

Shen Tian let out a relieved sigh quietly as soon as they reached the house. He was quite nervous earlier than Shao Haoran would suddenly faint. After all, in his perspective, Shao Haoran is still a patient who was down with a high fever a couple of hours ago. He still didn't know of superhuman's fast healing abilities, after all.

Shao Haoran, on the other hand, was observing the house. The quaint fence and the planted flowers outside made the house look more welcoming. He was anticipating what the inside of the house looked like.

He was immediately amazed at the inside of the house that looked complete and clean as if it was a pre-apocalyptic house. One must know that most houses these days are looted, damaged, or bloodied. It's extremely rare to find a house that's not dilapidated or abandoned. Even in a human base, most houses have worn out paint and cracks, as materials to maintain residential facilities are mostly monopolized by the higher ups for their own use.

"This is the living room and there's the kitchen." Shen Tian started to introduce the layout of the house. "You can use the kitchen if you want to cook your food."

Shen Tian then gestured for Shao Haoran to follow him forward.

"My room is down that hallway.", Shen Tian pointed. "I would appreciate it if you knock on my door first before you enter my room."

"Of course."

"And here's the guest room.", Shen Tian opened the guest room. "The two guest rooms have the same layout. You can choose which one you prefer, though."

Shao Haoran was relieved to see that the guest room was a proper guest room. In fact, it was much better than the 120-crystal-core-per-day room he had stayed at when he entered a high-level base in the past.

"Okay, we'll take this." Shao Haoran nodded at Shen Tian. "I can let Baobao stay with me inside, right?"

"Yes, of course.", Shen Tian smiled widely. He doesn't have to go outside anymore to acquire the remaining 3 crystal cores he need for the level up. "You'll need to sign a residency agreement with me, though."

Shen Tian stretch out his hand upward and called out, "Agreement."

A flash of light came out of his hand and a piece of parchment paper appeared. Shen Tian passed it forward to Shao Haoran.

"You can read the agreement first. If you're satisfied, you can sign at the bottom."

This was another surprise for Shao Haoran. Suddenly seeing the contract appearing on Shen Tian's hand and then reading the terms, Shen Haoran wondered just how strong Shen Tian is.

"This says that the residency agreement is for a temporary stay. Will there be permanent residency in the future?" Shao Haoran asked about the item that caught his eye.

"Well, yes, since what I currently have is just a room inside my own house.", Shen Tian explained. He had already figured out earlier that he can set the price and terms of the residential agreement on his own. However, what he can't bypass is the fact that residents must have a residential agreement or they'll be booted out within 24 hours. "However, the safe zone is quite big and I'm aiming to expand it in the future, so there will probably be residential houses by then, too. Those who buy the residential house will need to sign the permanent residency agreement."

"Really?", Shao Haoran thought of the possibilities in Shen Tian's words. "How much will you be selling the house?"

"That's not decided yet." Shen Tian scratched his head. "Since you're my first safe zone resident, I'll make sure to give you priority when that time comes."

"Great! Be sure to tell me!"

Shao Haoran asked a few more questions about the contract. When he was satisfied, he affixed his signature at the bottom.

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