
A New Order's Rise

(Before I begin this chapter, I would like to thank each person reading my story and providing me with their power stones/votes as this is the first time I have achieved over 200 power stones, and I would like to thank every one of my readers profusely and I hope they enjoy my story.)

Entry 61:

After the battle, I nearly collapsed from exhaustion, which was a new feeling for me, and I did not enjoy the feeling.

The improvement was staggering; from that one fight, I was now in high ultimate class, nearing monarch class.

But now I have permission to create my organization, and I shall do so post haste. Iscariot's rise will be swift and devastating.

Even now, I have bodies being created, and as I return to my pocket dimension, I see the newest members of our organization, Lapis and Lazuli.

While Lapis was created in the image of Android 18 from DBZ in addition to Android 17, both have been altered to be utterly loyal to me in addition to my tinker of fiction ability being, in effect, increasing that loyalty further.

As the two bio androids put their gear on, they turn towards me and bow while I smile and say, " I expect great things from each of you, and I know you all will make me proud."

Lazuli just smirks and puffs his chest out while Lapis tries to hide her blush as the two.

And yes, they are outfitted with infinite energy generators, putting them in the top 10 strongest in this world with their enhancements and generators alone.

But remember, they are bio androids, not just regular androids, and have increased growth potential.

And remember, an Android 17 that barely trained and only protected an island from poachers reached Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku's level before the tournament of power.

In addition to the fact that these Androids have the potential to use telepathy and Magic because I had spliced the genome from a magician into their DNA.'

So, as my Iscariot organization spreads worldwide, all corruption will be weeded out, and any remaining shall be loyal to heaven and ultimately to me.

In the mundane world and the supernatural, I will begin a presence that will be all-encompassing, and none shall be able to stop me.

Not Nilrem, Qilpoth, The Khaos Brigade, or the other factions. And when the EXE Gods appear, they shall be in for a reckoning that has been a long time coming because, based on my data, the dragon gods are planetary at best, multi-planetary if they push it. At the same time, super devils have the potential to be planetary along with seraph class beings in addition to a few Gods like Shiva and Hades.

And if I can infer based on the information I have, the EXE gods are multi-planetary to the solar system level, possibly even multi-solar system level. The problem is that the source material barely went into the power levels after the DxD story.

But I have decades to prepare for them, and who knows, I may even take the fight to them, but for now, I need to focus on conquering this world.

For I shall not allow chaos to fester in my world.

For in the memories of the emperor, he saw the consequences of allowing stagnancy and corruption, and it left him scarred and crippled on that Golden Throne.

I will know all that happens in my world so that I may not be taken by surprise, and all who serve me Shall Serve me with all of their being.

So, as I address my creations and my Iscariot Order, I begin to send my message: " My children I bring news of our mission. This world is dark, and the terrors are real. The greatest imagination that humanity has created has caused this world to fall to chaos, with factions vying for control and territory and some simply for relevancy, with others just seeking to cause chaos as they have nothing to fill the void of boredom granted by their refusal to understand eternity, but we are the counterbalance. We are the future, and we are the ones that shall inherit the world. We shall show them no mercy! No quarter! All they will know is the all-encompassing strength of every one of you, and through you, we shall create a better world, a brighter world! For Iscariot!"

"For Iscariot!"

"For The Future!"

The chanting continued for a couple of minutes before I raised my hand, and the shouting ceased.

" All of you may wonder what your purpose is past simply serving the organization, and all I ask is that you create your own as long as it does not go against the order. Each one of you is not a tool. Every one of you, an individual in your own right. All of you have been assigned your names for a reason. After everything is said and done, you all shall inherit a place in this world, and none shall stand in our way."

I end my speech by simply raising a chalice in the air and saying, "For the Future Ridden Of Chaos." The address is met with thunderous applause and roaring cheers, which soon cease as each member is given their task.

As all of the organization's members are sent out, both Lapis and Lazuli remain, for they shall be running operations and sent out to support other teams if needed while also helping me in my endeavors.

Lazuli then asks, "So what's the plan boss? The order is still in its infancy, and we need more than just grand speeches?" I simply chuckle as I point toward a new member of the order.

The two's eyes then widen in surprise as they see a certain blue-haired woman, along with another woman with long brown hair, wearing a red sweatshirt with red and blue squares.

"Lapis, Lazuli, may I introduce our mundane team with the Head Of Science, Vomi Jivo, and our Business Head, Bulma Briefs.

The two then walk toward us and bow before me as I bid they rise, and they do, with Bulma giving me an almost sultry stare. While Vomi stares at the two androids as they begin to discuss logistics.

My plan is to introduce these two as prospective business owners and to take control of the mundane world, similarly to what I did in the Worm universe while I focus on the supernatural. 

And I have already downloaded specific tech trees into both of their minds, which shall give them ample inventions to use for the company. Specifically, I have given them tech trees from Dragon Ball, Subnautica, Mass Effect, and MCU, with some knowledge from FATE.

However, what is somewhat bothering me is Bulma's stare as she is still giving me thirsty eyes, which I blame on my increased charisma. And let it be known I have not downloaded any programming related to love, similar to what Ainz did with Albedo in Overlord.

Honestly, if I were a regular human before my reincarnation, I would definitely have enjoyed my creations, but work sadly comes first and enjoyment second. I shall sample my Androids after if they so desire it.

Speaking of which, I should probably think of putting some more empowering charges towards stamina.

Since it had been a day since my fight with Uriel, I received five more charges, which I put admittedly put four of them into my cooking skills, and the last one I put into my stamina.

Now, in terms of cooking skills, I am possibly the best in the world. With a couple more charges, I would be able to induce the legendary foodgasm.

Always need to be prepared, you know.

To put it in perspective, if I were to put six charges into one particular skill, it would go up to planetary level and could still grow.

As the Androids continue their discussion, I ask Bulma and Vomi about their status, with Bulma almost jumping on Vomi to answer first, "Well, sir, we have already begun a basic startup and will begin processing the inventions and other paperwork very shortly, and we shall have an established company within the month as the starting funds we have already acquired from various criminal organizations is being funneled into our new enterprise."

I nod at this and ask, " And what should we call this enterprise of ours?"

Vomi then states firmly, "I was thinking along the lines of Celestial Tales Incorporated as our company will have roots in mundane and supernatural."

The group then thinks it over, and I believe it to be a perfect name and give Vomi a good pat on the back, which she shows no sign of reacting to. Oh wait, she is shocked.

I can physically see that Vomi.exe has stopped working while Bulma is giving Vomi a scary look.

The others chuckle at the woman's surprise as I teleport back to heaven in order to give them a progress report on our new organization.

"Celestial Tales, huh? Let's see how this goes, shall we," I say in a quiet voice.

Next chapter