
Fate Takes A Backseat To Shounen

Entry 92:

Linus Ozias POV:

The fight with Thor was very enlightening in a way, a pure slugfest with power-matching power, and while I did not remove my tattoos, I did have to reveal my God mode, even if only for a couple of seconds.

  Yet every second that passes as I remain in my God mode, I feel it becoming more attuned with me, more real.

I feel something calling for me; I have yet to locate what it is, but it feels integral to my success.

It feels like fingers at the surface of my mind beckoning me with whispers of great things, but one should never follow strange voices in one's mind.

As I heal the God of Thunder from his injuries and reattach his arm, he thanks me for the battle as the arena erupts in cheers and jubilation, as there is no hatred nor fear but excitement.

Soon enough, Thor regains consciousness and says tiredly, " We will fight again, angel, and I will not lose again, so I hope you keep improving even though you still have much strength to spare."

I smile as I pick up the god and give him to the medics. As they thank me and rush the god away as he gives me a youthful thumbs up.

I may have hit the god too hard.

Odin and Vidar then walk up to me, with the latter slapping me on the back as he says with vigor, " I congratulate you on your victory, angel, and while your form does spark a lot of interest, I would suggest powering down." 

I abide by his request and return to my standard angel form or Archangel at this point.

But before any more words can be spoken, a giant whirring can be heard, and the palace begins to warp and distort as a large portal opens. Surtur himself and Laufey exit the portal, and the temperature drops and rises at a similar rate, freezing half of Asgard while the other half is set ablaze.

I react immediately, setting a magic circle across the entirety of Asgard, teleporting each and every civilian to one part of my Iscariot orders compounds in the dimensional gap. 

While this may reveal the location to others, it doesn't matter because this is it.

As I put on my armor and take my sword in my hand, I see Thor is already out of the medical center while wearing only a hospital gown and his gauntlets and belt.

Floating between Laufey and Surtur, Loki stands, looking wholly and utterly livid as he yells, "Bring the Angel that slayed my son to me now! And I may not leave Asgard a smoking ruin!"

Odin gives me a look, and I nod as I fly directly to them 

as I float in front of the giants, with both of them looking at me with interest.

"Well, Little God, I am here, so how about we finish this so I can deal with someone that actually is threatening." I motion to the two giants as they laugh at my statement, "Laufey and Surtur, I believed you two would be more intelligent than to fall for the trickster's lies, but here we are."

The two then growl at me as Surtur bellows, " And what does a tiny angel know about our dealings with the little god? Together, we are unstoppable." 

I laugh, which causes them to try to strike me as I yell," Is that right, Surtur? But I know what you fear."

The fire giant slashes at me with his twilight sword that rends Asgard asunder as I stop midair and grab the giant blade. While the sword is mighty and its flames intense.

Tsumukari Muramasa had flames created from thousands of cursed swords. His fire is nothing!

Surtur tries to pull the blade away but finds it unmoving while Laufey strikes me with his club, yet I use my other arm to catch it as the light grows brighter.

The fire giant begins to quake in fear as he tries to move the sword but cannot as my God Mode is activated, the fire is put out, ice is melted, and the sky returns to its sunny luminescence.

All that can be heard is a booming voice that states, "All will be well," and the sword is pulled from his hands and absorbed into the blade Encarmine, and with the fiery blade, one slash rends the two giant's heads from their bodies.

As their forms fall to the ground and disappear, Loki is left alone as the slash destroys the portal, leaving all the giants slaughtered by the Valkyries and Thor, Odin and Tyr.

Thor is practically naked as he beheads one giant before using the head as a bowling ball to throw toward another group of fleeing giants.

Loki then attempts to stab me, but I stop his hand and look toward the blade.

A tooth from Fenrir infused with poison from the dragon eater Samael and the World Serpent.

I sigh as I break the god's arms, and he screams out in pain while flailing around as I break his legs and back. Along with his hands and fingers, every bone in his body is broken slowly and in pain.

The trickster god cries out in pain, but none answer his call for help, maybe out of fear or the understanding of this god's need for punishment.

In the end, as trickster god whispers in resignation, " Please end this. You've already taken my son, and my plans are in ruins. Ragnarok will never happen because of you, so end it."

In one swift motion, I stab Loki with his own dagger, and as he screams out in agony, his form corrodes and deforms, and after five long minutes, he fades into nothing.

I put the dagger in my inventory as the fighting comes to a close, and as Skol and Hati have been captured, they cannot trigger Ragnarok.

As I turn to the rest of Asgard, I raise my sword and shout, " The battle is over! We have triumphed! Let all know of this victory and cower in the face of our might! For Asgard and for glory!"

The cheer can be heard across the nine realms, and without their leaders and monsters, Ragnarok shall never occur, and Khaos Brigade has lost prospective allies.

This chapter is over, and all that is left is to find Kokabiel, eliminate the Tepes Faction, and kill Rizevim Lucifer. Still, as the battle ends, Odin throws Rossweisse to me and shouts, " Don't worry about the repairs. We will take care of it. Help this Valkyrie lighten up, please, and let it be known you will always be a friend of Asgard!" 

Before I could say anything, Odin threw me out of his realm with Rossweisse in my arms. She looked shocked when I asked her, "Well, this is definitely a development. Do you want to come with me?"

Instead of answering, she closes her eyes and passes out from the pure shock as I sigh and return to Heaven to report to Michael on a job well done?

I need a vacation.

Next chapter