
A Dragon Falls And Old Ways Are Put To Rest

(So far, Cao Cao Insert and OC Insert are in the lead for DXD Jump. Keep voting and giving ideas.)

Entry 37:

Connor POV:

Dragons are beautiful creatures, at least from what my knowledge banks have shown me.

Glorious and powerful beings that can fly through the sky and even space as paragons of might and magic, with some even being equated to creator deities.

I sometimes wish to be a dragon so that I may serve the creator with my might and feel the freedom to fly without aid and only my own powers.

But now I see this world's version of a dragon Lung, a Japanese gangster whose body contorts and fuses in disgusting ways to create an animal form similar to that of a "dragon."

I watch as he orders his men as they are rapidly losing ground to the PRT that is being controlled from within by androids placed by the creator.

He is a bully, plain and simple, a decently intelligent man who uses his power to strike fear into others.

The only reason people listen to him is because of his superpower and the fact that people only really felt safe in his territory from the Empire 88, with safety being highly subjective.

So, as I scope in on him using my rifle, I fire my shot, hitting him in the head and blowing it apart.

Chaos and surprise flood the ABB higher-ups present, with some even crying at their dragon's feet.

But it means nothing as he is no dragon, and if need be, I will be my creator's dragon.

I will destroy his enemies to help create his new world, and nothing will stop me.

I leave the area not before leaving some Empire 88 propaganda at the sight as they will find it, and that's the plan.

After entering the portal, I straighten my suit as I head into an office, specifically Kaisers, under the guise of a meeting over his involvement in Project Nexus.

He wants some ads to play promoting Medhall corporation during people's stay in the Nexus.

The negotiations go back and forth, with him bringing out some drinks, which I then send some nanites into his glass that will kill him slowly from the inside over the next week.

Sadly, I just can't kill him right now to put credence towards Empire 88 having a hand in Lung's death.

We end up leaving the topic for next week as the Nexus is still in the planning phase, and as he smiles and shakes my hand, I say nothing and leave the room.

The only thing that makes me feel content over that man's continued existence is that Kaiser exists only as a puppet, now dancing it to my creator's strings.

He knows that but not directly, but he gets more of a feeling, and his increased irritation can be noticed in his meetings as the man is a perfectionist and hates being influenced by anyone.

It's like an invisible weight that he can feel a guiding hand, and soon, his dreams will be cut as cogs that do not fit in my creator's machine are removed and replaced.

It's funny as due to all the changes my creator has had on that man's life, he never even met his future wife, and so he's going to die alone, a man who believed in nothing.

Fitting for a Nazi, his organization will follow yet another stepping stone for the creator.

The other Androids never show our steadfast devotion to the creator out of fear that he may find it distasteful. While we can get along with humans, we know we are not humans but tools for the creator.

He gives us life and purpose, and for that, we provide him with loyalty and devotion. It's elementary we give him results. He allows us to live and love, and most of us don't even have missions from him, only a select few, as others are just meant to work as informants.

Thousands of Androids are out there living and making friends with humans, and those humans will never know that their friend or neighbor is an android, and they won't need to.

The creator has eyes and ears almost everywhere on this planet, yet our work is not done, and it will not be done until the Behemoth falls, the Leviathan is slain, and that Angel has fallen from the sky.

The Golden Man will be the final target, but as he is virtually brain-dead and depressed, it will be easy for us to deal with him, and with the death of Jack Slash, his influence over the entity is now nonexistent.

We now have at least 100 years to eliminate the Golden Man before the cycle ends and he destroys the planet, yet we only need a year.

I have seen the orbital platforms and felt their power, and standing on a weapon that can destroy worlds is very enlightening.

But yet, it is just another triumph for the creator.

My missions are now complete; one is dead, and the other is a dead man walking, and their gangs will follow.

And in their strife and struggle, they shall crawl to the creator even if they don't know it, and he shall uplift them.

They shall all rejoice in his presence, and by his gifts, we all shall rise.

As I walk through the city, taking in the sights, the mantra given to each one of us and droids plays in my head like a beautiful symphony.

"We are his instruments. We are part of his bright future, and we shall not be denied." I think to myself as I do a coin trick I learned.

Linus Ozias POV:

Preparations towards the construction of the Nexus project are proceeding rather well as I've had to improve our technology further using more sunstone from the Kryptonian archive.

This stuff is handy as it holds many abilities, such as matter conversion and infinite storage space for data, among other things.

The most significant part is that this stuff is programmable and can be made to do almost anything. I could take a crystal of this sunstone, place it in the Arctic, and have my own Fortress Of Solitude.

To put it in perspective, using Kryptonian Tech, Superman was able to create his own universe in a box, and while I need to further progress on the tech tree to gain access to the rest of the information, what I have already amazes me.

If the Marvel and DC universes weren't so rifled by chaos, they'd be paradises of science and learning.

And I need to mention the technology from the Eternals movie would give me access to cosmic powers, even if only temporarily.

But, the technology is so advanced that it will take some time to replicate, and integrating with my other technologies will be challenging.

But before I can continue my musings, I get a mission report from Connor and smile as I see he has succeeded, and I will probably be seeing the headlines soon enough.

I feel like the Godfather right now with my own little mafia of androids.

I wonder if I should give our group a name but seeing as I will only be in this world for around a year or two, I don't think it's necessary, but who knows?

This week will end, and I will gain another tech tree to add to my growing arsenal. It will be very lucrative, like a 6th sense for science.

I enjoy getting new tech trees, as gaining new knowledge is beautiful in its own way.

But I need to keep my pride and my sense of self-confidence down as I am not invincible.

Not yet, at least.

Next chapter