
Chapter 12 - Cavalry aftermath, and Inaho’s descent into depravity!?

Inside the pool building… following Yuuka's announcement…

Demitra let another sigh pass through her lips after watching everything play out from her spot in the pool, her teammates little gambit for revenge inadvertently giving the boys a victory over them, as Yuuka-san so readily announced. The normally stone-faced girl couldn't help but close her eyes and pinch the ridge of her nose with a little bit of exasperation at the spectacle that just unfolded. "I can already tell this little feud between her and Shinatsu-san is far from over after this. There's no way someone like Shinatsu-san, given her attitude, is going to take that lying down." If Azuki didn't already hate her cohort before this for how she interacted with her, then she'd absolutely despise her following this. It only went further downhill with those two from here on out, and she knew it. She wasn't entirely innocent in this either, considering she'd just helped her do it and all. "I just hope whatever happens from here on involving those two, that I'm kept out of it like Yan Min promised I would be."

Upon reopening her eyes, and removing her pinching digits from her nose, it became rather apparent that she was one of the few who wasn't still staring dumbfounded at where the fiery, buxom tomboy had fled, clutching her precious pearls like her life depended on it. The others being Yan Min herself, who was floating back first over the calm waters of the pool with the smuggest grin to ever adorn her face as she stared up at the ceiling gleefully for what she'd done. The other being Son Gohan, the young man that their commander had told them to keep a close eye on, who stared out into the space where the hot-headed girl had initially been in front of him as the boys still held him up, having not fully registered that the cavalry was over and they had won just yet. His impressively muscled body stood ramrod, not moving an inch whilst his cloudy looking, coal black eyes remained fixed on where the red-heads enormous borderline F-cup breasts had flopped out before him.

When her eyes travelled downwards, even the stoic beauty couldn't help the light blush that coloured her cheeks as she spotted his massive erection poking through his shorts about as straight as an arrow. She wasn't really surprised that he was hard, given he was very healthy young man who'd just gotten an eyeful of Shinatsu-san's naked boobs less than a moment ago. That was only natural, she supposed. The sheer size of it though… even trapped inside his shorts, was certainly something for her to take pause over… eyes lingering on the huge tent of his shorts…

Realising what she was doing, the soldier-like girl quickly closed her eyes and shook her head. Ridding herself of any unwanted thoughts that may surface from looking at it too long. Light blush receding away, as she peeled open her eyes again, looking away from the motionless half-breed and his huge package.

As her eyes hovered over the main entrance to the pool that was south of where Azuki had dashed through, she froze as they landed on a silhouette standing by the opened doors. A silhouette that the normally calm and composed girl recognised with a tinge of surprise. "Is that… Yes, there's no doubt." A small, almost humoured smile pulled up the stoic beauty's lips. "I see you've returned… Minerva…"

Shortly following this, the rest of the room barring a certain half-saiyan managed to snap themselves out of their shocked visages, and for most of the boys, somewhat out of their lust filled fever dreams about the perky pair of enormous globes their eye had been treated to at the hot tomboy's expense. The realisation settling in fast that they had indeed just won the cavalry, whilst simultaneously it fully set in for the girls that they had been defeated.

A fact that was only enforced when Kengo, having just snapped out of his funk a little quicker due to not having seen anywhere near as much of Azuki's bare breasts as the others on the side-lines thanks to his positioning, decided to fully inform the others of what had just been announced. "Hey guys!"

The heads of the fiercely blushing populace of boys snapped to him, the boys underneath that held him up looking at their leader with expectancy. "We did it! We won the cavalry!" He shouted with passion, his words fully resonating with the horny looking sea of 1st year boys.

The open mouthed, drooling expressions that were on their neon red faces slowly almost instantly shifted to looks of unrepentant joy. Eyes sparkling with not only the lustful veneer for a buxom red-head, but also elation at the ending of the cavalry.

They had won… They had won!

"ALLLRRRIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHT!/ YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Each half of the boys cheered simultaneously with glee, pumping their fists into the air as the glory of victory washed over them.

Kengo, smiling wider than he ever had in his life, allowed the guys below him to let him down into the water as they too pumped their fists in the air, cheering like mad over their victory. The same being done for the two boys that had been holding up Gohan, only theirs was a little more muted when they brought him down to the water, having been so close themselves when the tomboyish red-heads bouncy, pale duo flopped out. The image of which being forever burned into their minds even more so then the other boys due to the close proximity.

The girls meanwhile, just groaned in defeat at the result. A lot of them not liking the fact that they'd have to share swimming sessions with boys, but were none the less forced to accept that that was what was going to be happening from now on.

With that in mind, there was only one thing left to do, and that was for them to vacate the pool area, and retreat back to the changing area to get out of their swimsuits, have a quick shower within the shower area next to the changing room, before getting dressed back up in their school uniform to head off back to their apartments to call it a day. Since they had come in first, they'd naturally be leaving first as well. Leaving the boys to their own joyous celebration around the pool before they followed suit.

Slowly, as most of the boys barring Gohan and the unconscious form of Kurigasa cheered over their victory with zeal, the girls started filing away through the side entrance they'd come from back to the changing area. Most with disgruntled, yet resigned looks at what would come of this.

The last few remaining girls in the pool also vacating as though on que. Yan Min in particular, lightly swimming over to the pool's edge, hands clasping on to the solid tiled floor, the Chinese vixen pulled herself up out of the water. Trails of the liquid drizzling down her form over her one-piece as she did, droplets of water dripping down from most of her body to the ground, the dark blue elastic fabric clinging to her form just a little bit more due to being utterly soaked. Putting some extra emphasis on the impressive round swell of her ass, as she came up and bent over a good deal as her feet came to rest on the tiled floor upon exiting the water. The sight giving a handful of boys who happened to be looking in her direction in that moment during their celebration another superb, arousing image in their minds to go along with Azuki's naked chest bunnies from earlier.

The smuggest smile imaginable still etched on to her face, the Chinese native of Venus made to walk along with the others, only to be immediately met with the pouting glower of her fellow Venus member Shiria. The girl popping out of the leaving crowd of girls right into her teammate's face, gaze levelled on her in a mixture of disbelief and irritation.

"Yan Min! What the heck was that all about!?" The bubble-gum haired, buxom pop-idol questioned indignantly. Feeling aghast at what she'd just seen her cohort pull out there.

Meeting Shiria's gaze with her own, Yan Min's smug smile didn't so much as titter a millimetre off her lips as she regarded her fellow Venus member with a blissful air. "Getting even with her, of course."

"Hmmmm….." Far from being satisfied with such an answer, the pinkette's pouty glower only intensified as her eyes took in the unrepentant, happily vindicated visage of her teammate. "What do you mean, 'Getting even with her'?"

"Remember the little hockey game we had with maken-ki several days ago?" The Chinese lass broached, getting a small nod from her extremely well-endowed teammate. "Well, then you must recall what that violent monkey did to me during it-ne…" This earned a few blinks of confusion from the voluptuous pop-idol, pouty faced glower receding as the memory of that event came back to her in full. Specifically the moment where Yan Min and Azuki had both jumped high not the air in pursuit of the puck, with Yan Min getting greater height, and looking about to claim the puck and take a potential shot at the other team's goal, until Azuki took her by complete surprise when she pulled her short shorts down with her foot, exposing her lower body completely. "What I just did now, was getting some much needed payback for that little incident. That's all there is to it-ne…" She continued haughtily, seeing the dawning look of recognition pass over Shiria's eyes. "Me and her are even now, and if she knows what's good for her, she won't try to retaliate against me." Otherwise, she meet her right back two-fold! Make her regret the day she ever messed with her, like she did just now!

"Y-Yan Min… you can't honestly believe that!" The incredibly busty pinkette thought to herself in astonishment at her companion's blasé attitude over her little stunt. A look of disbelief and worry worming its way onto her beauteous face. "But Yan Min, what you just did is even worse! When she did it to you, only us and maken-ki were there to see it, whereas here, you just exposed her in front of nearly every member of maken-ki, our team, the teachers, and every single 1st year!" There were numerous dozens of both 1st year boy and girls, easily totalling over a hundred people.

For a comparison, there was way more people that had just seen Azuki's huge, naked globes than people who'd seen Yan Min's bodacious, naked booty! Easily ten times in fact!

"Hehe…" Far from looking apologetic, or even a little bit sorry with that factoid out in the open, Yan Min let out a light giggle. Her mood, if anything, having just gotten even more delighted at this rather obvious news. "Well then, I guess I evened the score, AND one-upped her at the same time. That just makes it all the sweeter-ne~."

"Ah-I-You-Ughh, I give up…" Shiria relented with a downtrodden sigh, knowing a lost cause when she saw one. "Why couldn't we all just get along… things would be so much easier if you and her weren't at each other's throats…" She thought morosely.

Fat chance of that happening now. Once Azuki came down from the embarrassment of the situation, She'd be pissed… Shiria didn't know the girl all that well yet, but given her interactions with Yan Min up to this point, and how seriously she took offences against her, there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell the ill-tempered tomboy would let this slide and leave it at that. "Oh, Yan Min… I don't think you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into…"

"Hey guys!" Called out Demitra upon exiting the pool, pulling the attention of both her teammates to her as she walked over to them. Both young women's eyes shifting to her as she stopped In front of them. "Hate to interrupt, but we have company." She stated, pointing her finger over to the main entrance, the eyes of both girls following it.

"Is that…?" Yan Min blinked, recognition shining in her brownish orbs at the shadowy figure still watching on.

"It is!" Shiria replied, the debacle between her cohort and the red-head forgotten for the moment as a joyful smile tugged at her lips. "It's Minerva, she's finally here! It certainly took her long enough!"

"Indeed she is." Akaya cut in, seemingly popping up next to the trio out of nowhere, though none of them reacted to his presence with any sort of shock, as he'd made his presence known to them before speaking. "I forgot to mention, she arrived here in Japan today. I could've gone to pick her up, but she told me not to bother, as it would've interrupted the event." He commented with a humoured grin, before turning to the other three Venus girls. "Better get out of those swimsuits and wash up ladies. We can meet her on the outside when we're properly dressed."

The trio simply nodded their heads in agreement, before turning towards the sideway exit that led back to the changing rooms, where the other girls had already walked off through, and started making their way in to join them. Akaya staying behind for the moment naturally, since he had to wait for them to finish before he and the boys could go in.

In the changing room… at the same time…

"Hmm, now where did she go…?" Thought Chacha curiously as she came into the changing room behind a dozen or so girls heading towards their lockers, her gigantic globes jiggling lightly within her soaked one-piece with every step she took. Kimi at her side. The two girls on the lookout for their embarrassed roommate and close friend with a hint of worry in their eyes.

"U-Uhm Chacha?" Stuttered Kimi, still reeling a little from that whole debacle that had just taken place. Her cheeks still red from embarrassment for her tomboyish friend, only adding to her usually shy demeanour as she suddenly stopped walking.

"Yeah, what is it?" The ludicrously well-endowed foreign lass replied, stopping herself and turning in her petite pal's direction right as she raised her hand and pointed over towards Azuki's locker.

"See that…?" Turning her head to where Kimi pointed to as she uttered those words, the exotic, olive-skinned beauty saw what she meant. The crumpled up remains of Azuki's torn asunder one-piece laying on the ground in front of the locker, which both had taken note of being wide open.

"Yep, I do." Quickly making her way over there with long, quick strides of her curvaceous, slender legs, her perky pair of colossal coconuts jiggling joyously within her one-piece with twice the emphasis from previously. Bobbing around inside the stretchy fabric with little care as they lightly knocked against the other, she crouched down to pick up the ripped swimsuit, the now worthless fabric crumpling even further in her clenched hand as she stood up and looked inside the open locker right as Kimi came up beside her again.

"Its empty…" Chacha remarked observantly as she looked inside the open locker, the barren container staring back at her.

Getting a closer look herself and seeing what her voluptuous friend was talking about, Kimi couldn't help the sweat-drop that came over her shy, worried face. "Y-You don't think she…?"

Knowing where her friend was going, Chacha couldn't stop the nervous, yet at the same time bemused smile worming its way unto her face, her own sweat-drop forming as she closed her eyes and brought her left hand up to rub the back of her head. "Yeah… I think she did…"

With Azuki… following Yuuka's announcement…

"KYYYYYAAAAAAAAAA!!" The scream of a veritably humiliated red head echoed off the walls of the changing room, the harsh, frantic patters of her feet against the floor as she dashed into the room towards her locker. Her enormous, silky smooth, milky globes pressed down by her arms clutching around them for dear life. A plentiful amount of their rich, tender flesh bulging out up and down under the grip of her arms, spilling out from the appendages hold in full view, jiggling like freshly made jelly.

Her screams of embarrassment teetering off into harsh, heated pants to go along with her bright red cheeks, she came to a screeching halt in front of her locker, skidding a little on the floor to stop herself from passing out her locker in the first place.

Bringing one arm away from her squished down, jiggling mounds, it freed even more of her deliciously pale boob flesh from underneath her other arm. The slippery white boobs spilling out even more scrumptious pale flesh, jiggling profusely as the underpart of her dusty pink areolas were exposed, moisture still trailing down them from her ruined one-piece, which finally fell from her person and pooled down by her feet in a crumpled mess. Exposing the moist womanhood between her curvy and toned alabaster legs to the cool air of the changing room. The plump cheeks of her pale ass giving a small wiggle as she reached out and damn near wrenched her locker door off it's hinges when she opened it!

Wasting little time, she quickly grabbed her pearly white panties and the short mini-skirt of her uniform out of it first. Placing the skirt over her left shoulder, the buxom tomboy pulled her other arm away from her precious orbs, leaving the large, soft mounds to pop back out into their original round shapes, her erect, dark pink nipples standing proudly atop her wobbling wonders, swaying from side to side after being completely freed of their owners hard grip. Her thumbs hooking into the sides of her underwear, and uncaring for the fact that her crotch was still rather damp, she hopped off the ground, bending her legs up closer to her breasts as she brought the fabric underneath her feet as she stretched them back down into the waiting gaps for either foot, slinking into them quickly as she pulled them all the way up to her pelvis. The fabric itself becoming damp as it covered her virgin slit and the impressively round swell of her derriere. The skirt following behind it as she grabbed it off her shoulder, and repeated the same process she did for her panties. Boing! Both of her large boobies giving a eager bounce, while her plump booty buns gave their own fair wiggle within her dampening underwear, as she zipped the skirt up to hold on her wide hips.

"Hugh-hah…hugh-hah…!" Harsh, red-faced pants continued to race through her open lips, as she swiftly grabbed her sailor shirt out next, haphazardly hooked her arms into it, and brought it up over her head before pulling it down her wet form, it fell over her upper body, arms sliding their way into its sleeveless sockets, head popping out of the top gap. The hot-headed girl's mind too frazzled with embarrassment to care at the moment that the white shirt clung to her wet skin like her panties did, dampening fast and becoming somewhat translucent as it latched on to her jiggling jubblies, making the milky mounds fairly visible underneath as her hard nubs poked through the dampened shirt.

Despite her constant flustered pants, her ears pricked up as she heard the sounds of footsteps starting to close in on the changing room, becoming louder as they got nearer.

It should've been apparent to her that the ones walking in were the other girls, but right now her mind was in too much of shambles to care, not wanting anyone to see her at the moment.

Her movement becoming more frantic with their approach, the red-faced tomboy forewent trying to throw on the rest of her uniform, simply chucking it all in to her satchel bag. From the rest of her uniform, to the shampoo and body wash she was going to use for her shower when the cavalry was over, as well as her pasty white towels. She could get to the damn shower later when she was out of dodge!

Grabbing it by strap, she quickly wrapped it over her head and on to her other shoulder so it wouldn't fall off. The satchel itself at the opposite side of her by her hip, her feet almost cracking the floor beneath her as they pushed off it, the humiliated red-head sprinting out of the room through the open door that led into it on the other side. Never noticing the red faced brunette that was laid down, sitting up with her back against one of the far side lockers near said exit just over the rows of lockers in front of her own. Her clouded eyes staring off aimlessly in front of her as heavy, hot breaths escaped her lips.

Azuki's breaths coming out in huffs and puffs as she mad dashed out of there just as the first few girls drew close to walking in. Her legs carrying her at breakneck speeds, she found herself bolting past the reception area, catching the eyes of the receptionist, a woman with long, dark brown hair held up in a bun, with two curly strands by either side of her youthful, roundish face. Her previously tired looking eyes behind her round-rimed glasses widening in surprise as she witnessed the well-endowed young girl blaze past her. Her cheeks setting into a flushed red as she almost fell out of her seat, her pretty woman's mouth fell open at the unexpected sight before her.

"Ohh my…!" Was the only thought entering her mind, her eyes managing to lock on to the frazzled looking tomboy, as she swung the door open with enough force to nearly crack the glass pane when it wacked into the wall, Boing! And witnessing her round, tear drop shaped, borderline F-cup boobies bouncing joyously around in, to the receptionist's increasingly shrinking brown pools, a fairly translucent white shirt. Her mouth going dry as her eyes noted the girl's stiff nipples drawing lines across the exceedingly damp fabric, looking as though they were trying to cut through said fabric, which crinkled around them as it did, the outlines of her areolas fully visible to her as much as the creamy flesh of both bobbling boobs was. The frantic 2nd year leaving the stunned young woman with one final treat as she rushed out the open door, her soaked shirt struggling to maintain her bouncy assets as she did, her momentum combined with the light winds of the outside world lifting her skirt up, the hems fluttering over her pelvis as she flashed the speechless woman her damp panties clinging to her sex and bubble booty like a second skin. Each plush butt cheek giving its own enticing jiggle within the clinging fabric as she shot out of the building into the distance.

The images of that unintentionally erotic sight burning themselves into the back of the young woman in her early twenties mind, she was left standing there dumbstruck, face as red as a tomato, gulping down quite the glob of her spit. Feeling her own nipples harden beneath her bra and white blouse that held in her more than adequate D-cup breasts. Feeling her core heat up as she felt herself become rather hot under the collar, her hand coming up as her index finger started pulling at the collar of her blouse. "Good lord… I think I need a break after seeing that…" Forcing down another gulp of nervous saliva, knees beginning to rub against each other the woman rose from her seat, and turned towards the filing room just behind her.

She'd need some time to herself after that… she needed to cool off…

Left utterly unaware of the wealthy eyeful she'd just given to the unprepared receptionist, Azuki continued blitzing past the grounds outside the pool building with her apartment being the only safe haven from her crippling humiliation being a ten minute jog away.

That time was cut down extensively, as the normally fiery young girl moved her legs with a speed greater than ever before! Her desire to get away from any further mortification fuelling her. The strap of her satchel managing to coil it's way between her bobbling Siamese twins, Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! As they constantly bounced around heftily from side to side with every stride her sprinting limbs took, almost like a pair of excitable bunnies trying desperately to jump out of the fabric sticking to them like glue in any direction they could think of. Her hard, pointy nipples standing proudly atop each creamy globe, now more than ever looking s though they were trying to puncture their way out of the damp shirt, scraping unceremoniously against the wet cloth in multiple jagged lines in tandem with her huge melons rampant jostling!

"Apartment…! I-I need to get back to my apartment!" Being the only thought capable of travelling through her jumbled head at present time, she somehow picked up the pace and started running even faster towards her residence with reckless abandon. Gritting her teeth like a frightened animal, as the wind smacked against her face and body from the break neck speeds she was dashing at, kicking up a cloud of dust behind her as her worthless mini-skirt billowed in the wind. Allowing any lucky fellow who may have been wandering around close to this part of the school grounds a gracious gander at her completely dampened panties, sticking over each of her fully round ass cheeks which rose up and down with a healthy jiggle in tandem with each of her legs movements.

Said lucky fellow just so happening to be Gen, the maken smith who rather than take part in the cavalry or even watch the damn thing, had chosen to go on a calm, peaceful stroll around a portion of the campus, as a way to relax before he went back to working on more makens for the 1st year students.

"Huh!? What in the hell!?" the man thought in shock and a tinge of anger, as someone rushed past where he was going to walk, forcing him to turn his head and close one of his eyes to stop the dust cloud from entering it and blinding him. The other eye just about catching the back of Azuki, seeing her skirt flail helplessly in the wind as she ran further and further away from him, exposing his one open eye to a nice helping of her soiled underwear clamping on to her bubbly, wiggling buns. "Guh…! W-who the heck was that!?" His mind screamed, not recognising who the disappearing girl was given just how fast she'd run by him, and the fact that instead of looking up to her head, had ended up only able to catch a strong eyeful of her plump ass latched on to by the a very damp pair of panties. The older man in his mid-twenties feeling a light blush colour his cheeks, and a tent start to form in his trousers. "God dammit… whoever that was, it was definitely a student. Shit, I might become just as bad as that asshat Akaya!" He thought, dust cloud dissipating along with the girl as his other eye opened up, and both of them dipped down to his pants now showing quite the bulge with a pensive, awkward look. "Getting a hard on from a student… what the fuck is wrong with me…?"

Thankfully no one was around to see it. Minori would never let him hear the end of it if she found out, and the smug asshat Akaya would make it that much worse with his snide remarks. He'd have a field day with this till the day he left. Probably best he got out of here before someone did…

Azuki, utterly oblivious to the now two people she'd flashed a wondrous eyeful of her assets to, continued running for another hot minute or two, her mighty mounds, Boing! Boing! Boing! bobbing around like crazy in her see through sailor shirt until she finally caught sight of her apartment building a short distance away.

Hotter, more haggard pants escaping her clenched mouth, she finally made it to the building, skidding to a screeching halt again just a few metres away from the staircase leading up to her apartment complex, her glutes seized up as she came to a stop, sucking the now wet, sticky fabric of her panties into the ravine of her huge rump. The useless material sinking deep within, becoming wedged deep between both tender, juicy cantaloupes, exposing a great deal of her pale half-moons to the open air with a pertinent jiggle.

Throwing caution to the wind, the crimson haired girl ignored the sudden chafing between her ass cheeks, rubbing uncomfortably against her puckered hole, as she swiftly made her way up the stairs to the second the floor out of three, eyes locking on to her apartment door as she came up to it. Thrusting her hand into her satchel, she pulled out the key to the door and stuck it in the keyhole with a twist, before placing her hand on the handle and pulling it down. She swung the door open and barrelled in, before shutting the door closed behind her with a loud Bang!

"Shit…" Heaving out a few heavy breaths, her blushing face started to settle a small bit with the knowledge she was safely back in her apartment, as she turned her body, and slid down the closed door with her back pressing against the hard, wooden frame. Both of her soft, plump butt cheeks being squished down as her ass met the floor, legs spread apart and laid out straight over the ground.

Letting her ferocious embarrassment finally begin to keel over the course of several minutes, a shadow fell over Azuki's eyes. Her teeth gritting as her ignominy receded, being slowly replaced by unbridled fury bubbling up to the surface of her psyche. "That bitch…" She hissed with nothing less than utter contempt for the haughty Chinese girl that had shattered her crowning moment getting even with Gohan, and rendered that moment forever into quite literally the most degrading of her life! That annoying midget's own expose of her being water under the bridge compared to what the arrogant foreigner had just done!

Her hands balling into fists by her sides, finger nails almost cutting deep enough to draw blood from her palms, her entire body shaking, the hot-headed, tomboyish vixen's head rose up, the shadow over her eyes vanishing to reveal her purple eyes glaring out with a burning fire of unholy rage that no one that knew her had ever seen with such intense potency! "I'll get you back for that you conniving little cunt!" She spat out with genuine malice.

She wasn't sure how, but she knew damn well that she'd get her back for that! That pompous whore was lucky that duels, and by extension, physical altercations were forbidden between their groups. The only exception to it having been her first wager with Gohan that resulted in a duel, which had been allowed for a reason that Yuuka didn't seem privy to reveal. "If only Yuuka-san would allow it just once more… I'd shove my foot so far up her arrogant ass, she'd choke on my toes!"

Back in the changing rooms…

After staring a hole into the empty locker for a solid minute or two, both Chacha and Kimi let out a sigh at the realisation of where there close friend had run off too. The girl having been so flustered over what Yan Min had done, that she hadn't bothered to wait for them, and had just bolted out of here irrationally. "Guess we'll just have to make do and give her some space. Hopefully she'll have cooled off a little by the time we get back to the apartment…"

Kimi nodded her head in agreement with Chacha's words. Perhaps it was a little too optimistic, but she did hope that the normally brash tomboy wouldn't be blowing fumes of anger when they got back. Azuki could get pretty bad when her temper flared high enough, and something like this could absolutely send it into overdrive… "Y-Yeah… I hope so too…"

While that was going on, Aki, alongside Minori and Tomiko walked down the side, passing by nearly all rows of lockers until they came to the final row in the room, placed right next to the entranceway leading to the showers.

Tomiko smiling with her eyes shut in a similar way to her sister, feeling a mixture of humour and joviality over what had just transpired. "Well, that was quite entertaining, if I do say so myself~."

Minori groaned as they approached their lockers. Face set into a brutish, almost comical scowl. "Speak for yourself, Tomiko. This stupid event has done nothing but get on my nerves!"

"Well, it certainly could've gone better, I must admit…" Aki chimed in, her tone downtrodden to mirror the small frown adorning her breathtakingly gorgeous features.

"Could've gone better my ass. There's not much that would've made that waste of time even worse…" Rebuked The magenta-haired principal with derision. In hindsight, if she'd known what was going to happen, between the unfavourable ending, getting told on a live mic that she wasn't even on the boys list for most popular girls despite, in her opinion, her lovable and irresistible personality, and blatant lack of any attention from the boys coupled with ludicrous levels of attention her long-time friend Aki got right in front of her from every boy in the room practically, she would've skipped the whole thing entirely. She would've been much better off staying in her office and relaxing back into her chair. Yeah it would've gotten boring after a bit, but she'd take boredom over being overlooked, and incensed by having zero attention from any of her cute male students for all the work she'd put in so far to show them how awesome she was… ungrateful little bastards! They didn't know what they were passing up!

"Forget them! I don't need their stupid attention anyways!" She thought, reaching her right hand inside the window of her soaking wet one-piece, and plunging it deep into the chasm of her bountiful sea of cleavage. Her immense I-cup breasts jiggling within their confines, their rich, pale flesh bulging out a little on either side within the elastic fabric due to her hand's intrusion, before they were set into another healthy jiggle fit as her hand pulled out of their spongy grasp. The plastic cased disk held by her fingers right below her chin, as her eyes looked down on it with a somewhat hopeful curiosity. "I sure hope Yuuka-san was telling me the truth. Whatever is on this disk better make this whole clusterfuck worth it in the end…"

"Uhm, excuse me Aki-sensei…" Said woman blinked right as the trio of reached their lockers, the inhumanly beautiful and sexy blue-haired goddess turning around at the sound of the distressed voice. Her eyes meeting with the sight of both of Inaho's teammates standing nervously before her.

"Yes girls? What is it?" She replied with honest concern, seeing the distraught looks on their faces.

"I-It's Inaho-san sensei…! She isn't looking very good…" The same girl responded with worry seeping out of every word. Her friend nodding vigorously at what she'd said.

This managed to take the unbelievably busty nurse by surprise. Now that she thought about it, the young brunette did seem rather off during the cavalry… "Oh my… could you please bring me to her?" She requested, a perturbed tone of voice coming over her at the possible illness of one of the students she was to care for. Her concern not too dissimilar to a mother hen looking over her baby chicks to ensure they weren't in danger.

The two confused, unsettled 1st year girls nodded their heads gratefully and motioned for the woman to follow them.

"I'll see you two later!" She quipped real quick towards her fellow staff members and pals, as she started following the girls and disappeared past their row of lockers towards their intended target.

"Oh dear… that poor girl. I hope she gets better…" Tomiko remarked, a knowing smile etched to her face as her words rang out with an almost unnoticeable sexual tint to it. She had, at one point paid close attention to the girl as they walked out, and as they were setting up the riders on their horses. She had heard the girl mumble the young Son Gohan's name, and saw how she blushed up a storm looking at him! How she trembled while gazing at him! The boy's name leaving her lips like a longing whisper of a girl in heat!

Tomiko, after the decade she'd spent at Tenbi, and the way that most of the girls there reacted to guys they liked outside of the school, or in their early days of being part of Maken-ki when boys were still attending at first before it was turned girls only due to a scandal, knew a horny girl when she saw one! Given how bad she looked out there, she knew damn well there was only one thing… one particular type of 'medicine' that would help the girl now…

And given how the boy was after the little 'show' that Venus girl had put on for him with miss Shinatsu's breasts, she could say he looked even worse! He'd need that 'medicine' too from the looks of it!

"Guess I'll be seeing you later as well, Tomiko." Commented Minori, as she placed her orange jumpsuit into her bag, along with all the other things she'd brought, and the disk itself as she pulled out the bag and closed her locker.

"Hmm? Are you leaving like that?" The older sister of Yuuka questioned with mild bemusement as she looked over at the other woman's retreating back.

"Yep! I'll have a shower later when I feel like it." She wanted to get back to her office as soon as possible so she could check out what was on the disk. While it may be indecent to just walk out on campus with a soaked one-piece clinging to her luscious, shapely frame, she honestly didn't care at the moment. Not like anyone would pay any mind to it anyway even if they did see her, other than being possibly befuddled by her walking around in it before ignoring her. "See ya around!" She gave a light wave over her shoulder back to the now even more bemused woman, as she walked off with bag in hand towards the exit.

"Ufufu… what an interesting day indeed…" The elder Amado sibling giggled as she turned towards her now opened locker. The orange-haired woman hooking her thumbs underneath the shoulder straps of her one-piece and slinking them down her arms, the fabric slipping down to her midsection as her voluminous F-cups fell out into full view. The malleable, alabaster tear drops wobbling tantalisingly like jello moulds as her eyes peeled open, revealing mischievous hazel eyes that rivalled even her sister's. "Perhaps I might just stick around to see if anything scandalous happens! Ufufu…!" she thought cunningly, mind returning to the subject of Inaho and Gohan from her class. Feeling her instincts telling her something was definitely going to happen between the young man and hapless girl. And her instincts had never let her down before!

Back with Aki though, she found herself quickly led by the two young girls towards Inaho near the far side of the room, close to the exit. The brunette still sitting back first against the locker, staring off cloudily into space.

"Inaho-san?" The nurse called worriedly, walking closer to the sitting girl and spotting her flushed face and hot panting instantly.

Her voice seemed to pull the girl's attention away from the dead space she was staring an abyss into with foggy eyes. Her head turning in the woman's direction, she looked up with a glass eyed gaze. Her hot pants slowing down for a brief moment, she just about recognised the woman standing before her, baring down on her just a few inches away from her propped up figure with increasing, nearly mother-like concern. "A-Aki-sensei…"

Her name being lowly muttered out between pants, the ultimate wet dream of a nurse crouched down near the girl and pressed the palm of her hand against her forehead. Her eyes widening as she felt just how hot her temple was! "Oh good lord, she's scalding! With a temperature this high, she likely has quite the fever!" Question was, what did she do? She didn't have any of her medical equipment on hand right now. It was all back in the school's infirmary…

That's when it quickly clicked in her mind, and she almost face-palmed at her brief moment of air-headedness. "Hold on a minute... Before I do anything, I need to properly examine miss Kushiya-san to see what's going on with her, so I know what I'm dealing with here. Valhelm!" Activating the passive form of her maken, a debugger type that allowed her to judge what exactly was wrong with someone, through the different types of black spots that appeared before her enhanced vision over the sitting girl's body. Each spot being unique and representing a different type of injury or ailment, and the darker they were, the more serious it was.

As she was doing this, the woman leaned over to get a better look. The red-faced Inaho dipping her head down slightly as her eyes focused down the window of the unintentionally extremely luscious nurse's one-piece. Foggy eyes zoning in on the hot nurse's cleavage. The monumentally massive K-cup globes sticking out worse than a sore thumb. Quite possibly the largest pair of succulent, doughy, tear drop shaped mountains of mouth wateringly creamy flesh on earth! The gelatinous globe trotters wobbling inside the one-piece excitedly, looking about ready to spill out at any moment!

"Hmm… that's odd…? She doesn't appear to have any injury or ailment whatsoever… that can't be right…" Aki thought to herself with increasing confusion, clueless to the fact that the foggy eyed brunette was ogling her world record setting endowments with increasing interest. "Am I not looking hard enough? Is that it?" The now quite oblivious woman thought, leaning in just a little more to give a more scrutinising look, to make sure she didn't miss anything.

This had the unintended consequence of bringing her barely bound, jiggling assets closer to the aroused Inaho's face. The girl watching those magnificent orbs of the more mature woman sway up and down like a pendulum with her swimsuit before fixing itself back into place, dangling before her very eyes partially underneath the drenched, elastic material.

"There like Haruko's… only bigger…" Seeing a good portion of those perfectly perky, pale mounds dangle before her, drawing up a comparison to Haruko in her mind. Which brought her back once again to the vivid memory of the girl getting ploughed by the half-saiyan in the shower. The boy who was to be her fiancé showing how much he desired the purplette and her own stupendously large, supple breasts being manhandled by the young man's hands with such primal, sexual hunger and greed that no other person could hope to match… the kind of hunger and greed she longed for at the moment to be focused on her…

As most of the girls around her stripped out of their swimsuits and made their way into the showers without looking back, Inaho felt her arousal heighten, as she did something purely out of mindless, primitive urge that took the two onlookers by complete surprise, and the ravishingly stunning nurse herself even more so!

"Mhmm…!" Eyes going wide, a soft, yet sensuous moan escaped Aki's lips, as she suddenly found both her hyper sensitive, humongous hooters getting groped by the feverish looking girl! Her palms pressing down near the peaks of her fleshy mountains, unable to fully cover them both with her hands due to the sheer size they bolstered. Pushing the super soft, spongy tits up a tad closer to the woman's chest, squishing them down slightly as her fingers spread out and melded into the doughy treats, moulding their shape into something else as they sunk deep into them even within her swimsuit. The excess boob flesh, along with her elastic one-piece fabric spilling out through the gaps of her fingers, she rolled both gargantuan gumdrops around in circles through the swimsuit. Fingers kneading deeper into the pliable pillows with each successive roll of her wrists.

"I-Inaho-sa-aaaaahhhhhhn…!" Aki tried to call out, only to moan again as the brunette fondled her fun bags even harder! More and more of her delicious tit flesh bulging out through the gaps of the girl's fingers as she squeezed them even more! The remaining portion of her boobs not being groped jiggling like crazy as Inaho's wandering hands continued to roll them around in aroused wonder. "S-stop that…!" The blue haired goddess felt her passively working maken deactivate as she bit her lip, feeling her nipples harden like stones beneath her one-piece rom the attention her breasts ere getting, the palms of the girl's hands pressing down on the stiffening nubs and rubbing over them through the elastic material.

Ignoring the nurse's plea, Inaho mirrored the way Gohan had moulded Haruko's breasts with his calloused hands, all while deeply desiring for him to do it to her as well, and plough her like he did Haruko. Doing what literally every man in Tenbi had wanted to do so badly since meeting the torpedo touting goddess, and would dream of in their most erotic fantasies…

"W-what's come over her!? Sh-she's fondling my boobs!" While this certainly wasn't something new to the woman, as she'd been felt up quite a few times over the years, pretty much by other girls mesmerised by her huge rack, most recently with Kimi during their time at the hot-spring, this time was absolutely out of left field! The girl had been laying back there just a moment prior with a possible scorching hot fever, and now suddenly she was groping her!?

Letting a few more sensual moans pass through her, she looked down at her assailant's face, and noticed the weird expression on it. It almost looked like… she was mimicking someone else, and just copying the motions she'd seen them use. If that was the case… then it made the woman wonder at the back of her mind who she was copying. Because whoever it had been, they must've really known how to feel up a girl's chest like an animal!

The two girls that had brought her here, just stood there in shock, with their jaws unhinged, and their cheeks tinting a dark red as they watched the once motionless girl knead Aki-sensei's colossal K-cup dumplings like a woman possessed!

Arms hanging by her sides, eyes closing as she clamped her lips shut and grit her teeth inside to stop the moans, the ultra-busty nurse was left close to helpless as she felt pleasure spurt through her body due to her sensitive breasts rough treatment, the other girl's hands still squishing her snow-white dwarfs down with more and more vigour, and despite the older woman's best efforts, she was starting to get a little turned on…

If only they were alone, and Gohan replaced Inaho… then she could let it go on, knowing it would go where she wanted it to go… Unfortunately, neither of those was the case.

Peeling her eyes open, Aki mustered up enough strength despite her biggest weakness being assaulted, rose her arms up and gripped the girl's wrists with her hands, she pulled them away. The brunette, not willing to let go, plunged her digits as deep into her overflowing boob flesh as she could! Each finger practically disappearing into the gelatinous cushions as a combination of elastic and creamy, tender flesh pooled over them!

Not letting up, the woman just about managed to wrench the explorative 1st year's digits away from her seismic duo. Boing! which popped back into their original shapes with a feisty, defiant bounce, followed by a hellacious jiggle fit that would put even a slab of jelly to shame.

"Hahh… I-Inaho-san… that's enough…" Pulling back with a pant of her own, Aki rose back to her feet as she took a step backwards, legs trembling a little as she placed her hands placatingly on top of her shaking bosom that had just been molested. Thankfully, her one-piece was already drenched, else there would be a noticeable wet patch developing by her crotch following that… experience…

Only one thing was clear to her at this point. She hadn't the faintest clue what was going on here! Her maken had revealed there was nothing wrong with her despite her appearance, and for the life of her she couldn't fathom what had compelled the normally bubbly, optimistic girl into fervently molesting her tits like that…

"A-are you okay, Aki-sensei…?" One of the girls that brought her here, the raven-haired one asked, still taken aback by what had just happened.

"Y-yes, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about…" She replied, without turning to look at the two girls. Eyes still hovering over Inaho in case the entranced looking brunette made a move. Uncertain of what to do with the girl.

Again, according to her maken, she didn't have any illness or injury… in fact, the more she looked at her now, the more the young girl looked like… an animal in heat….

"Couldn't be… is she really… to this extent…?" Mind finally coming to a conclusion on what was wrong with the girl. Recognition dawning in her head, as she had seen this before with several other girls in the past, just not nearly this extreme…

Tenbi being a place where boys and girls could pursue relationships, even of a sexual nature, it didn't surprise her that she'd see a girl or two like this again at some point. What did surprise her… was the intensity of it…

"Soo, uhmm… did you figure out what was wrong with her, sensei?" asked the other flustered looking girl who'd brought her, the brown haired one.

Taking a few seconds to answer, Aki finally turned towards the other two students. Putting on a small smile for them. "Yes… I have. I can take it all from here girls, just leave her to me and go about your day… She's in safe hands."

Those words managed to quell the two girls, despite their apprehension, due to the confidence with which the older lass had imbued them with.

"I-if you're sure then…"

"W-We'll leave it to you, sensei…"

The brown haired and raven haired girls responded in that order, giving the nurse a nod each in thanks, before turning away a tad bit reluctantly, and walking off into the distance towards their own lockers.

The nurse let a minute pass as the girls went to their lockers, and waited until she saw the two now naked girls walking into the shower area with their towels and washing items in hand. Once she was certain they were gone, she turned back to the brunette as she got to her feet again. Her lip quivering as she bowed her head slightly, still staring at the nurse's pair. The biggest set of soft, perky knockers in Tenbi, and perhaps even the entire world…

"Okay… now what should I do…?" Aki pondered, no longer having a plan of action given the actual circumstance. Bringing her back to the infirmary would be pointless, and she couldn't treat her for anything either since there was technically nothing wrong with her.

The youthful, typically vibrant girl was just… unbelievably aroused.

When one became aroused, their upper brain functions for logic and reason dissipated in correlation with how horny they were becoming. Inaho was to the point where she'd become little more than a vessel seeking nothing less than for whatever got her like this to come for her… her molestation of her twin girls likely no more than rehearsing one of the acts she desired to be done on her… nearly every shred of rational thought she'd had was gone now.

"Sen… sei…" The flushed girl mouthed, her whole body shaking.

"What do I do…? The longer I take, the worse she might get!" Feeling a small bit of panic crawl into her, seeing that the youthful girl was already monumentally amorous as it was…

"Ufufu… having some trouble, Aki?"

"Eh…?" Turning her head to the side, Aki was more than little startled to see Tomiko standing just a couple feet away, an eyebrow quirked up, and lips set into an indiscernible smile as she looked over at her in amusement. "W-what are you doing here, Tomiko? I-I thought you went for your shower…"

Giggling to herself again, being very reminiscent of her younger sister, the elder Amado sibling, who Aki just now noted had her one-piece off, clad in nothing but her birth-suit, her own impressive hour-glass figure fully on display, looked between the two of them with a knowing gaze. The flushed red brunette turning her head to gander at the woman's naked breasts. Paying apt attention to how they rose and fell with each giggle or breath she took. Hard, dusty pink nipples standing on end above her fabulous F-cups mounds of blemish-less, alabaster flesh. "I was going to… but I couldn't help overhear some fairly loud moans coming from here. Being curious, I stayed behind while the others went in, so I could see what all the fuss was about. Care to let me in on what happened Aki? Because I'm certain they came from you…"

"They did…" She conceded, feeling her cheeks tint a little more red in embarrassment over her old pal hearing that. Not that it had been the first time, what with the shenanigans they'd gotten up to as part of maken-ki a number of years ago. "But that isn't important right now…"

"Oh, I agree." Tomiko nodded her head in agreement. Focusing her vision mainly on the amorous girl close to them. "What's more important now… is her." Smile upturning, and gaining a devilish air to it while Aki wasn't looking, she stared right at the poor, poor girl with manipulative eyes. "In fact… I know how to help her~."

"You do…?" Aki looked back at her friend again dumbfounded. The woman's devilish smile disappearing before she could see it, along with the look she gave Inaho. Replaced by a more kind, caring visage.

"Oh, absolutely!" placing the palms of her hands on each other, and bring them up close to her face as she mustered up the most gentle, kind-hearted expression she could. "Don't you worry about a thing now, Aki. She is my student after all. What kind of teacher would I be if I let one of my precious pupils suffer like this?"

Aki eyed the smiling woman with a bit of apprehension now. After the decade or so she'd known her, it was still hard for her to get a proper read on the auburn haired beauty. Still though, she was at a loss of what to do herself. Not knowing how to handle the horny girl properly, given how far gone she was.

It didn't leave Tenbi's stunningly hot nurse with any other option really. Her earlier ideas being only useful to Inaho under different circumstances. Besides, she couldn't detect any sort of lie from her…

Taking in a short breath, Aki gave a nod of approval for the more seasoned, and mature Amado sister. "Okay Tomiko. I'll trust you with her. But be sure to let me in on the details later, in case you need my help."

"You have my word." Following the 1st year homeroom teacher's enthusiastic reply, Aki let out a small sigh as she moved away from Inaho. The two original members of maken-ki sharing one last look with the other as Aki walked by her a little hesitantly, but shook off the lingering bad feeling she got in the pit of her gut as she put faith in the woman.

Right as the woman left, Tomiko turned back to the flushed brunette, brown pools shimmering with a level of mischief that put even her sister to shame. "Now then Inaho, be patient and come with me for a bit. I'll be sure to get you exactly what you need, if you'll just follow my instructions~." Leading the girl away, who became quite compliant upon hearing her words unlike with Aki, the smile on Tomiko's face only became more devious, and salacious at the same time…

Later on…

"Okay boys, the girls are finished. Time for a celebratory shower, wouldn't you all say?" Akaya asked rhetorically to the gaggle of young men still high off their victory around the pool.

"Hell yeah!" Most of them shouted back with zeal, pumping their fists in the air again as though they were programmed like hype machines to do so, before making their way towards the entranceway of the changing and shower room. Akaya walking through first for the boys to follow.

Right as Kengo rose out of the water, he took a brief look back at the half-saiyan, who hadn't budged an inch from his current spot in the water since his teammates brought him down. "Heh, he's probably still stuck in his own world after seeing Azuki's boobs. Lucky bastard! He got a front row seat!" While he did feel quite the bit of jealousy over the boy's luck, even more so than when his precious Himegami-senpai brought him on a date and kissed him, he didn't really feel any actual animosity towards him. Even if not directly, he'd played quite the role in them winning by taking a beating from Azuki, which still puzzled him considering he'd seen him take her down even with her maken… he'd either lost on purpose, which he believed to be more probable, or he just had an off day, which was also plausible considering he'd zoned out quite a few times throughout the day…

Whatever it was, at the moment he didn't feel like asking him. The dude looked to be put in a trance, and he could hardly blame him! There was no doubt Azuki's popularity among the boys would skyrocket following this, and there'd be no shortage of them beating one out to the red head and her ice cream sundaes when they got back to their apartment rooms. Hell, some of the dirty bastards might just do it while in the shower!

"Heh, I'll leave him be. Give him a little more time to recover. He'll need it after what he saw!" With that thought, Kengo turned away from the stagnant boy in the pool with a lecherous smile, as he began thinking of all the sexy swimsuits the girls might wear for the swimming session in a few days. Boy, he couldn't wait to see them!

Right as he left, and subsequently all the other boys including Kurigasa who'd finally woken up after getting the eyeful of a lifetime for his crush's assets, Gohan was left to continue staring aimlessly into space.

The boy's entire body feeling like a searing hot furnace set to full blast! Veins popping out of his full mass erection jutting out of his shorts. The thick, bulging cock twitching furiously within the fabric, demanding to be released! His eyes clouded over with barely held in lust, the only thing allowing the boy to keep it in even this miniscule state of control being the fact there were no girls around him at the moment, else he would've jumped the nearest one by now and fucked their brains out with reckless abandon…

"C-crab baskets… I-I can't take it…!" Wrestling a losing battle with his rabid hormones, Gohan, even knowing he stood no chance now that they'd gotten this bad. He just about wrenched his head up from the position it had been screwed to for the last ten minutes, as he slowly made his way towards the side of the pool after another three minutes of him just standing there.

The effort literally did nothing for him, as nothing would be gained from it. Yet still, he soldiered on regardless. The urge to fuck ever present, like a tidal wave in his already flooded mind, compelling him to seek out a female to alleviate himself with. Gohan futilely battling his raw, primal instinct as he made it to the poolside. His manhood about ready to pierce its way through his shorts as he foled his arms over the tiled floor, and rested his forehead on them as though they were a cushion. Harsh, heated pants flowing out of him as he closed his eyes, and listened to the rapid beating of his heart. He really wished someone could show or tell him a way to deal with these frighteningly strong, hormonally charged instincts. Because every time he lost himself to them, they came back even fiercer the next time afterward. It was like a never ending cycle!

Mulling over his lack of control, and failing ability to keep his hormones in check for anything more than a day by this point, the time passed by. Minutes flying past until the boys had finished their showers, and had left the building while he still remained.

The horny boy, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your stance, wasn't alone though. His ears pricking up as he heard soft footsteps on the ground, coming from the entranceway to the locker room.

Moving his head up almost robotically, the boy just barely managed to look at the person walking in, and found a gulp fall heavily down his throat once he saw who walked through.

Standing before him now, on the tiled floor just above him as he looked upon her, was none other than Inaho, still garbed in her one-piece.

His nose picked it up near instantly, the powerful aroma of arousal wafting off of every pore of her body! Give how long she'd been out of the water, she had mostly dried off by now. With the exception of her own fluids trailing down her legs, pouring out of her virgin womanhood like a faucet! That being where the smell of arousal was most potent!

She looked down at him with her own cloudy pools, staring into his hungry eyes with an equal amount of sexual desire.

"G-Gohan-kun…" She breathed heavily, cheeks turning the darkest red the boy had ever seen as her as she hooked her thumbs underneath the straps of her one-piece, before pulling them down. The upper part of the swimsuit falling down to her waist. Boing! Allowing her enormous E-cup boobies to flop out excitedly in all their naked glory before his starving stare. Dusty pink nipples standing fully erect atop the centre of each wobbling, white globe. "I'm all yours…"

With those final words, Gohan's mind evaporated completely once again. Leaving only a sexual beast in his place.

One that now had it's next meal ripe for picking…


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