
Rome Even In Death Is Still Rome

Entry 164:

Julius Caesar POV:

As I sit within my citadel dealing with the bane of all leader's paperwork, a soldier appears before me, and he kneels, "I have a report, Your Majesty. Enemy attacks are intensifying, and we have a message from the front. A small unit led by the pretender, Emperor Nero, is advancing with incredible force. It's as you said, Your Majesty. There's a "special" enemy leader among them."

I raise my eyebrow at this as I ask him to elaborate. "A group of foreigners has appeared to aid the pretender empress, numbering around seven, each one a monster in their own right."

As he describes them, I find myself getting annoyed as the description given by the man matches the man that launched me into the sky with Caligula, and now he appears again to halt my goals. I care not for the goals of Romulus and Alexander as I seek to retake what was mine, or I will die.

I was on the cusp of being one of the greatest rulers of Rome, but venomous cowards slew me, and my friend Brutus betrayed me. I still sometimes feel the blades stabbing me over and over again, and I never got to return to Cleopatra, but I heard she had a son, which gives me some peace.

"Sir, how should we proceed?" The soldiers ask as I say in response, "Do nothing and do not approach them as a servant is worth armies of men, and I will not send my men to slaughter."

The soldier then asks, "Then will you take up arms yourself, my lord?" I shake my head and smile. "I am not going into battle. They are coming to me. I'm not moving. The rest of you better not meddle with them, either."

The soiler attempts to deny this by saying, "But, Your Majesty! We are soldiers of the true United Roman Empire! If our rule over Gaul is the will of the gods-." I raise my hand and say calmly, "Then what shall I rule once you are all dead? Only in rare exceptions can humans cannot defeat a Servant. Regular men like yourself would be slaughtered."

The man tries again to argue my glory, but I simply look at him and say, "Then fight in moderation, but do not send all of our forces against them. They will all die. That being said, I'm sure you are going to die for the sake of the Rome that you believe in. Honestly, I've had it with "that one's" whims. Perfect government. Perfect leadership. But then you're left with a colony of people without a will."

The man then bows and leaves. I turn to see the dumpling seeker eating from a box as he says, "I would agree as perfect leadership will leave those without a spark to cross upon the Earth." I remain calm as I ask, "May I ask how you got in here past all of my guards?"

The man smirks as he says, "You and I both know that you know the answer to that question and do not worry, your men are not dead, as I simply went through them quite literally." I then ask another question: "I sensed your power from the last meeting, and you are still holding back. Why do you continue this fuss? What is there to gain from prolonging this?"

He then simply says, "Because this is not my story alone, and I could literally skip to the ending, but I won't, at least not yet. But take heart in the fact that while you may fail, your legacy lives on." I nod, and he disappears, and I then take my sword and begin to gather the men.

If this being desires a show, let me show him how a Roman and a ruler decide the story.

"Rouse yourselves, men! We march to end the pretender and show her the glory of true Romans!" I say to the men gathered in my citadel, and as they cheer, it feels both wonderful and hollow. Honestly, it feels similar to when I outsmart my enemies, but in this case, that being has this entire narrative wrapped around his finger. 

Linus Ozias POV:

I then teleport back to my tent as while Caesar was a man to be looked up to for various things, he was, for now, at least an enemy until we summon him in Chaldea. It's funny how I went from learning about these figures in history class to dealing with different versions of these same figures.

My thoughts are then broken by the Empress tapping me on the shoulder as she says, "I never thought you would be one to think so deeply, Viceroy Ozias." I simply smile and say, "I am simply trying to understand the enemy's goal, as while all of the servants summoned are former rulers or conquerors, none of them would want to work with the other."

The Empress then says, "Umu, I can understand, but do what I do." "And what would that be?" I ask. "Hit them hard enough, and they will tell you. It is simple, umu." 

I slowly nod as Nero heads to command the men to fight Caesar, who has shown himself. This was a part of my plan, as the best way to deal with a man with a plan is to make them think you would be able to plan around their plan.

So, as everyone prepares to head out, I see Boudica talking to Mash and Ritsuka, and as I spread my sense of their conversation, I smile as I hear Boudica say, "Ah. I must say, I am happy to be proven wrong about you. You showed me how competent you are. Thanks, I know you must be exhausted from your travels. My defense and Spartacus's offense matches pretty well. Well done on the both of you."

Mash blushes at this as Ritsuka simply says, "We are just that amazing Boudica-San, and besides, the slimness is what makes Mash so underestimated as who would know that such a small and slim frame produces so much force." 

Boudica nods as Mash says, "I am impressed, delusional master. You have said something intelligent."

Ritsuka then says in response, "I am very intelligent, mind you! I just do not wish to make others seem like they are lesser than myself." 

Everyone gives her a deadpan look as Boudica continues, "Yes, I understand now." Mash looks confused as Boudica then hugs them both as she says, "Come here. Come on. There, there."

Mash seems almost nervous as Ritsuka looks ready to pass out, to which I grab the two before Ritsuka dies in that valley, and I say, "Lady Boudica, as much as I think they both appreciate the physical comfort before going into combat, I do not believe that causing one of them to pass out is one of the best methods."

The woman smiles and walks away as Ritsuka says, "Oz, I both hate and love you for that because as much as it feels nice to be hugged, I do not want to see my parents at the end." I nod as she breathes in and out. Mash looks almost forlorn, but she immediately focuses, and we mount our horses.

Based on what the scouts have told us, Caesar has set up camp a couple of miles out near an open field perfect for battle, and with Boudica and Spartacus leading the charge, she yells out, "Spartacus and I will lead the charge! All of you, go with Nero to take the enemy's main camp."

I nod as we divert from the main force and head towards the enemy camp at the top of the hill overlooking the battlefield. Oddly, there were no soldiers, which Nero takes note of. "This is suspicious as a man like Caesar would not be so careless."

Yes, but I know why, and I am proven right as Caesar stands atop the hill in the middle of the camp, and he looks to be alone as we approach. 

He looks to Nero and says, "So you're here. I'm tired of waiting. How long do you intend to keep me waiting? Still, though, it looks like it was worth a little boredom! That beauty of yours. So beautiful. Beautiful. Truly beautiful, your beauty is fitting for the world's greatest treasure - Rome! Heir to our beloved Rome. What did you say your name was?"

Nero looks to the man as she dismounts and says, "Nero. I am the fifth Emperor of the Roman Empire. My name is Nero Claudius. I will take you out, pretender to the throne!" The man, instead of seeming angry at the proclamation, smiles as he says, "I like how you announced yourself. Otherwise, it would all be so dull. You, guest commander! Thank you for coming from a distant land. Tell me your names as well, other than your dumpling thief.

I chuckle as Ritsuka says while doing a rather dramatic pose, "I am the master of Chaldea, the slayer of luck and the being that embodies chance Ritsuka Fujimaru, and this is my stoic yet lovable companion Mash Kyrielight. Hear our names and fear us!" 

Caesar looks almost nostalgic as he says, "Ah yes, the energy of youth. I had many soldiers such as yourself back in the day, those who sought to keep a smile in those dark times. I see that in you as well, and you pink-haired girl, you have not yet discovered what living truly means, have you?"

Mash looks as if she wants to say something but can't as Caesar continues, "But as much as I wish to see why such a beautiful girl holds so much confusion in her eyes, this is not the time nor the place, but I think my beloved Cleo would have loved you both."

He then takes out his sword and says to Nero, "Let me reward you for coming all this way. I will let you witness the power of my golden sword, Crocea Mors."

Nero seemingly takes offense at this and says, "Don't say that! Gold is my color! Mine! The one who built the Golden Theater Umu!" 

Caesar simply laughs as he readies himself, but not before saying, "Then show me if you can make this color your own, and who knows if you defeat me, I may tell you where that Holy Grail you're looking for is, but you're going to have to earn it." Now show me your might, Nero Claudius!"

The Empress then, with one swift motion, slashes at the man, and he takes the strike with both swords clashing and showering the ground with sparks, to which Caesar says, "Such passion, but you lack direction." He then parries the clash and stabs Nero's back, to which she doges and slices towards his right leg.

Caesar, even though rather plump, is still an experienced warrior and stabs his sword into the ground, both stopping the attack and sending a shockwave across the arena, but Nero, with a flip, recovers and dashes at him again. 

This time, Caesar attacks with a slash to Nero's stomach, but she then uses the opportunity to swipe at the man, which makes him block the strike as he says, "Your style is fluid and filled with grace, but it seems forced like you're fighting against yourself in addition to me. Why do you hold back?"

Nero, with a hard look, says nothing as Caesar continues, "You fight against yourself to avoid becoming like him, I assume? I can understand, but one must accept all of themselves to fight your enemy truly. You embody the culture and luxury of Rome but not its spirit. Not yet, at least."

Nero responds with a stab at the man's stomach as he dodges, to which she says, "You talk much for a man betrayed and left to die in the Senate room." Caesar, with a flat look, says, "That is something I will have to disagree with as I believe a human can never speak enough as when one accepts silence, they can truly never be remembered."

Caesar then strikes Nero with a punch to the gut that sends her reeling, but before Caesar Mash can stab her, she blocks the strike with her shield. "She is not alone, and in silence or noise, we stand for the future."

Caesar's smile becomes wider as he laughs and attacks the girl which causes Nero to block it and with Mash's help, begins to overwhelm him with Ritsuka using her shock gloves to send the conqueror to the edge of the cliff overlooking the battle as he continues to smile.

His sword is then blasted from his hands by Ritsuka as Mash and Nero bring the man to his knees yet he still smiles.

"Why do you smile in the face of the end, Caesar?" Nero asks as the man, with a relaxed tone, says, "Because regardless of the end of this battle, I still win. I do not fight for selfish reasons other than to expand the glory of Rome, and from what I've seen from this era and even slightly into the future, Rome will always exist in the minds of men, and I have attributed to that rise even if I do not get what I want I am at peace as even in my end I still conquered nations and fought empires. I am still Caesar even in death."

Nero then steps before him, looks into his eyes, and Caesar says, "I admire your courage, strength, and beauty. Therefore, I shall tell you one thing. The Holy Grail is located in a castle within the United Empire's capital. More precisely, in the hands of our beginning, that is all I will say. Now end this."

Nero, before stabbing him, asks, "Why do you bring all of these men if you just wish to fight me?" Caesar chuckles as he explains, "The men I brought with me were not my best troops but were criminals seeking to Leach off of the United Empire. They were men meant to be disposed of, and you've done my job for me; as I said before, even if I die, I still win, and I feel honored to die at the hands of an Emperor."

Nero then stabs the man through the heart, and he disintegrates into golden particles, smiling in contentment, but the location of the capital is dropped from the man's pocket with Spartacus, Boudica, Artoria, and Nobu ending the battle below.

I pat the Empress's head and say, "Well done, all of you." Mash then asks, "Why did you not help Ozias Senpai?" I shake my head and say, 'To put it simply, it was a kind of test in addition to the fact that Caesar had men waiting to ambush us if he was defeated and I was taking care of them."

I then gesture to the men who were lying unconscious on the ground as Nero chuckles and says, "This was only one of them. The others will still be waiting for us."

I nod and say, "We will be ready, and besides, we know where they all are now, and we have the advantage. The ball is in our court now." They all nod as we leave the camp, and I burn it to the ground, but in the end, one flag remains standing as if refusing to disappear.

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