to another physically.

I then contacted Romani and asked, "Romani, what is the status of the facility and its repairs?" Romani, slurping his coffee, says [ Well, Ozzy, thanks to the improvements you've made to the facility, we are currently on schedule to finish the repairs within a couple more days, and also, thank god you gave us these better coffee machines. They are amazing.]

"What about Da Vinci and Olga? How are they doing?" I ask Olga, then coming over the comms and saying [While I do appreciate the concern, Linus, may I ask why you ask now?] 

I shake my head and say, "It's mostly simple as I just wish to see how you all are doing, but on the other hand, how does time pass exactly while we are in this singularity?" Da Vinci then answers with an excitable tone [Well, Mr. Ozias depending on the singularity time dilates differently as the first three we have been in this one included have been one to one the others are unknown.]

I nod as that makes sense, but I then ask, "Have any of you been able to analyze anything from the holy grails we have brought back from Fuyuki and Orleans?" Da Vinci then answers [Well, given the fact we've only had them for a couple of days, we have been able to analyze them a bit as well. They are genuine holy grails. They are somewhat different as they all act simultaneously with the others and are connected to something that we have yet to locate.]

This does make sense as each one of the Grails is connected to the ritual run by Goetia in the Grand Temple of Time, who is using Solomon's reality marble to hide outside of time and space. Luckily, due to my nature of having my Essences, he can't see me, at least until he reveals himself during London's Singularity. 

But the lord of the demon pillars has the same weakness that many others do his overconfidence and arrogance as all I need to do is pull the classic move of appearing much weaker than my opponent so they underestimate my power card from every cultivation story.

But such encounters are for later as we still need to go through the next Singularity before even getting to London, but for now, I end the conversation by saying, "Regardless, I am happy that you all have managed to repair the facility so quickly even you, Romani." [(RA)Why are you saying that Ozzy? (OA) Because he knows you, Romani, and I am still cross with you over the dumplings. (DV) Director Romani's failings aside, don't think I did not notice the smile you had when Mr. Ozias asked how we were doing.]

I can feel my tsundere senses tingling as Olga says almost immediately [Ignore that Linus just continues the mission and Da Vinci, please do not fill our master's minds with drivel.]

I chuckle and end the communication before I can hear her begin the lecture, and as I sit down next to everyone, I hear Ritsuka ask, "So Oz, what did you talk with everyone about?" I then responded by saying, "I was simply investigating how time differentiates when we are in a singularity as, luckily, the first three we have been in have had a one-to-one Time ratio, meaning one day here is one day there, but it may not be the same with others." 

Ritsuka nods as Mash then asks, "Ozias Senpai, I noticed you stopped when we were walking back after the god was mentioned. Why was that?" I may have looked surprised, but I explained, "Well, you see, Mash, the reason I stopped was because I went to investigate who the Divine Spirit was, as due to my nature, I am able to be in multiple places at once."

This brings silence as Nero asks in a sharp tone, "Viceroy Ozias, did you investigate alone?" I nod as I say, "I may not look it, Empress, but I am incredibly durable in addition to the fact that I can fly at breakneck speeds even without the ship, and besides, I would rather us not waste our time with useless pursuits."

Boudica nods as Spartacus nods understandingly along with her. Ritsuka then asks, "So, was there really a god or goddess on that island, and if there was, who was it?" Picking up my crucible, I respond, "Well, I can confirm there was a Divine Spirit manifestation on that island, but it was not a full god or goddess, merely a part of one, and it was the sister of Medusa, specifically Stheno. Along with two servants she summoned."

I then go on to explain the conversation between Stheno and myself, and with the knowledge that they will remain neutral, Nero stands and says, "Well, With the knowledge that the Divine spirit will not take part in this conflict, all we need do is march towards the United Roman Empire's capital currently I have two generals in the region that have been trying to fight one of the enemy generals that shall be our next move, but for now we rest."

The soldiers give their acknowledgment, and we all nod as I ask Nero, "Are you feeling better after what happened?" Nero gives a very bright smile, and Ritsuka asks with a smirk, "Oh, Oz, did you deflower the Roman Empress? You sly man?" I simply sigh as Nero says proudly, "Do not worry, I am still pure, and besides, I would be honored if Viceroy Ozias were infatuated with my form as I understand I am very beautiful umu."

It's so ironic how someone can be so vain yet so adorable at the same time. But sadly, she is right, as I have had a decent number of friends who are verified Nero simps. Suppose I were to take them to this time. They would gladly die for the glory of Rome or, more specifically, Nero's ass, in addition to the fact that the dress she is wearing has a see-through white section so everyone can clearly see her undergarments.

Not to mention the fact that the back of her robe has a hole that literally shows the top of her gluteus maximus if you know what I mean, but the rather showy woman knows such details, and as if reading my mind, the Empress grins and says, "You are fully free to admire my form and even join me in my tent should you so desire it, umu."

I shake my head and say, "I apologize, empress, but I myself am in a relationship, and you would not be able to handle me, and I know that for a fact." I then realized the mistake I made by saying that Nero gave me a very hard look as I just realized I made that seem like a challenge. But I will leave her to seethe as I pat her on the head and say, "I would ask if you not take that as a challenge, but knowing you, it should be interesting at least."

Nero then smirks and says, "It would be interesting to learn who would be able to catch the eye of you, Lord Ozias, and I do hope you are willing to tell me during our time together, umu." I nod as she looks me in the eyes with a fire burning within them.

Mash is blushing as Ritsuka is writing on her notepad. I hear her mutter words like ikemen and playboy, but I digress. Boudica and Spartacus are simply chuckling as Spartacus says, "Ah yes, the glory of youth! Passion is needed to destroy tyranny. I approve!"

Boudica simply stands and goes to do her watch with Artoria and Nobu helping her out as Nobu stands atop a tower with her muskets, and Artoria watches our flanks. Karna remains in my shadow as I return to my tent and begin to tinker, and as I enter my tent, I feel new knowledge enter my mind as the tinker of fiction has hit its two-month countdown.

I could return it to every week, but I'm already overloaded with knowledge, and gaining a new tech tree every two months is a perfect amount of time for me, and I may even increase it further as I gain more tech trees. But for now, I smile as I have gained the tech from Avatar, which is mainly steampunk and early 1900s tech, but the magnum opis are the bending techniques.

Because you see, whoever is reading this bending in the Avatar universe is due to the manipulation of chi and energy. Since I can already manipulate that, I can essentially use every bending style. Even if it may seem a bit redundant, as I can do it with my Divinity and Magic, I now have the means to teach others how to bend.

And since I can enhance their forms, I can teach them to bend multiple elements and not just one, as the limit of bending is because the body would not be able to handle the power of the soul needed to bend other elements. However, energy bending is interesting as it allows one to access and manipulate the spiritual Realm.

And since servants are essentially spirits given form I wonder how I will be able to manipulate this in cohesion with my Essence of the Throne of Heroes. But Karna, noticing my pause, asks in my mind, "Is everything alright, master?" I nod as I say, "I am all right. Thank you for being so concerned, as I am simply thinking of means to expedite the mission."

I feel the warrior nod mentally as he says, "Yes, I myself have had many conversations with my brothers and other soldiers during the Mahabharata, but do take things as they go as when one goes too quick, they can overextend, but too slow, and the enemy shall outmaneuver you."

Even though I may understand that it is humbling to hear it come from him, I send him a mental thanks, and he returns to guarding me, so I tinker into the night and check on my other selves in RWBY and DXD along with one in New Cadia. 

Luckily, due to the time dilation between the universe that I have set up, barely a couple of hours have passed in each of the worlds while weeks have gone by in FGO.

At any point when I am interacting with others, I take control of the clone, as due to my memory partitioning, memory acceleration, and mental capabilities, I can control my other selves all at the same time. 

Unlike shadow clones, which each have their personality, these clones are literal parts of myself as I am aware of what they are doing and the decisions they make, as I am the one making them all at the same time.

The reason I'm saying this it's mostly to avoid anyone who reads this journal thinking that I am committing clone ntr. So, as one may rest or talk with my loved ones, I am the one talking to them and not the other way around, and while they may not be able to physically interact with me in this universe due to the quest, I can inhabit them whenever I want.

They also act as emergency lifelines. If one body were to die in the infantismally low chance that was to happen, they would disappear, and the parts and power from that clone would return to the others. It's like having multiple lives in a video game.

For now, though I smile as the rwby clone has made progress with Sienna towards eliminating the radical Faunus and their detractors, and in DXD I am studying Ophis's infinity and Great Red's ability to manipulate dreams. 

This is all thanks to the essence of the archmage, allowing me to learn various types of magic regardless of its origin. I may also have a secondary clone in DxD that is copying and improving on Ajuka's Kankara Formula.

Even now, my clones are improving along with myself, so I work into the night, ready to end this Singularity even though Nero will die after this Singularity, and her memories are forgotten as history corrects itself. But knowing fate, everything will work out, even if for better or worse.

-Timeskip No Justu- (Six Hours Later)

Before I knew it, the sun had risen in the sky, and due to the fact that there was no light pollution as well as the fact that it was currently summer, it held a vibrant orange and red glow as it rose in the sky, and I felt the energy enter my body. To be honest, having the abilities of a Kryptonian and simply absorbing solar radiation is addicting as it feels simply amazing.

It's like waking up in a comfortable, warm bed every single day, and I truly did not know how I lived without this feeling, but such thoughts are unimportant. As I go to Ritsuka's tent and knock on the base, I hear Mash behind me say, "She truly is a deep sleeper, as even after multiple battles during the day, she immediately falls asleep. It's almost impressive."

We both smile at the thought as I knock again, and I hear her groan and say from inside, "I don't need your Girl Scout cookies. Ten more minutes, Mom." I deadpan along with Mash as I open the door for Mash. She walks up to Ritsuka and whispers something in her ear, and she shoots up and yells, "I'm up!"

She then runs out of the tent with the suit forming around her as we join the soldiers with some grumbling about the food. Hearing this, I smile and say out loud, "I understand you all have grown tired of bread and meat, so this is a reward for all of your services."

I then summon food from my reality marble that I have warehouses full of that are all perfectly preserved and act as stimulants without making them feel gorged or sick, and the large table fills with food as I see Artoria eyeing the food voraciously. 

But I see some of them hesitate, and as Nero enters the area, she sees all the food and, looks to all of her soldiers and says, "What are you all waiting for an order? Your Viceroy has granted you all free food. Enjoy it, umu!"

They all cheer and begin to cry as they eat the food, with Nero and Artoria gathering a large plate and sitting down. Everyone then looks at Nero as she puts the food in her mouth, and she literally moans and looks as if she is in pure bliss and falls off the chair with Artoria looking at me as if I was god himself.

Nobu remarks, "It can't be that good." She then grabs a plate and, eats a bite, and, after a minute, grabs me and says, "You are now mine, and I will not take no for an answer."

I should expect this type of response from my food as my skill level in it has surpassed a multiversal-level cook and I can make nearly anyone addicted to my food but this is absurd. Luckily, the soldiers, while they will remember this experience spiritually and mentally, will forget how good my food is if they survive.

I would rather not have this timeline destroyed because they had a fantastic meal that they could never forget. Thankfully, due to my cooking skill being so high and my Divinity being so strong, the food quite literally acts similarly to food in a video game in grants anyone who eats it temporarily buffs to bravery, regen, and focus.

Nero is then able to shakily enter her chair and looks at me with a severe look in her eye, and she says, "You are a dangerous man, Lord Ozias. I may be unable to function without you now." I have just accepted that my food is equivalent to a mind break in hentai as they continue to eat, but I do smile as we prepare to move on to the capital.

Next chapter