
Dealing With A Nuisance

Entry 57:

Linus Ozias POV:

These essences are fantastic. That is all there is to it.

It's been two days since I arrived at the convent and befriended the little nun who has been an absolute treat, and in regards to that priest who was somewhat nervous during our meeting, let's say he began to squeal like the pig, he is. 

His name is Father Izel Matthews, and he was a relatively quiet nonbeliever and an informant for Diodora. 

After the meeting in the subsequent conversation with Asia, I waited for him to return to his room. I pulled him aside out of the excuse to know everyone there.

"Father Matthews, good afternoon. How are your daily rituals progressing? I ask while moving inside one of the side rooms.

He stutters, "Well, my lord, and may I be so bold as to ask why you have spoken to me." His nervousness could be understandable as I am an angel.

But I sense many emotions from him, the most evident being envy.

It is understandable as he cannot wield holy power, has little to no magic, and has no sacred gear. In this world, he is irrelevant, and while it saddens me to think like that, it is simply logical.

He envies those in power and the lives those people must live without understanding the tribulations most of those men go through. 

The state of humanity in this world is a rather sad state of affairs, as most live in ignorance. I would not call it blissful ignorance, as government officials know the supernatural exists. It's just that the general populace does not.

In fact, based upon some of the reports I've read, some Japanese officials spend their weekends drinking with Gods like Susanoo along with some oni.

Overall, it is rather bleak as the general populace in my old world, the average human, was able to lift multiple cars after my genetic upgrades and could live hundreds of years.

It will take time, but improvements shall be made step by step.

I will create my own organization in this world, and I shall call it the Iscariot Order. Those who worship me shall benefit from it, and the woman I rescued shall be my first member. I have already sent a life model decoy of myself to her home to introduce her to the organization.

Parallel thought processes for the win as I am able to operate multiple of these bodies myself as they are essentially bodies created using various methods from Fate to Marvel.

  While they are generally weaker than me they are primarily used for more menial tasks as well as keeping up appearances.

  They are not Shadow Clones, but I shall make due.

  Back to the conversation with the suspicious priest, I reassured him nothing was amiss, but he began to panic.

But it was already too late as I had already warded the room as soon as we arrived, and no one would hear what I was about to do next.

" You know, Father Matthews, if you had just done your duty, there would be none who would be able to threaten you, but yet I can feel your Greed, your Envy, and in those emotions, you would doom this entire convent to satisfy your perverse need for relevance."

This angers the man, as he shouts, "What do you know! You were born of God himself. Even the average Angel shall live thousands of years longer than a normal human! Why should I lower myself to the fate of a common man!"

"He offered me wealth, women, and power if I serve him and allow him in and for the stupid nun to heal him." He continued ranting, "That stupid child should never have gotten such a wonderful power, and rather than use it to increase our standing, she helps people for nothing, not even a thank you." But I interrupt. "And yet you would doom her for simply using her power to help others. Not all of us seek material gain. Not all of us seek power, and to deny an innocent their choice in life is to commit a cardinal sin."

I continue, " No one is perfect, not even me, not even Michael, but yet we keep going, and so does everyone else. It is not above nor below you to seek to rise above your station but do it by your own merits or at least through a method that does not harm innocence."

And as I say this, I place my hand on his face and reach into his mind to learn when the ploy is going to begin.

The plan would begin in the next two days, and he had already set up everything so that the patrols would not be present.

So as I took my hand off of the man's face, I ordered him to write down everything he's done in a diary and then to forget he had written it until the last moment.

After a couple of hours, he finishes the diary, and oh, what a trove of information it was.

Various meetings he's had with different devils, as well as various names of corrupt gods around the convent.

Just what I needed, and so this man's usefulness is at an end. 

And so I knocked out the man as he was no longer worthy of the title of father. And if anyone were to ask, the man activated a self-destruct spell that activated once he spilled the information.

The man wished to rise above his station. Then, he shall do so and serve as a mana battery for my experiments towards creating and maintaining artificial servants. 

Do you know it's even better if anyone were to ask? I can simply lie, and no one would be able to tell, and since I am affected by my Essences, I cannot fall, and since it is known that Angels cannot lie without falling or their wings turning black, no one will assume I'm not telling the truth.

So the man will find himself teleported to the lab I set up in that warehouse where I rescued the woman, and thus, the story of Father Matthews ends as pitifully as it was lived.

Now, back to the present, where I continue to better my control over my holy power, and since this is my second day in this world, my five charges are ready to be spent again.

One goes into my calculative ability to further my analytical magic. The second goes into increasing my speed, along with the third. The fourth I spend increasing my natural regeneration will aid my training. The last charge goes into my charisma, which was decent before, and now I could walk into a crowd of people and convince them that the Earth was flat.

And now, with the increase in my analytical and calculative abilities, my usage of magic becomes ever more powerful as my constructs become more defined, the enhancements I can make to my body more detailed, and the various martial arts I use become more precise.

On the martial arts front, I've been increasing my proficiency in martial arts from One Piece, specifically as the ability to harden my body, make myself faster, and increase my strength and precision is a general buff to my stats.

Overall, my strength in terms of my physicality could be compared to a mid-ultimate class being, while my magic is around the same area.

And now, I find myself yet again meditating on top of the church Tower while waiting for the young saint to finish her duties healing people, and while most are deserving, others just come for various scratches and bruises.

Let's just say I may have subtly manipulated everyone who went through the door to be more thankful for her healing.

What the girl is performing healing magic and healing people of grievous injuries, she deserves a decent thank you.

But the smile on the young healer's face was worth it, and in all honesty, her faith would make her an archangel immediately once the saint system came out that allowed humans to become part angels.

I might ask Gabriel to take her in when the brave saint system is created as I feel like the two would get along.

Now, all I need to do is wait two more days, and who knows, I may take Asia out to eat or cook for her myself.

Oh, that reminds me, I better put some of these charges into cooking in case I have to deal with a certain infinite Dragon God.

Because sad as it may be, my last line of defense may be pastries.

Next chapter