Entry 110:
Linus Ozias POV:
You know, I think I understand how the Doom Slayer is able to fight the hordes of hell for so long, or at least a part of it.
It's so much fun as I'm simply able to tear through hordes of enemies with no consequence. It's like playing a first-person shooter.
But I do not believe that Tartarus is amused by me having so much fun as he yells in frustration, "How have you not died yet!? Simply being in this place must be siphoning your light and leaving you lifeless!"
Meta Essences for the win!
But I do not allow a response to leave my lips as I continue further into the realm, closer and closer to the dark heart, and while destroying it would not kill Tartarus, it would leave him weakened enough so that I may absorb the consciousness into the construct I have with me.
Similarly to what Kronos did to Oranos, I'm going to pull in his consciousness and rent it to shreds so fully and thoroughly that this realm will no longer have the ability to hold its own consciousness.
But he is not making it easy for me, or at least his version of easy, as I am having the time of my life right now. I really should start keeping score.
It is very liberating to have so much power at my disposal, as there are so many inventive ways I can use it.
For example, I used my holy constructs to create force fields that are constantly active around me while also creating cubes that slow them down and slowly disintegrate them inside like jello.
In addition to the fact that my arsenal is essentially endless, the ammo I have is infinite as well, and I can simply use my creation magic to create infinite magazines.
I would call it god mode, but that would just be redundant at this point.
In all honesty, I could use Tartarus as my means of weapons testing, as this realm produces endless amounts of demons and monsters.
But my inner scientist will have to wait.
"Stop enjoying yourself. This is a serious matter!" Tartarus grows in indignation as I yell, "Right, okay, I would do that if you were actually intimidating."
I can feel his rage building as Tartarus begins to shake and contort, forming more and more monsters with him at the helm.
The titans that look similar to the ones from Doom Eternal try to slam their swords into the ground as I flip onto the blade of one, run along the blade, and slash my crucible blade into the titan's eyes, causing it to buck and scream in pain as I fall down the beast while my crucible blade slows my descent.
Similar to Kratos during his battle against Kronos, my blade cut open the titan's insides as I used the beast as a wall, letting his stomach and intestines spill out while I aimed my BFG into the titan's stomach and blew the beast up from the inside.
While I superhero land and turn away from the beast as it falls.
The other titan attempts to grab me, but I simply cut the hand to pieces using an improvised blade mode from the Metal Gear Franchise.
I then use my aspect of control to squeeze the brain and heart of the titan, and it slows to a standstill and begins to bleed from its ears; it falls as I look to Tartarus and do a four-fingered gesture to fight.
He then obliges, saying, "Well, if you want something done right, do it yourself, and you have earned my respect, Child Of Light." I simply say, "You're at your limit, Tartarus. I can sense it. But I simply wish to understand why you are doing this."
He laughs as he says, "What, you expect me to have some reason like, oh, I was lonely, or I just wish to drown the world in darkness? I do not need a reason; I am inevitable. All things return to the dark. I'm just expediting the process."
I simply sigh as though all of his posturing and grandiose demeanor, I can feel his fear, but what he is afraid of can be a multitude of things, from the arrival of the alien gods to the growth of the sacred gears.
"Then let us end this Tartarus. No tricks. No games. Just you and me." Tartarus smiles and says, "Just as it was destined to be."
We charge at one another, while Tartarus does not have any fighting experience. He has the power and the control of his abilities to match me.
Every blow shakes the entire underworld from Tartarus to the Devil Pillars as the world above begins to experience quakes and trembles.
Light and darkness collide, creating a twilight of colors as my crucible meets his sword of the abyss, and our blades clash, causing ruptures in reality. Soon enough, we find ourselves in the gap between the underworld and the earth.
But Tartarus continued to battle me as we fought, spending hours in that gap with swords clashing and my light meeting his abyss that could silence worlds, but eventually, he gave first.
Since we were in the gap between worlds, he was separated from Tartarus and thus his heart, and before the battle, I had attached an explosive to the heart and blew it to shreds when we broke reality.
By the time Tartarus noticed, it was already too late as his powers began to wane, and his main consciousness was being forced into a soul box I had created similar to the ones from Doom Eternal. They used to hold human Souls but were reinforced to the point that they could hold the soul of a primordial being.
Tartarus looked at me in his last moments and said, "You have no idea what is coming. There are far more things terrifying than death."
His consciousness is then absorbed into the soul box as I disintegrate it, and the realm of Tartarus goes quiet as I ponder his words. But for now, I have one, and as he was the last remaining threat, my mission is nearly complete. All that remains is one more thing.
I leave the underworld stronger than ever as my understanding of darkness and the abyss has grown through my fight. I cannot wield it as it goes against my existence, but I will find a way.
For to gain the ultimate control, I must encompass everything.
As I return to Kyoto, I am met by a newly awakened purple-haired Leviathan dressed in a Kuoh Academy uniform, and as she sees me, she smiles and hugs me, saying, "Welcome back, Anakim! How are you doing as we felt your battle from here?" Ingvild says, concerned, as I place a hand on her head.
"I am all right, Ingvild, as the battle is over and the threat of the abyss is no more, all that there is left now is the future. But thanks for asking young Levithan." She smiles and leans into my hand as Yasaka enters the room and says, "Am I interrupting something, Anakim?"
Ingvild then stops and backs away in embarrassment as I give the fox a kiss and whisper, "I am going to get you back for that, my naughty fox." She shivers in my arms as I sigh. This is a world of perverts for a reason.
I can feel Ingvild's envy at our interaction as I smile at her and say, "You need not worry, Ingvild, we are all family here." I then use my control aspect so she may join the group hug.
"Although what is with the uniform, Ingvild?" She then says, "Oh, I asked Yasaka if I could go to school in Kuoh, and she said yes, that's okay, right?" I sigh and nod as she hugs me tighter.
I give Yasaka a look, and she returns it, and the consensus is clear: "This girl is in need of protection."
(Well, ladies and gentlemen, the arc in High School DxD is going to be coming to an end soon as the alien gods aren't set to appear for another 30 years, and since the quest has been completed, that being him becoming an actual god, the next quest shall begin in earnest. I thank each and every one of you guys who is following along so far.)
(Although the fact that the next world after RWBY is going to be Fate Grand Order fills me with more dread than you guys can ever imagine. The room I write my stuff in looks like the Always Sunday meme with the guy that has papers all along the walls and floors.)