
Meeting A Wizard And A Metal Man

Entry 123:

Linus Ozias POV:

The concept of time for me is odd as I have been affected by not only my human memories but the ones that came with my angelic form in addition to the psychic imprint from the emperor of mankind.

  While humans can barely think of plans a couple of years in advance, even if a couple of months and yet a month have passed by, and I've barely felt it.

Maybe it is because I have such amazing people around me that I'm simultaneously enjoying my work while also being distracted from the time going by. 

Yet, as I lay with all of my loved ones in bed, I am thankful for the opportunity I have been given to embrace eternity with others.

Currently, Yasaka is lying on my chest with Rose and Ingvild taking my left arm and Gaea and Gabriel on my right arm, and as I lay in genuine bliss, I feel at peace as nothing can ruin my rest.



Nothing can ruin my rest.



I pick up the phone and say, "Yes, is something the matter?" I then hear Sienna say over the phone, "I apologize, Anakim, but it seems like your business has attracted a lot of attention as not only James Ironwood but also Ozpin wants to meet with you."

When I ask where Sienna says that they have come here in an Atlesian vessel, and I quickly notice it.

I sigh as I get up, which stirred the others, but they soon fall back to sleep from the night we had before as I clean myself up and teleport to the meeting.

As I walked into the room, both James and Ozpin seemed surprised I was already there. "I assume you are the mysterious creator of the Silver Citadel and the CEO of Celestial Tales?"

I simply respond by looking Ozpin in the eye and saying, "I assume you are wondering if I am working with Salem, are you not?"

This puts the two in alarm as Ironwood reaches for his pistol, and Ozpin grips his cane all the tighter as I continue, "You do not need to worry, for I am not working for the witch; I am working for my own interests in that of this world."

"You both have seen the creations from my company that do not rely on dust to operate, and I hope to spread this technology to the rest of the world because, as we know, dust is a finite resource that does not work beyond this planet."

This does not dissuade the two, but Ironwood asks, "How can we believe you are not working for the witch."

I then teleport Salem herself to the ship and into my hand as I grip her tightly. Ozpin is shocked that she looks human as he says, "Salem, how have you returned to normal?"

She looks at me with an unreadable expression while looking rather tired and in pain, as she says, "It's thanks to this being here that I've returned to my normal form, and while I'm still immortal, he can kill me at any time." 

The two are utterly flabbergasted at this development as I state, "I have already eliminated every member of her council, and I've even eliminated the traitor you've had in your midst this entire time."

Ironwood looks confused and then, with wide eyes, utters, "Leo, damn it!" He then asks, "What is your goal here? As from your powers, you could quite literally eliminate the grim."

I simply state, "You're right. I could, but I do not wish to, as this world is not ready to move beyond its current state. Currently, the people would not be able to move on unless given ample opportunity to do so in this world has purely operated on huntsman and huntresses and dust for hundreds of years."

The two ponder my response as Ozpin asks, "Did they send you here?" I shake my head and respond, "No, those two brothers did not send me here. I have simply arrived hearing the call of humanity's suffering."

Ironwood then asks, "So what is your end game exactly as you must have some type of goal here?" I simply state, "I wish to uplift Humanity as I have done before and simply to aid in the development of their own potential in a more naive idea to see this world have its own happy ending."

Ozpin simply smiles and says, "Life is not a fairytale unless we make it as such, is that right?" I nod and say, "Well, a true happy ending is impossible. I wish to gain as close to one as possible for every world I visit."

I then look to Salem as she remains silent and ask, "I am surprised you are remaining So Silent." She then looks at me and says, "I have nothing to say as in the end, I will die, along with those brother gods. In all honesty, I've already won, as that's all I've ever wanted."

I sigh as this woman genuinely seems done with life as I teleport her back to her castle. "Now, do you both see what I mean, and while I will not ask you both to trust me, I ask that none of you attempt to stall me and my company's progress."

Ironwood looks hesitant as Ozpin still seems dazed at the current state of his former wife while I continue, "I understand the both of you have responsibilities to your individual  kingdoms, but I'm trying to end all of that, all of the pointless wars."

As the two seem like they need time to think of this, I hand them both communicators to contact me for future conversations, and before I teleport out, I say one last thing: "By the way, General Ironwood, you should be receiving a critical call in a couple of minutes."

I then teleport out as the general seems genuinely confused, which does put a smile on my face for interrupting my nap, which almost makes me laugh as I am acting similarly to Beerus from Dragon Ball Super. 

Ironwood will soon receive a call from Atlas that will have him return to arrest Jacques Schnee for his multitude of crimes after Adam is done with him, of course, as I am a God of my word, after all.

Regarding the other members of my organization, Mercury has fitted well among the iscariots while Emerald is still in our holding cell, broken and alone, such as the fate of one that followed such a megalomaniac. 

Both Adam and Raven are serving as excellent spies as Adam has managed to group all of the more malicious members of the White Fang, which are currently being taken care of as those unwilling to change have no place in this world.

It is regrettable, but those who just wish to see the world burn are those who propagate chaos, and such things are not allowed ever.

Those who are just there to follow along will be added to my organization, anyone who is unwilling to change or to forgive or just live, or simply those who just wish to live in violence.

As such, I would not want a bunch of Kratoses running around acting on missions of Vengeance across the world for the unfair treatment that has been levied upon them. Luckily, now, with all of the male factors out of the way, the Vytal Festival will go on without a hitch, and speaking of which, should I return Summer Rose to life?

Because I can sense her soul, and it would be easy to return her to bodily form, such as a thought for later. But I will keep a hold on it. Since arriving in this world, my Heaven System has been acting as the afterlife for this world as it seems like the brother gods did not create one and simply allowed souls to return to the universe where they would just dissipate.

Another thing I despise those Brothers for is death should be treated with respect other than the one from Marvel. She is a bitch that goes beyond her station, but that is a tangent for another time.

It does put a smile on my face to imagine what would happen when Raven and Summer show up to the festival. It would be both hilarious and heart-wrenching, I would imagine.

Ah, yes, the options of a god are great indeed for now, though I need to focus on keeping my company on track as well. We've spread from Mistral to Vale, and we still need to spread our influence to Vacuo and Atlas. But it only should take a couple more months as the people are taking to my products like Fate Grand Order fans would take to new servant banners.

I do wonder what my next main quest is going to be, and I hope to all that is Holy that I am not going to Fate Grand Order as I do not want to deal with all of those servants. But such is the future, ever-changing and adapting.

For now, though, I shall return to bed as my lovelies are waiting for me, and now nothing can ruin my rest.




Nothing can ruin my rest.

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