
The Future Of Worm Is In My Hands Now

Entry 30:

Emily Piggot POV:

Reports, reports, reports, and more reports. Why did I sign up for this job again?

*Phone Chime*

I wonder who this is. I wasn't expecting anyone to call me today.

It better not be Dragon calling about those memes again. You would think one of the best tinkers would be able to avoid that, but what can one do?

I pick up the phone and hear something that is somewhat surprising.

"Ms. Piggot, this is Johan from the PRT branch in Boston. We have a situation here."

I groan as any situation is a bad one, and I was so looking forward to doing reports... scratch that, let's hear this.

"What is the problem, Johan? New parahuman triggers? Endbringer movements?"

"No, Ma'am, the nine are here, but something or someone got to them first. I am sending the pictures to your computer."

I see the file and open it, and my eyes widen.

The nine have been reduced to only half of what they were literally.

Crawler and Grey Boy, along with Jack Slash, are missing, but I assume whoever did this separated them and took them down one by one.

Their heads have been mounted to their van, and across the van, one phrase can be seen on the side.

" No More" - Contingency

I sit back in my seat and turn around in my chair.

I should be happy about this. Those freaks have been a headache since day one, but now we have a bigger problem.

"Who is Contingency?"

I put the phone back to my ear and ask Johan. "Have you found any evidence of tinker tech or powers used?"

"No, director, it was as if whoever killed them teleported each one to a different place but then returned them here."

I grit my teeth in frustration, as without any call signs, it's hard to rank their powers.

"Find me something, Johan, or we are all in the dark on this. I need to contact Dragon and Armsmaster Piggot out."

I put the phone down before dialing The Guild's private number, as we need all hands on deck for this.

We are going to find this Contingency, and with our new tech from Ozcorp, it should be easier.

Linus Ozias POV:

Piggot is probably running herself ragged trying to find Contingency, and if any suspicion falls on me, I have an LMD at the office working late for an alibi. (LMD- Life Model Decoy)

I genuinely am happy about the nine being gone, as this gives me a lot more time before Zion decides to end his cycle.

On that note, the orbital station and platforms are well on their way to completion as the station is nearly complete and only needs around two weeks to be ready to send more than just essential construction equipment.

I am thinking of naming it Model 001- Frontier. At the same time, the orbital platforms will be called the Pantheon, with each platform having a name based on a deity.

"Speaking of which, I think it's time to add a new member to the team," I mutter excitedly.

I head over to the lab and begin the process as the Pokemon tech tree has revealed a new Pokemon that I can create, the magnamite.

Which is perfect as they create and direct themselves by virtue of a collective hivemind that will serve my ends. I can see it now: one second, a criminal is attacking an innocent bystander, and the next second, they are shocked with thousands of volts from space.

Those zap cannons will be beautiful, and hey, they do not need to be fed, so it's a win-win.

In addition to the fact that it's one step closer to reaching the Mewtwo research, unlike those idiots, Mewtwo will be integral to my plan.

I mean, who is dumb enough to harm a powerful psychic created from the progenitor of all Pokemon? It's like they were asking it to turn on them.

Timeskip No justu (Five Hours Later)

As I connect the final cord to the magnamite body, I turn it on, and soon, it begins to rise as the machines around it begin to spark and hum to life.

Then, after a couple of minutes of silence, the giant eyeball opens and looks around and proceeds to fly over to me and hold one of its magnets out.

I proceed to put my hand on it, and in this moment of pure discovery, a moment that I shall remember forever.

It shocks me and flies away, humming to itself.

I put my hands to my face and realized why I should not create sentient beings because all of them are trolls.

The magnamite, who shall be named Mag for future reference, proceeds to explore the lab before Cyber comes out of the computer and waves hello to his new friend.

The two then converse in their Pokemon language, seemingly acting as a means to speak through their aura.

After a while, Mag and Cyber return to the central console, where Dread attempts to unshackle Dragon from the protocols Richter put on her slowly.

In fact, the two have seemingly started up a dialogue and are flirting, but I leave when I hear Dread complementing Dragon on her CPU and RAM.

"I really need a girlfriend, man. Even my computer program has more game than me," I mutter disappointedly.

Cyber, noticing me in the corner, pats me on the back and smiles, but then he ruins the moment as he displays a No Maidens meme, and I force back into cyberspace as he laughs.

I am amused and not amused at the same time.

But before I can put my creations to the torch, I receive a text from Annette Herbert asking me to come over for dinner, and before declining, I think for a moment.

I really need to relax as this lifestyle is unhealthy, so I accept, and she gives me a time, six o'clock in the next two days.

So, as I accept this invite, I smile, knowing Taylor had something to do with it.

But for now, I am focused on the business side of things as Chloe contacted me about creating more advanced games to advance our entertainment aspect, and I am beginning to do so.

First came Bloodborne, a perfect game for a world like this, and then a more light-hearted game, Uncharted. While you may ask how I get the voices, I create them from my memories and then create androids in their actor's likeness.

It's funny, as many of my voice actors are constantly given fan mail for dialogue. They rarely say in the game.

The games themselves are finished in minutes and are constantly updated by the many VIs that I have running the networks my games use.

So yes, my gamers, the games I ship are finished products and not patch-worked messes meant to sell you DLC.

(Cough Destiny 1/ EA Battlefront 2 Cough)

To be honest, my goal is within reach as my tech is constantly upgrading itself along with any additions I make, which I am able to do because of the information given on how Dr. Ivo created AMAZO to adapt and upgrade itself to fit the situation.

It's been a stressful couple of months as I have lived in Brockton Bay for nearly two months now, and the difference is staggering.

I've already destroyed the Merchants network, which was relatively easy as the network was as stable as a two-legged stool.

The ABB are next on the list, along with Coil, and I will leave the Empire for last as I will most likely replace them with androids. While the Merchants and ABB have known villains, the Empire is rather quiet about their criminal activity.

And I need the Empire 88 in my hands to act as a foothold towards dealing with the Nazias in Europe.

But to be honest, all I need now is time and tech, and at the end of my plans, all fear me and rejoice.

(I apologize if these events are going by too fast, as the tinker of fiction is a rather exponential ability. So, I'm taking my time with this, but eventually, it will just become redundant. but I hope you guys are enjoying the chapters.)

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