
A Short Bout And Royal Meeting

Entry 145:

Linus Ozias POV:

As two of the servants dismount their wyverns, the lancer servant and the assassin servant walk towards us as Tamamo and Medusa ready themselves, along with Mash and myself, preparing for battle.

The Lancer looks upon us and says, "So this is who I must fight: two servants, well, two and a half, and regular humans? Truly, the afterlife is no better than mine."

The Assassin then chides him as she says, "You may keep your reservations to yourself, "my king," but I would like to partake of the female's flesh and blood as well as their insides. I can smell the vital energy."

The Lancer responds, "I can feel your greed oozing from here, but what of their souls? Who shall take them?" The woman then says excitedly, "I have no need for their souls. As I can sense the honor and purity they hold, and I do not need it to maintain my beauty."

The Lancer nods as he says while readying his spear, "Very well then. I shall take their souls. It is quite ironic as even while I can see the beauty in each of them, I may only do so after becoming such a blood-sucking evil."

The Assassin shakes visibly in manic energy as she says, "Yes! Yes! You understand! They cannot be allowed to exist while I roam this Earth, as I should be a little owner of all of the beauty. It should be me!"

[(RA) Would recommend you all retreat, but I do not think they will let you all leave. (OA)  Get out of there!]

We look at one another as I take out my crucible. Jalter (Jeanne Alter) scoffs as she says, "What is that a sword handle that can be produced from such a pathetic thing?"

I then ignite the blade as a golden yellow crucible inscribed with my angelic runes as the darker servants back away from its mere presence. "No, this is but the beginning, but I see since you are unwilling to dismount, you are afraid I can sense it."

Jalter growls in frustration as she yells, "Enough! I fear nothing! Not anymore! Kill them all!" The two servants rush at Tamamo and Medusa as I send a mental message to the group:" Mash, watch our flanks and the other servants. Ritsuka keeps the skeletons off us. Tamamo, I will aid you against the Assassin and Medusa. Can you handle the Lancer with Jeanne?"

"You got it, mikon!" Tamamo says as I block the Assassin's servant's blows, with Tamamo providing ranged support.

"I will start blasting Oz!" Ritsuka says as she uses the silver horns to disintegrate the nearby skeletons. As Mash responds, "I will watch the other servants and help the delusional master."

Medusa says in her serious tone. "If such a thing is required, I shall do so." Jeanne says, "Understood, Lord Ozias." It's a bit fervent, but such vigor is appreciated.

Lancer then rushes Medusa as she uses her knife chains to wrap the chains around the lance and unleash a barrage of kicks and punches. The Lancer dodges and uses the momentum from his lance to launch Medusa away as Jeanne catches the woman and then launches Medusa back into battle using her flag.

Jeanne then backs up Medusa by using her flag and spear to keep Lancer overwhelmed, as Medusa uses her speed to keep the Lancer focused on her.

"You must believe me to be foolish as you aren't paying attention." The Assassin says as she uses her staff to attempt to stab me. I simply sidestep while blasting her with holy power that singes her body with its presence as Tamamo launches various spells and seals while saying, "Away with you vile woman. My Lin has much better taste than you."

The Assassin chuckles as she says, "Oh, I will enjoy bathing in your blood, you damn yokai! As your master dies before you!" I then use reinforcement to augment my body and increase my speed to blink toward her, slash my crucible, and launch her into a building as the rubble crushes her.

Lancer is then stabbed by Medusa and cries out in pain. Lancer is then kicked towards Jalter but stands up as Assassin returns bloodied but still very much alive.

The berserk assassin then yells out to her lancer teammate, "I cannot believe you're unable to finish off a couple of servants. I wonder if you are feeling sympathy, Dracul!"

I narrow my eyes at that name as I state, "I had a feeling, but you are Vlad the Third, are you not?" The Lancer chuckles as he says, "How careless of you, assassin, to reveal my name like that, but yes, young magus, I am Vlad The Impaler."

[(RA) The greatest hero of Romania. This is not good.]

We all nod as the Assassin says proudly, "Why must I hide my name from these cretins without them knowing my name? They shall not know who is the end of them. I am Elizabeth Bathory or Carmilla! And none of you shall see the end of this day."

Vlad then laughs at the irony of her statement as he says, "You say that, but was it not those who escaped you that caused your downfall Carmilla?" I am then reminded of who she was: a Hungarian noblewoman who sought to retain her youth by bathing in the blood and essence of the women she killed and tortured.

Jalter then yells to her servants, "Enough! Both of you! I said to eliminate them and not fight amongst yourselves. Turn your animosity towards them and save the petty squabbles for later."

[(RA) Wow, talk about a hostile work environment.(Paraclesus Hohenheim) Yes, they seem rather animalistic in comparison to other servants. Maybe Jalter had enforced madness enhancement upon them?]

Mash then says, "Do not let your guards down, everyone, as it seems like they are still very much intent on killing all of us." We nod as I say, "They're on the ropes. The only thing they have left is their Noble Phantasms, but if the other servants join, I do not know."

The Hungarian noblewoman then laughs as she says, "I have no need to use that on any of you, but I may be convinced. Who knows, I am a very whimsical woman after all."

I then decide to answer that by blinking in front of her and ripping her heart out of her chest as I then return to my original position. All of that happened so quickly that none of them were able to see it.

As the woman prepared for battle, she soon fell over, but not before saying, "How?" She then disappears in yellow light. Jalter and everyone looked confused as Tamamo smirked in my direction.

"Lancer, retreat. This is not the place for us to fight just yet, but you, Linus Ozias, I will be watching you." Jalter says as I say, "Yes, run away in fear as you did with your faith." This gives her pause as she says quietly, "What is there to believe in anymore?"

Her wyverns then fly away. As we are left there, Ritsuka disintegrates the last skeleton while I check on Jeanne, and I ask, "Are you alright?" Jeanne nods and says, "I am alright, Lord Ozias, but being in the face of my own possible self is rather upsetting."

I nod as I say, "We do not know what we are able to do when under duress, but I know this: you are here with us right now helping to save who you can even after everything that's happened, and that is something no one will ever forget at least none of us here." 

She smiles and says, "Thank you for your words. It truly means a lot coming from you." To be honest, the amount of light this woman gives off could blind a person who could not see.

She reminds me of a stronger Asia Argento, but even that may be an insult to her faith as we gathered ourselves. Medusa says, "Masters, we have two observers. Should I eliminate them?"

I shake my head and say, "I would ask you to reveal yourselves now lest you suffer the fate of the Assassin from earlier." 

"Wait! I was simply waiting to show myself in the most elegant of ways even if this setting does not lend to my introduction." I chuckle as Mash says, "You're Queen Marie Antoinette?"

The rather short woman then nods and says, "Yes, I am or was a Queen of France, but I am not alone. Mozart, please show yourself." A man then walks out of the rubble wearing a colorful suit and holding a baton used to direct music. "Your majesty, please allow me to introduce myself next time?"

The woman pouts as the man says, "As the queen said, I am Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and it is an honor to meet all of you." He bows to us as I mention, "Have you been following us or the servants of Jeanne D'Arc?" Marie then says, "You see, I was trying to make that witch's body surrender to me."

Wait what?! Romani then says [My image of the queen just fell apart.] The queen then says, embarrassed "I mean, I wished to make her surrender entirely with her body and soul. Wait, no!"

Mozart then places a hand on her mouth as he says, "I believe you all get the point as we have attempted to rally allies to hopefully retake Orleans and end this chaotic symphony."

We all agree, as I mentioned, "Then why not reveal yourself before?" Mozart then says, "You all truly did not need it, and by the way the assassin's heart was ripped out, I was right."

Ritsuka then asks, "Your majesty, I must ask if you know anywhere we may find a baguette?" We groan as Marie looks almost pitying toward her as she says, "Sadly, such a food is only obtainable in the larger cities bread enjoyer."

I then place a hand on her shoulder as I say, "We will find that baguette, Ritsuka, but for now, we need to make our way toward Orleans." But then Mozart says, "We are going to need to find a dragon slayer first as that witch rides upon the Dragon Fafnir, and none can even pierce its armor without a dragon-slaying weapons."

That does make sense, and since I remember Siegfried being here, I may be able to analyze his sword as I look to Mozart and I ask, "Do you know where we can find a dragon slayer? I do not believe we have any lying around."

The musician then says while smiling, "I have heard rumors of a dragon slayer, but I have heard he has been cursed by the witch." He then motions to the duration of the town the dragon slayer was last seen in. "Well, then, our course is clear. We need to find the dragon slayer as well as cure him of his curse so that he may help us in our attack on Orleans."

As we all nod to each other, we begin to walk in the direction of the town, and luckily, it's only a couple hours walk from where we were. Along the way, I ask the queen, "So, by the way, with how you spoke of our Saint here, you seem to admire her. Is that true?"

  The queen gives me a somber smile and says, "Yes, what happened to her was always a matter that French nobility felt pity for, as it was our actions that doomed the saint, and while I may feel slight guilt for it, I could never truly understand her suffering but being here in her presence I can understand why men were willing to follow her."

I nod as I see Jeanne smiling at me, and I return with one of my own as the queen says, "I do hope she gets to live a life amongst Heroes now as she deserves as such." I nod in agreement as we walk towards the dragon slayer.

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