
Cooking Is The True Power

(Before I begin this chapter, I would like to ask if I am providing enough chapters for you all because I always attempt to get out at least two to three chapters a day, one at a minimum, so I hope I am providing enough for the story.)

Entry 77:

Akeno Himejima POV:

After having that conversation with Anakim-Sama, I lie in deep thought as I am unsure of how to proceed. I do not immediately forgive my father for his failure, nor will my distaste for the Fallen suddenly disappear, but I can see things from a new perspective now.

As that angel described his experience during the Great War, I could feel his pain and his suffering. I did not think an angel could have such profound emotion without falling.

But in the end, we all are emotional beings, are we not?

But I will have to punish him for that little tricky he pulled at the end, as only I can hurt people and make them feel good. And he knew what he did from that smirk he had as he teleported away.

For now, I return to my King's side as she continues her school work, even with the engagement with the Phenex heir on the horizon. But such conversation is taboo here.

Rias then asks, noticing my presence, "Oh Akeno, how was your patrol of the town? Did you notice anything of interest?"

Oh, I most definitely did, but I believe I should keep that conversation under wraps for now.

"No, Rias, I only found  traces of stray devils, but our resident angel is seemingly taking care of them en masse." As I say this, she frowns. "Ah, yes, him. He has been so quiet that I had almost forgotten about him, but for now, we must focus on the important things." Rias then gains a serious look on her face, which means.

"A new issue of the Berserk Manga is coming out soon, and I need to find out what happened to Guts and Kasca and Griffith." I then just smile at my King's clear weeb tendencies as she means well.

(Before you guys ask, yes, our main character is releasing that manga himself as a bit of a side project under the anagram name Heavenly Host.)

I only lightly chuckle as I feel light on my feet like a large weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and as I stare towards a certain Angel's residence, I wonder how he is doing.

Linus Ozias POV:

The Infinite Dragon God is an existence that existed since the beginning of concepts in this world.

A being that could flick the country of Japan away and destroy the world by only using half, if not less, of her power.

That same being was sitting on my kitchen chair and devouring all my food at a pace that would put every saber face in existence to shame.

I am not above admitting that I put all five of my charges today into cooking and making my food beyond divine.

And as the loli dragon god finishes her seventh full-course meal, she looks up at me and says, "More."

But now I just ask, "Lady Ophis, why are you here other than to ask me to help you get rid of the Dragon God that guards our reality from invaders."

She just gives me a head tilt as if not able to understand the point, as she seemingly has not put a single thought into what Great Red actually does other than do tricks in the gap.

"He took my silence, and I want it back."

I just beckon her to follow me, which she does if not for the cookies I am leading her on with, and as we enter a room in my lab, I place down a prototype I have been working on.

An orb that emits an area of effect that silences an entire area. It is an Eldar design created for them to sleep as they are forced to torture humans.

In addition to the fact that the orb of Silence was able to silence the immaterial so that Slanesh could not bother their dreams.

When it activates, the entire room goes dead, and any sounds made just don't exist, and any steps I take make no sound as the walls, floors, and ceiling have been lined with enhanced Vibranium that will nullify any sound.

Then I began to hear another connection forming in my mind, and seeing the Infinite Dragon God staring at me, I accepted, "This is nice." 

I sigh in relief as she stands next to me, and all I hear her say in my mind is one word: "Warm."

As I try to pull her off lightly, she refuses to let go as I wonder how my decisions have led me to this moment.

So, I try to do the next best thing using my enhanced calculative ability. I have been experimenting with the possibility of imaginary numbers similar to what Sakura does in the Fate universe but with fewer Eldritch Horrors and a lot more math.

By doing so, I am able to separate us, albeit very temporarily, but such a chance is enough so that I can leave the room and shut the door, and seeing as the infinite Dragon God does not want to leave her silence, then let's just leave her to it.

I already have everything I need as throughout that entire time, I've had the house's scanners scanning the infinite Dragon God's energy signature so that I can find anything relating to her.

Soon enough, I will be able to track anyone who uses one of her snakes to power up or is simply holding them.

I then receive an alert that Freed Sellzen has arrived in the town as I've had my people watching him, and he is seemingly entering the abandoned church to talk to the Fallen Angels.

I just need a little bit more, as I have that entire place lined with bugs and cameras that they cannot even see.

I am debating just killing all of the stray priests, as while I may need them to locate Kokabiel, I can just have my Iscariots search for him.

For now, the wait is almost over, as once that freak harms an innocent, I will have cause to enter that church, and they cannot deny working for a serial killer and employing him to harm devil contractors.

Knowing that psychopath, he will lose his patience and just kill someone eventually.

All I need to do is wait, and all I need will fall into place.

Regarding the Red Dragon Emperor, I already have all I need from him as I have been monitoring him and scanning his innate Dragonic energy from his sacred gear, and since the Red Dragon himself is not awake yet, I have already been able to learn the basics of his boost in transfer ability.

Essentially how boost works is that it takes innate willpower and emotion and turns it into magical energy that helps to reinforce specific things.

Transfer just takes that power and sends it to an external source, and it is also affected by the innate emotion that fuels the energy, and that is why during the original show when the main character used that transfer ability, it was a rather interesting thing to watch.

Now, all I need to do is to analyze the white dragon as his Divine abilities are interesting as it was able to reduce a Cadre class Fallen Angel to barely mid-class with just a few uses of the ability.

And yes, it is surprising, but Kokabiel is a Cadre class, only slightly weaker than Azazel himself. That is how busted divide can be when not nerfed, in addition to the fact that with divide comes the possibility of compression divide that is literally able to divide something's existence into non-existence.

The poison of the white dragon is interesting as it is able to harm Divine beings, but it is less critical.

Soon enough, all I need will just fall into place.

But I am working under a deadline because I need to find Rizevim Lucifer before he makes contact with the EXE machine gods.

Like Jack Slash back in Worm Rizevim Lucifer will cause the end of the world much faster if he can remain alive.

But that Devil is a slippery bastard as he constantly runs and hides, and I find it ironic that someone so into causing chaos is so cowardly.

I am also technically a coward, but unlike him, I am building up my strength. While he has a multi-faction organization, and he is technically a super devil, he acts like a cliche final boss, sending more potent and stronger enemies to fight the heroes so that they're strong enough to fight him.

But I just blame the original writing of this universe for that.

Regarding the Khaos Brigade, I have already succeeded in infiltrating various parts of their organization, and I already know my next objective, which is finding all of the Holy-based Longinus sacred gears.

The Holy Chalice, The Holy Nail, The Holy Fire and The Holy Spear.

All of them will be mine.

Next chapter