(I'm going to be honest with you guys: dealing with this universe is a pain because the power scaling is insane, as many beings in this universe are stated to be strong but never show it. And then there's the dragon gods and the alien gods, with the foreign gods taking out the dragon gods, who are confirmed to be planetary level to possibly multi-planetary with a single attack with the full might of a multi-planetary attack scratching them. FML)
Entry 83:
Gabriel POV:
He has returned, and from how he looks, he has definitely changed, as I have not only been gifted with the ability of a future vision but of the ability to read someone's heart and soul, even if only on a fundamental level.
And from the looks of it, he seems to be getting stronger by the second.
Amazing, utterly lustrous, the light within him is growing and growing rather steadily as his rate of power gain is insane.
If you were to fight anyone in the state he is now, he would most likely rank at the Super Devils level and the Hindu pantheon's lower levels.
But now I can also sense an innate connection to the planet, a blessing from the primordial herself, which only increases his power the more he stands on the earth.
I do not know if he even recognizes that, but his presence feels like I am surrounded by a pure amount of natural energy.
Every day, he grows closer to being more like "him," but it is not enough. It is not nearly enough, and he knows that as I can sense deep down not lust but an intense need for power.
I do hope he does not get lost on his journey for strength, but from what I am seeing, he is doing well, and I can feel positive emotion flowing out of him.
Oh no, it seems like my overflowing amount of emotion is affecting him as he is seemingly nervous. It is quite adorable to see the difference between such a large Angel and the emotions he can show on his face.
"Hello, brother. It seems that you have gotten along quite well with the Yokai faction leader in Kyoto, have you not?"
He blushes as he nods and states, "In all honesty, it was pure chance, Sister Gabriel, and I was lucky that they required assistance that I could provide."
Oh, it is adorable to watch him divert this conversation, and I need to hold myself back from rushing and giving him a hug like a giant teddy bear.
I believe that is what the Japanese called gap moe from what Sandalphon has shown me in her manga.
I then beckon him to follow me, which he does as I ask, "So tell me, Brother Anakim, how does having sex feel with a nine-tailed fox?"
He almost falls from the sky as he states after clearing his throat, "I have no idea what you mean, sister. As you know, we angels cannot have sex without falling."
I just laugh as that is what we tell the normal angels, but in fact, angels can have sex if done out of pure love, and the fact that he lied and did not fall interests me.
But it seems like my brother does not know that, and I will keep him believing that Angels cannot have sex as it amuses me.
I then stated, "We will have to hold this conversation for later as I would like to hear about all of the details, and I hear that the woman has a daughter as well. I did not know my brother liked to go after widowed women. If only Azazael was here, he would laugh and grin, calling you his proud younger brother."
He just sighs as I laugh, and as I enjoy these moments with him, I know later he will grow to be someone great I have seen it.
And he will bring his majesty to other worlds which I only gained glimpses of but have told no one, from a world torn apart by two negligent gods to a world populated by legends similar to our own but divided by science and magic.
I felt like I was not meant to see those last couple of visions, but I was shown them by another power, and I was also changed in a way as I understand my purpose is to help guide him.
As we enter the Archangel Meeting Room, all of the archangels are present, which is surprising as most of them are busy with other matters.
I then sit in my seat with Anakim standing at the other end of the table. We really should get larger chairs for him, the poor giant angel.
Linus Ozias POV:
I really should never underestimate that Archangel sister of mine because I nearly dropped from the sky when she mentioned the fact that I had sex with the Yokai leader.
How would she even know about that unless it's that women's intuition from anime that is bullshit?
Thoughts for later as I stand at the other end of the table opposite Michael, who continues to give me that smiling look of his as he asks the first question, "Welcome home, brother. May you please present your report on your business in Japan?"
I nod as I create copies of my report and send them across the entire table, excluding specific facts that I don't want them to know just yet, nothing major, just the details of my relationship with the Yokai leader.
Okay, I just don't want them to know that I had sex with a woman, but that's not the point.
As the other archangels continue to read the report, their eyes widen as they reach the end, and Uriel himself starts to go into pure fire mode as he reads. "Brother, you had the Infinite Dragon God in your home for days and subjugated her with what you wrote here: head pats and delicious food?"
I nod with the most deadpan face I can make as I explain, "In all honesty, brothers and sisters, the infinite Dragon God is very childish to the point where it could be manipulated to do basically anything, or it is just putting up a perfect act but regardless the things I have learned from her are daunting, to say the least."
Uriel sighs as he sits down. "You are right, brother. This Khaos Brigade that is using Ophis to empower its members presents a grave threat to the biblical factions and the entire world."
I nodded his reasoning as it is correct as even if splitting to multiple factions, this terrorist organization can do grave damage, but since I've already taken out the hero faction, they will be unable to split Ophis into Lilith.
But they still do hold the keys to the seals created by God to hold back Beast 666.
I already have my Iscariots attempting to infiltrate the vampire faction, which, to be honest, is not hard as they simply have to pose as innocent and weak humans so that the Vampires will take them to their home base in Romania, specifically The Tepes faction.
Once I am able to get a viable location for Valerie, I will rescue her while taking her sacred gear, Sephiroth Grail.
In all honesty, it will be better for her as her continued use of it killed her soul off piece by piece, and once I take it from her and heal her soul, she will be a reasonably powerful vampire or daywalker.
Then I can introduce Valerie and Gasper to gain favor from the Gremory family.
In all honesty, it is a win-win for every party involved, and with some mental manipulation on my part, the young vampire won't even remember she had her sacred gear, and with her mind already in a fragile state, it will be easy to take care of.
Since Gasper did not know that his sister had a sacred gear, it'll be as if nothing happened, and since I'm already planning on killing her failure of a brother and if her father is still alive, him too.
The only ones that will know are the Khaos Brigade, and no one's going to believe a terrorist organization at face value.
Eventually, the topic of conversation comes back to Kokabiel with Michael looking at me and saying, "Brother, I can sense your rise in power, and I believe that a test is in order. While you have the strength of an archangel, this shall truly be your mark. Once our brother shows himself, you will battle him, and once you win, you shall be named the Archangel of Control. I wish you luck. May Father be with you all."
The meeting is adjourned as I return to my residence to prepare and to train, for there is always room for improvement, and I have some godslaying equipment to make.
I have five days until April, as it is now March 27th, and the battle with Loki begins in Late August. As such, I have at minimum four to three months before Rizveim Lucifer officially joins the Khaos Brigade.
I feel bad because I'm going to have to steal Vali's kill, but without that slippery fuck messing with the world, I will have more time to deal with the alien gods.
The devil himself is known as the crystallization of malice for a reason. He doesn't do anything for a reason and just believes the devil should be, as they are always described as innately malicious or evil, and in all honesty, if he was in a universe such as Marvel or DC he would fit right in if not killed immediately.
I also need to develop weaponry that can deal with Gods like Loki because while I can't kill him so as to not risk Odin being pissed at the biblical factions, it does not mean I can pull a cultivation move and cripple the child-like god.
Politics are so annoying, and I now realize that Iskandar had a point in Fate Zero.