

I apologize for the delay in the chapters. There were some matters that needed to be resolved, but I will try to post three chapters per week. Your support can expedite the release of chapters. Thank you.


When Felix's existence was remembered, he had already immersed himself in his thoughts, so his reaction was somewhat sluggish. Abraham, putting his arm around the boy, smiled at him and quietly, so that only Felix could hear, apologized to him for the situation."I'm sorry, boy. I got carried away with my emotions and completely forgot about you."

Although the words of apology were filled with sincerity coming from his heart, and the squinted eyes and silly smile on Abraham's face were slightly different from what the young man had seen in his short but still somewhat experienced interaction with this man.

"Don't apologize, please. Your family was worried about you, so you acted like a true man and comforted your wife. In my opinion, it's a wonderful family," Felix replied, attempting to smile with a friendly smile, but it turned out to be only a crooked smile tinged with sadness.

Of course, Abraham noticed this as well, but despite his desire to say something, do something, or try to console the boy, for whom this smile was too adult, he decided to remain silent. Not because he didn't want to help but because he didn't want to intrude and cross personal boundaries.

"After all, everyone has their secrets. And this young man has even more," thought Abraham, recalling Felix's frightened look and the place he called home. Looking at the young man, who awkwardly smiled at Viola, who was pushing him towards the table, Abraham smiled and closed the door behind him, saying, "If he wants, he'll tell me. And then I'll give him advice and stand by him to the end."


As soon as he crossed the threshold of this house, Viola immediately surrounded him with her kindness. She offered him delicious fish pie, and sweet strawberry compote, and even gave him clothes that fit him perfectly for the night.

"Thank you so much. Thank you!"

It would not be a mistake to say that Felix felt needed. Unintentionally, the face of Viola resembled that of his mother, who had died of cancer when he was just twelve years old. Together with his ailing father, they had to go through a difficult path.

"It was tough. And how could it be otherwise? No one was willing to give a serious job to a little boy, and it could have led to criminal charges and all come down to prison or financial penalties. No employer wanted to take on such responsibility. However, unsurprisingly, through his father's acquaintances, this problem was resolved. Faking documents is a quick but dangerous business.

That's how Felix started working as a laborer after school. His small and weak body couldn't withstand the heavy weight of the stones, but his desire to help his father, whose health was also in poor condition, kept him going. But now...

"Such an unusual feeling. Reincarnation is indeed a good thing," he thought, and the corners of his mouth lifted as he eagerly devoured the fish pie.

Viola, who had been watching him out of the corner of her eye, noticed the change in the young man's expression and felt concerned. But now, she smiled when she realized that Felix was slowly opening up to them. She placed her hands on her breasts and praised his appetite.

"Well done, young man! You're still young, so you need to eat well! Don't worry, Aunt Viola will ensure you have delicious food!"

"Um... Mrs. Viola, I'm already full, so-"

"Come on, eat! You're very thin, and to be a strong guy, you need to eat right and combine it with physical exercise! Dig in!"

Felix helplessly smiled at her and couldn't refuse another serving of the delicious pie. He had never tasted such delicious homemade food before, and it left a strong impression on him. Abraham joined the conversation, always smiling as he watched their dialogue. He offered comforting words.

"Get used to it, kid. My wife loves to see the pleasure on other people's faces when they try her cooking. So, she won't let you go just like that, hahaha!"

He says that Abraham suddenly received a light tap on the back of his head from his wife. "Ouch!"

"Quiet! Lily is sleeping! Did you forget what time it is?" scolded Viola. But when she noticed Felix's gaze on her, she brightened up immediately, as if the previous scene had never happened. "So, how's the food?"

"Um, it's very delicious, thank you."

Twenty minutes later, they finished their meal. Immediately afterward, Abraham placed his hand on Felix's shoulder, patted it, and said, "Come on, buddy. We have a spare room for you, so you'll lie down and get a good rest. Okay?"

"Thank you for your kindness, sir-"

"Wait! Before you thank me again," interrupted Felix, Abraham removed his hand from Felix's shoulder and turned to face him. Abraham crossed his arms over his chest, and his facial expression was stern, like that of a father who wanted to scold his son for a mistake. This made Felix nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"Felix..." Abraham began in a serious tone. He didn't use his usual friendly words like "boy," "buddy," or "man" this time. Instead, he spoke with seriousness that puzzled Felix.

For some reason, Felix, who was also an adult man with reincarnation, felt his mind becoming younger. And in front of Abraham, he turned into an inexperienced young man. Felix thought, "Maybe the owner of this body is influencing me?"

"I noticed something during our short but happy acquaintance," Abraham began, pulling Felix out of his thoughts. "Let's put aside the fact that you're always polite and respond with short words. I can understand that you've found yourself in a difficult situation in a short time. But I hope you'll be honest with me."


"Sorry for interrupting, but let me continue my thought," said Abraham, apologizing. His facial expression softened, and he smiled at Felix, placing his hand on the young man's head. "You're a very good guy. I realized that a long time ago, but of course, you have some secrets. I want to make it clear that I won't pry into them. Because I respect you and consider you an adult. Just know one thing, Felix. I'll help you if you ask."

"Sir Abraham..."

"And one more thing," Abraham grimaced and lightly tapped Felix's head, raising his eyebrows. "What's with the 'sir'? Call me just Abraham, like my friends do. For me, you're also a kind of friend, so I allow you to do that!"

Then he added, "Although I may seem intrusive. Sorry, hahaha!" and chuckled playfully. Looking into his clear blue eyes, Felix sighed, feeling overwhelmed by such kindness. However, a smile appeared on the young man's face, and he nodded.

"Thank you, sir Abraham."

"Are you doing this on purpose?"


A quiet sigh escaped from Abraham as he sat in the living room, watching Felix enter the guest room. Suddenly, there was a knock that distracted him from his thoughts. He looked up to see his wife, who had just placed a teapot on the table with a thud.

"Thank you, Viola," he thanked her and took the tea, taking a cautious sip. "Ouch! It's hot!"

"What did you expect?" Viola chuckled at her husband's silliness and sat down beside him, resting her head on his strong and dependable shoulder.

The spouses fell silent as if a silent understanding had formed between them. It was as if they communicated telepathically, each having made a decision. In this silence, Abraham's voice, masculine and belonging to him, broke the tranquility.

"This boy... Viola, he's very honest. When I found him, he was like a cat ready to fight, but as soon as we talked, he became friendlier. Although he's still closed off." He began to speak with an impassive face. His voice was soft and calm, creating the impression that he was speaking in a whisper. "You know me. I can't stand by when someone is in trouble, so I brought him home. I'm sorry I didn't warn you about this."

"Abraham..." Viola lifted her head from his shoulder and spoke with a tender, loving tone. She took his hand and smiled. "You can always count on me, and I'll support every decision you make. Besides, I'd like him to stay with us. He reminds me of our..."


Abraham sighed and closed his eyes. In his mind's eye, he saw the image of the boy, and his heart was filled with sorrow. However, he soon snapped out of it when he heard Viola's voice, sounding puzzled.

"By the way, didn't our daughter sleep in the guest room today? Her room is still under renovation..."

And then...


To be continued...

Next chapter