
Unleashing Gacha Upon An Unwilling World


Linus POV:

As I wake up to another beautiful morning in the worm verse, well as beautiful as it can be. I start creating my newest project while my phone apps are raking in a decent amount of income; it is not enough.

With my AI and programming skills, I am planning to recreate a game from my past world called Fate Grand Order, which I invested a lot of money in.

"I can see it now, all the salt being created. It will be immaculate. It shall be beautiful as this universe shall suffer my pain".

With the assistance of my ai DREAD, the process doesn't take too long. Although it's not on the same level as Dragon due to the limited resources, it's advanced enough to make the process much smoother.

-6 Hours Later-

"Finally! It's alive!" I say to myself while screaming joyously, but luckily, the house is soundproof.

In case you're curious about how I can recall all the dialogue, it's because I used to be a huge Fate Grand Order enthusiast. With my essence's upgrades, my memory became photographic and eidetic, allowing me to recall almost every voice line retroactively.

I can replicate a wide range of voices in English and Japanese using advanced AI voice generators. Although I plan to incorporate more languages in the future, these two will be the initial ones.

To be honest, I am kind of excited to see these different kinds of magic and have the magic of my own.

I am very excited at the prospects of future missions, but I have to focus on the here and now and deal with all the gangs and end-bringers, but those are a bit further down the road.

I then say to myself in a solemn tone, "I will explore the Nasuverse, and I will get those Dang magic circuits. Mark my words".

I took a break from working on this project, which I started at 8:00 in the morning, to have a late lunch. It's now 2:00 in the afternoon and I have to admit that receiving information from a hypothetical comic universe and its technology is making me remember certain villains related to food.

For instance, I specialize in a particular comic book villain known as the notorious Condiment King. His culinary skills were surprisingly advanced, among other things.

After about an hour of preparation, the meal is complete, and I am looking at my beautiful creation which is a Herb Roasted Rack of Lamb.

"Finally some good freakin food". Muttering to myself as I enjoy my meal, which to be honest, was a godsend as I've had to go off of coffee and willpower over the past couple of days.

Soon enough, the meal was gone much faster than it was prepared as I returned to work as Dread had already completed most of the required data per the differing servant classes and DPS ranges, as well as their different noble phantasms.

To be honest with myself, I'm kind of terrified of what is going to happen if I unleash Astolfo on an unwilling world, but is this sacrifice I'm willing to make?

"I am willing to make this sacrifice" and I continued working on the app for the rest of the day. This application is essential for Ozcorp's success and will pave the way for global domination.

But as I was about to go and prepare dinner, it was around 5:00, which, to be honest, terrified me as I had worked for over 3 hours without even realizing it.

I hear a knock at the door, and as I look through the people, I see it is the Halberd-wielding member of the PRT.

I then opened the door and greeted the man politely by saying, "Hello, Armsmaster Sir, how may I help you as I believe that I have not broken any laws?".

The man then simply nods and says it is all right.

"Mr. Ozias, as you have not broken any laws as well, I am just curious, as I had viewed this property, and it was rather derelict, and yet, in one day, you turned it into a modern mention wet dream".

I smile at the man and politely inquire if he would like to investigate the property. He is welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide.

"However, I must rush this as I am currently occupied with working on one of my latest phone apps that I believe will be a game-changer in the market".

The leader of the wards then proceeds to slightly investigate my house as he isn't moving anything he's just looking around for anything suspicious, and as I wasn't lying about having anything to hide his lie detector didn't go off.

As we entered my workspace, the hero looked around and asked about the simple setup - a few computers and basic servers.

"Mr. Ozias, what app are you working on?"

I smile, thinking of the potential free advertising that could come from him presenting the app to others even before it's available to download. After all, any attention is good attention, right?

I then begin to explain to him the basic premise of the idea of heroic spirits as well as the different variations of the servant classes.

I won't go too in-depth into the story as I don't want to spoil anything. He seems genuinely interested, especially in the weaponry, as I believe I even saw him salivating to Excalibur.

However, he delves into the crux of the matter by posing a question to Mr. Ozias.

" Although your application is undoubtedly fascinating, I am here in response to the recent mention of your name, given that there have been reports of certain machines in the vicinity of your residence. I am merely curious to know whether these machines pose any threat?".

I then explain to him the basics of nanomachines or, more specifically, how they function. I slowly take apart the nanobot I have in my hand, and as he views each part individually, he is seemingly satisfied.

(Before he keeps his creations a mystery. All of the technology he produces is designed as a black box, making it impossible to scan or duplicate without his permission.)

With a smile on his face, Arms Master left the property and promised to spread the word about my app as a way of showing gratitude for letting him into my home.

I returned to my workspace to complete the remaining tasks to reach the end of the project. The final battle pits the main character, a female version of Ritsuka Fujimura, against Solomon, the King of Magis.

I can complete the app a few hours after midnight. While I work on it, Dread will finalize the calculations and fix any potential bugs before launching it. Afterward, I plan to rest on the bed in my workspace.

Because I have been here for four days now, I will receive power or another tech tree within three days, with tomorrow being the 5th day, and I am ecstatic to see what technology tree comes next.

Armsmaster POV:

Upon departing Mr. Ozias's premises, I contacted Protectorate headquarters to inform them of my discoveries.

"This is Arms Master reporting in Dragon? Are you there?" I am comforted by the fact that I hear a feminine voice respond soon after.

"This is Dragon reporting in Arms Master. Did you find anything of note within the troll's house, with me being quite confused by the name?".

But I then simply roll with it as I have better things to do than to understand the eccentricities of Dragons and nicknames well.

"I investigated the house as he welcomed me inside and used my scanners. I could not find any secret areas as he showed me every part of the house, even his workspace".

The app developer's workspace looked a bit messy, but I was still intrigued by the app he was creating. I'm excited about its release.

Dragon let out a sigh of relief and said, "Well, that's good."

"I confirmed that his technology is non-hostile and I heard that he plans to sell it in the market once his company gets further along".

Dragon exclaims with joy that it would be a great relief, considering the superhuman battles, gang-related violence, and the aftermath of Endbringer attacks.

I then looked back to that house on the hill, and I smiled, which I had not done in a long time, as I saw that young man has a bright future; maybe he will be the one that will bring us all hope. Who knows, stranger things have happened.

But first, I need to investigate this Fate Grand Order game as it seems quite interesting especially this rate up system he has for lower-luck players.

Next chapter