
Gaining Some Unwanted Attention

Entry 14:

Linus Ozias POV:

It's around 3:00 p.m. now, and the meeting begins in an hour, and I decide to head out as well. It only takes me a few minutes to reach the area where they take people to the headquarters. It takes a while for them to get going.

I was able to legally get a car in the two weeks that I've been here, and using my nanotechnology, I have improved it so that it doesn't look like a piece of junk.

So I arrived at Ferry Station North, where, according to the director who sent me a text a couple of hours ago, there would be a man to take me to the protectorate headquarters.

I see the classic suited-up man with sunglasses on, And he waves me over as to be honest, I do stand out with the long silver hair and the pointed ears.

"Are you Linus Ozias?" The man asked to confirm my identity.

"Yes, and I have the prototypes right here," I say as I hold up the briefcase that holds the prototypes.

The man nods and directs me towards the ferry they have requisitioned to take me to the headquarters.

The ride itself takes around 1/2 an hour, and I attempt to strike up a conversation to pass the time.

"So you have a name, or should I keep calling you tie guy in my head?" I ask in a snarky tone.

"My name is Jake Lockley. Sorry for forgetting. Kinda nervous as this is the first time this has happened in a while." Jake says in an even tone.

"Do you not usually have anyone making deals or trades with the PRT?" I ask, almost surprised.

"Not really, as most of them are either dead or scared, but everybody is scared, so take that as it is," Jake says

After saying that, the silence ensues for a couple of minutes before I decide to continue the conversation.

"So, have you been working with the protectorate long?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Yes and no. I've only been with the PRT for a couple of years now. But compared to others, I'm fresh meat". He says the last part with an almost amused tone.

"Even if you're new, you decided to take your life in your hands essentially, and that I respect," I say in an honest tone.

Jake almost smiles after hearing that, but before he can add anything, the ride ends as we approach the protectorate headquarters on their island off the bay.

As we step off the boat, we are met by more security, and I proceed to be padded down, but since all I have is my ID and the briefcase, which they know what's in it, they pass me through.

But as I make it to the office where Piggot wants to meet, I am somewhat scared as Alexandria is in the room or her civilian identity specifically. Rebecca Costa-Brown, the chief director of the PRT and member of Cauldron.

I attempt to hide my nervousness and fear as well. I am strong; I am nowhere near her level just yet, and while she can sense emotion, she'll probably just think I'm nervous to make the deal as it is my first time.

At least that's what I'm hoping for, or else this will get very bloody.

"Good afternoon, Director Piggot, and who I am assuming is Chief Director Costa Brown," I say with a smile on my face.

"Good afternoon as well, Mr. Ozias, but I believe we are past pleasantries," Piggot says with a no-nonsense tone.

I nod, and Brown adds, " Well, before we begin, I would assume you know me, chief director of the protectorate, Rebecca Costa Brown, and I heard that you are going to be selling us some much-needed arms."

I then proceeded to open the briefcase on the table between us and present some of the prototypes.

" Well, if you're willing to test them, I can give you a demonstration right now if you would like of some of the completed prototypes," I say, looking both directors in the eye.

The two of them nod as we head down to the practice range, where powers are tested, but now a bunch of dummies have been set up.

I take out the freeze-ray prototype and blast the dummy, which freezes it solid. And I proceed to push it over, and it shatters.

This display brings the two of them to a somewhat shocked state, and before they ask the question, I respond by saying.

" This weapon is mostly meant to be used to detain or eliminate body parts in the case of regenerators. And if you're worried about them suffering from deep freeze, the weapon has another setting: a heat ray."

I then switched the gun to heat mode and used it on another dummy that instantly unfreezes it with little to no damage.

I continue, " The heat ray will keep them from suffering any undue effects of the freeze ray, and you may question why this is better than containment foam. That is because when under the influence of this device, the brain cannot send signals to the rest of the body."

I then present the basic stun weaponry, which will allow them to unleash concussive force, which is relatively as it only serves to knock people out.

I blast another dummy, and it is sent into the wall. It's not very deep, but it does make a decent indentation.

The chief director then asks in an interested tone, " These are rather impressive. Are you sure you're not an arms-based tinker?"

I respond calmly, "No, I am not a tinker, although I am willing to admit that my enhanced body has also improved my brain capacity, and all of these inventions are not tinker tech as they can be replicated."

After saying this, they ask a couple of their tech guys to check the devices for any unknown tinker tech, which is none, so I am relaxed.

Although this trip has been very lucrative as my nanotech is already spread across the building, and due to their makeup and the nature of my power, they are virtually invisible, in addition to the fact that they are a nanometer in size.

The scans are already coming in as I can hear Dread confirming the data over my headpiece, which looks like a regular Bluetooth headpiece on the outside.

My telepathy plan is out the window as I can't use it due to Alexandria's presence, as she is very sensitive to any use of master or stranger powers.

But that is ultimately inconsequential as having nanobots in nearly every member of the protectorate will gain me a lot of data as they will all act as my eyes and ears.

And before you guys ask, Thomas Calvert is in the building. I'm unaware if he has his powers, but Dread will keep an eye on him, and as long as this is not one of his timelines, that nano bomb will remain.

I then present the rest of the tech, the freeze/heat ray, and the stun guns. That is all I will give with improvements to their containment foam.

We then returned to the office after the weaponry presentation was given.

Alexandria then asks, " Well, that was something, but to get to brass tacks, what do you want from this contract, Mr. Ozias?"

I smile and then reply simply by saying, "I'm going to be completely honest with you. In addition to the monetary compensation I will be getting from this weapon sale. I want the knowledge that I can trade to get out to improve my credit".

This reply did not shock them, and it was almost expected, but we created the contract nonetheless as we both know we're using each other for our ends.

The contract is written, and they are supplied with a couple dozen of each of the weaponry, with more going to be sold once I can set up a manufacturing line.

I leave the building after establishing the deal, and I'm sent back on a ferry with a smile on my face.

Alexandria POV:

"Door me," I say, quickly entering a portal as I return to Cauldron HQ.

I rushed to the cauldron meeting room, and I saw Dr. Mother and Contessa seemingly discussing something as I proceeded to interrupt.

" Contessa, has the path changed?" her replying by saying.

" No, there has been no recognizable change, and I assume this nervousness is coming from the deal you just held with Mister Ozias?"

"To be honest, yes, while I could read him, he wasn't nervous. There was a general surprise when he first entered, but then he was calm as if this was not unexpected," I say while sitting down.

This news brings a frown to Contessa's face, and she says, " The path hasn't changed, but I believe this is worth investigating, but not now as we are currently still studying why Eidolon powers are weakening."

I then nod in agreement as, for now, the man is in his developing stage until he most likely ends up mugged in the next alleyway, and if not, he will be taken care of just like the others.

Next chapter