
Discover Yourself

Entry 115:

Linus Ozias POV:

After dealing with the reapers, I teleported all of them into a pocket dimension created by my space-time magic.

There, they will be studied and improved upon, but I did not leave the Mass Effect universe without giving the people something else.

I had downloaded into their computers knowledge of various other means of space travel, not of weaponry but simply other means of traversing the galaxy that did not rely on their current systems that would eventually cause the heat death of the universe.

In all honesty, I did not play the mass effect game, but I heard of the ending, and when I looked into the systems of that AI, I was simply appalled.

But yet another being believes in a cycle of chaos and order, and while they were right about the effects of element 0, they were the ones that pioneered the original technology and did not improve upon it before they died.

Now I have given them a chance, I simply hope that they use it, and while I was too late in the timeline, I had hoped I had changed that ending, if only a little bit because Commander Shepard is a being that deserves a break.

But knowing the tripod Commander, you will continue serving in the military for a long while, and I do hope he got my message.

Now I simply wonder what my next mission is, as the previous one was simply to make sure Shepard survives, and I do hope I can recognize the next setting. Upon focusing on the feeling once more, I find myself in another space.

The ROB was in what I assume to be the true form that is reminiscent of a more grand Eternity from the Marvel Universe. He holds in his hand a small universe as he watches it in silence.

I do not interrupt him as he soon states, "It's beautiful, is it, not the simplicity yet complexity of a universe, and I hold in my hand the power to destroy or to create. Even after all of this time, I still find beauty in such things."

I smile while replying, "Yes, admiring one's creation is truly a unique feeling, and I believe I will never grow tired of it, as it's like watching a garden bloom that you have yet to see."

The ROB chuckles as he asks, "But you would wish to control the process, would you not?" I nod, not wanting to lie. "I would, but I understand that controlling everything is too much. It throttles potential if held too tightly."

The ROB nods in agreement. "Well, I can understand the need for your control based on how your life ended so suddenly. Understand that, in the end, we are all imperfect beings, even myself. Take, for example, the fact that I believe Miranda is the best girl in the Mass Effect universe."

I am very tempted to take out my blade and shout to burn the heretic in front of me, but I hold my tongue as the being laughs.

"That is what I mean, as we are allowed to have differing opinions on topics as such random thoughts are what makes life beautiful." I sigh at the being's eccentricity.

We are then in the office again as he pulls out another essence that looks odd as inside seems to be the small world from before. I then drink it and feel a fire in my veins as circuitry begins to glow along my being as two hundred magic circuits are opened and fuse with my being.

I then begin to chant:

In the depths of the unknown, I've delved.

Where the fabric of reality is woven.

And from the ashes of my past, I've risen.

With the power of the cosmos, I've been given.

I've seen the beauty of the stars.

And the horror of the void, so far.

I've walked the paths of light and dark.

And found the balance; that's my spark.

The stars are my guiding light,

My beacon in the dark of night,

I reach for them with all my might,

And let their glory ignite.

I defy the chains of gravity.

And soar on eagle's wings.

I am the master of my destiny.

In a world that's full of fear and doubt.

I choose to be the one who dares.

To defy reality and shout!

Rise From Stagnation! My Eternal Legion!

A bright light ensues, and when I open my eyes, I see a world of metal and nature surrounded by a void of space with the sound of a hammer hitting an anvil. I then notice a certain red-haired blacksmith forging thousands of swords, and as he notices me, he says, "I see you finally made it, boy. I would welcome you, but I am busy."

I simply stare at him as he says, "If you are just going to stand there, boy, you can help this old man forge this blade."

I then help as we spend what seems like hours forging one blade, creating the mold, heating and cooling the metal, and applying various runes, enchantments, and blessings.

After half a day, a sword is shown to me as the blacksmith says, "It is yet to become perfect, but it is a blade, and for a first-timer, it's decent." My eye twitches at this statement as I ask, "How are you here?"

He looks at me as if I have grown a second head as he says, "I've always been here since you fought with Surtur. You just haven't realized it, or you simply haven't been able to manifest it. But I'm not alone here. Look deeper."

As I then look beyond, I see billions of my creations, from weaponry to armor and other inventions, and the void now shows the fleet I created along with every invention I have ever made.

Every android, every robot, every single creation of mine is here as I pick up a bolter from the ground, loaded and ready to fire. I look to the blacksmith as he says, "You may not be a blacksmith boy, but you are still a creator. Everything here is a testament to what you have done, and it will only grow from here. Even though I may not be the real Senji Muramasa, I will always attempt to complete his wish to create the perfect blade."

I nod in agreement, as this world is a testament to my deeds. The void further clears and shows the various hive worlds I have made, and in the center of the planet, I see a large silver throne. As I approach it and sit down, I feel invigorated by the power I can summon.

This world is mine, one that shall always exist as long as I will it so.

As I take the throne, my legions gather below the throne and bow as I witness my eternal and endless legion following me until the end.

And I smile, witnessing the fruits of my labor.

Looking back to the forged sword, I see it has become the Blade Encarmine as it speaks to me, "I shall slay all your enemies, my emperor. Let us bathe in the blood of all your foes."

The Telesto spear then appears and says in a regal voice, "We shall be with you until the end, and our light shall guide the endless worlds."

I then focus on leaving the space as the blacksmith says, "Hey! Try to meet some more servants, as it gets boring here alone!"

I laugh as I exit the space and find myself in a new world.

I see a tower in the distance that looks similar to a relay tower combined with the gears of Big Ben.

"RWBY huh? Yasaka may not be happy with this."

I then teleport to Menagerie, and as the vast desert is shown before me, I focus my energy and divinity as I say, "Upon this rock, I shall build my church."

A bright light flashes as the surroundings change and terraform before me.

Next chapter