
Making Connections

Entry 11:

Linus POV:

Honestly, I am so lucky that the Essence of the Generic Isekai Protagonist was added to my build because I have been working for over two days straight to get all these cures built and tested.

And Linus, where did you get the drugs to test the cures? I would answer I stole them well tactically. I stole them from the gangs, specifically the merchants, as those unorganized druggies have many bases they forget about, so I have earned plenty of samples.

So I have been testing the cures on rats as I do not have any human trials or the necessary qualifications to practice such things.

Still, from what I have seen, the treatments work and have lowered the effects of the drugs and the withdrawal symptoms to near nonexistence.

In addition to the drugs, I may have also stolen their stashes of money because, hey, who leaves hundreds of thousands of dollars lying in reserve and expect I don't want to take it?

Besides, it's not like they're using it, and now I am a couple of $100,000 richer, but the proceeds from my apps are proceeding very well.

Dread himself is already working on the lost belts, which will be released in the following years part by part, in addition to the other banners, with the fate apocryphal banner coming up quite soon.

I've already received many emails from other affluent entertainment companies to invest, which I must deal with shortly. I will leave it up to Chloe to run most of that operation.

Soon enough, Ozcorp Entertainment will be one of the first aspects of the company to go public. But let's not focus on that but on getting an actual office.

The office will likely be within the commercial district, even though the Empire owns it. But even though the Nazis own it, it is the safest relatively.

Also, I have discovered a new aspect of my inventions. I can choose whether or not to use my Essence of the Rob Insurance on my machines.

Because of this, all of my machinery won't have to worry about being affected by precognition, draining, or manipulation via external threats.

To be honest, that fact is redundant as I have eyes on almost every member of Cauldron, at least when they're in this dimension, and at any moment, I could send out my androids to simply get rid of them.

Other than Alexandria and Eidolon as they most likely have superpowered based defenses towards any mundane weaponry.

But who knows, since it's already been two days since my latest tech tree has activated, I only need to wait five more days for a new one, and hopefully, it will introduce new forms of weaponry in addition to the ones I already have access to.

Regarding my magic training, I have taken a couple of hours to sit in a room and create objects of varying complications.

My magic pool has grown a decent amount concerning my current power level; it would be equivalent to a mid-class being low mid-class, specifically.

Although it has benefited in the long run as I would throw in the metals I'm creating into my replicator to use for future experiments which, to be honest, I wish I had access to Harry Potter Magic because being able to develop large vaults out of small objects would be a godsend right now.

The androids have made themselves useful, as Kara has done a fantastic job in housekeeping. Having an Android that requires no breaks, food, or bathroom breaks would give extra time to do other things.

Connor has been busy designing the weaponry based on the technology from Detroit Become Human also came with more advanced modern weaponry.

Which I have added in addition to projectile-based weapons and stun-based weapons at the level of stunning beings in the DC universe.

To avoid my weaponry being used against me, as I am most likely going to have to allow them to replicate it, I have added using my tinker fiction ability, the ability to recognize who is a part of my entourage and myself so that my tech is never used against me.

So if, for example, a villain or a random crook got access to one of my stone weaponry, it would misfire and hit him instead.

How the reaction would go would remind me of what would happen if a person in the Warhammer 40,000 universe tried to fire a lasgun too much.

"Sir, your dinner has been prepared," Kara says after entering the experimentation room.

" Thank you, Kara. I will be there in a moment," I say in an even tone as I am about to put the finishing touches on one of the cure administration methods.

Specifically, I am administering cures in various ways, such as inhaling certain gasses or patches on the skin in addition to regular injections.

After a couple of minutes of cleaning up the workstation, I head back upstairs as the rest of the androids have convened at the table, and the rest of the androids have assembled at the table.

Yes, I allow the Androids to have meals as they have actual taste buds, and the nutrients from the foods are used to enhance their other faculties.

I then address the androids on their status towards their individual missions.

"Chloe, How are the meetings with the investors and gaining an actual office space in the city?" I ask, paying attention to her answer as this would be a significant step towards my plan.

" Well, the good news is that I have been able to negotiate very beneficial contracts for us, with even the protectorate getting a part of it, asking that they may be able to lend us the rights to you some heroes in our games," Chloe says in a chipper tone.

"Well done, Chloe, but I sense a negative here," I say hesitantly.

After subtly preening at the compliment, she continues, " Well, Sir, as you have expected, we have had to establish our office space in the commercial district, which the Empire owns, but with our Android security team, we should be able to head off their advances should they seek protection money."

I expected this, and in case you guys are wondering, I have already established the android's identities, with each having their property within the city using the hundreds of thousands of dollars I am making from my various phone app games and the money is virtually untraceable due to dread being so advanced Kryptonian ai's for the win.

But I am definitely excited for when I can access the levels of the father and mother boxes, but that is a long way off.

Even creating a gram of what makes father and mother boxes would knock me out, and the materials themselves can only be replicated if you are using New God-level technology.

And that's not even showing the costs of the power levels those things need, as even with the reactors that Lex uses to power his multiple machines, the Kryptonian ones can barely supply the power I need for my base.

But those problems will soon be solved once I have access to sunstone technology because I need to create them myself as I have the knowledge to do so, but similarly to the mother box and father box materials, even making a gram of that leaves me exhausted.

I then turned to Connor and asked, "What is the status of the weaponry required to fill the armory."

Connor then smiles and says, "Sir, we are on our way to filling out the armory as thanks to the Kryptonian Replicators, we can create dozens of weapons within hours, which will be able to fill our security team's needs."

I then say in response, "Excellent, Connor, excellent, and how goes our increase in numbers and how goes our increase in numbers?"

"We are well on our way to numbering multiple dozens with replicas of the others in case they are damaged," Connor says while consulting a data pad.

This is excellent news, as we are now prepared to move on to the next phase of the plan, arming the police and PRT with actual weaponry they can use.

" I think it's time to make some more connections," I say with a smile as I call a particular director.

Director Emily Piggot POV:

"One needs more coffee to get through all this paperwork." I've been stuck at this desk for the past 8 hours as various situation reports and individual Cape lawsuits passed by my desk.

But as soon as I am about to toss the papers off my desk, the phone begins to ring, and it's a number that I recognize; I answer it in order to take my mind off the paperwork.

"Hello, this is Director Piggot speaking. Who is this?"

The caller then responds, "Director Piggot, this is Linus Ozias from last week, and I have an offer you may be interested in."

My ears perk up as I respond, "Ohh, what might this deal until Mr Ozius."

" I have come with an offer to increase your personal towards the criminal aspects of the city as well. The containment foam that you often use works well enough. But I have the offer to increase that arsenal further with more advanced stun and projectile-based weaponry that I will say on the record is not tinker tech and will not require regular management other than the classic care most weaponry requires, such as cleaning and maintenance."

I could feel the smile crossing my face as I responded, " Then, Mr. Ozius, I will play ball, but you will have to bring the weapons to PRT headquarters for testing."

I could hear him smiling across the phone as he said excitedly, "That is perfectly acceptable, director. I will head to the protectorate headquarters within three days to prepare the more advanced models. I wish you a good day, director."

With a smile, I then hang up the phone and decide I will take care of this paperwork tomorrow because today I have something to be happy about as I stare out my office window.

Next chapter