
Chapter 8 - Haruko’s breaking point, water cavalry prelude & Azuki.

The next day… Early morning… In the apartment…

"Ughhhhh…" Groaned our favourite half-saiyan as he awoke groggily from his sleep.

Rubbing his eyes to get the crust out, he rose to a sitting position. His vision still a little fuzzy, Gohan looked down as he felt a mild draft crawling on his skin, his eyes slowing coming back into focus as he stared down at his bollock naked, muscular form. His little head standing up somewhat stiffly before him, its bulbous purple head staring right back up at him. Almost as if it was mocking him by being near fully erect despite his 'punishment' the other day…

A sigh cut through the half breeds lips as he remained there, staring at his semi-hard member that was standing almost as straight as a skyscraper.

"What in the world am I going to do with you?" He whispered to himself, feeling a brief bout of annoyance hit him. "No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to keep you under control."

The boy turned his head as he looked to the side near the wall on the left, where his cum stained clothes rested. A very potent, and powerful smell wafting off them. One that reeked of a combination of his own seed, along with the bodily fluids of both Furan and Yuuka.

His nose couldn't help but sniff the odour that came off the uniform in waves. The scent reminding him of his affair with the two girls yesterday. Images playing back through his mind in vivid detail, about their activities.

It was at this point that Gohan could feel his manhood twitching like mad. His eyes travelling back down to said manhood as veins started appearing around the shaft. A slight grimace passed over his features as his cock became even harder and increasingly aroused.

Gohan's cheeks flushed red, his eyes shutting themselves as he tried to get his mind off of anything lewd. Hoping that by doing this, his manhood would calm down.

He had some mild success, as after a minute or so he was able to purge his mind of those thoughts momentarily. Sadly this didn't have the effect he was hoping it would on his woken dragon, which was still noticeably more erect than when he woke up. Twitching and shaking like a leaf in the wind, and with veins popping out around it's over ten inch long mass.

"Damn it. Of course that didn't work. Why did I bother getting my hopes up." The half-saiyan couldn't help but shake his head in dismay as he stood up from the floor, his cock now pointing straight at the opening of the attic that led back down to the rest of the apartment. His eyes gazing up at the ceiling as a second sigh cut through his throat. "I suppose all I can do now is hope that you calm down a little as the day goes on."

With that, the demi-saiyan walked up to the cum-stained uniform on the floor, and looked down at it with a shake of his head.

"I guess I'll have to make a new uniform then." He said, his hands glowing a light yellow as he tried to focus and visualize a brand new uniform to wear.

Unfortunately for the half-breed, he had no such luck as his manhood decided to get in his way once again. Practically mocking him by forcing a lewd image into his head that replaced the one of the uniform. Said lewd image being that of a naked Furan on her knees, covered in his seed from head to toe, cum dripping out of every orifice. The beautiful blonde staring up at him with her tongue hanging limply out of her open mouth with a fucked silly expression on her cum covered face. Eyes begging him for more.

This quickly snapped the demi-Saiyan out of his attempt to create a new uniform as he shook his head, trying to get rid of what his other head was implanting into his brains thoughts. All while feeling a small spike of arousal in his roused member.

"Dammit don't do this to me now." He was beginning to feel irritation wash over his features as he tried again.

Once again, sadly he was given an identical result to the first one, as his little head once again got in the way of being able to visualize another uniform, and replaced it this time with an image of Yuuka. The purple haired girl also bollock naked and covered from top to bottom in his seed, on her hands and knees with her shapely pale ass right in his face with his own essence pouring out of her anus. The girl looking back over her shoulder at him with eyes like Furan's, begging him for more.

"Gah! Come on!" He hissed, beginning to feel another spike of arousal stronger than the first as he shook his head to rid his mind once more of what his libido was conjuring up.

"One more time…" He thought, hoping that the third time would be the charm.

For a second, it appeared as though he'd been given a break as he managed to completely visualize the uniform in his head.

"Finally, I've got…" The half saiyan's thought was cut short as his penis might as well have been like, 'you wish pal' before the image of the uniform evaporated. Being replaced with that of images of both Himegami and Shiria. The petite blonde loli and the buxom pinkette as naked as the day they were born. Both of their bare bodies coated in his semen as they were both on their backs, propped up by their elbows as they appeared to be screaming in ecstasy with their eyes rolled back into their heads. "…It."

Gohan's eyelids clamped down over his coal black orbs, teeth gritting as his hands stopped glowing yellow and palmed his face in frustration. All while he felt a third spike of arousal in his sexual organ. This being the strongest one yet.

"Why did I have to be given a libido this high? I know I'm still going through puberty, but come on…"

With that thought, Gohan started thinking of another way to handle this situation since it was pretty apparent he couldn't use his friend's and mentor Piccolo's technique as his hormones just got in the way, which was really annoying.

After a minute of thinking, Gohan managed to think up a back-up idea. "Okay, change of plans. I guess I'll take these to the washing machine and have them cleaned there. While that's going on, I'll fetch my tracksuit pants and wear them while I wait. Once their finished, I'll just use my ki to heat them up and dry them off quick, before putting it back on."

Of course, he'd have to make sure he didn't get caught. He had absolutely no clue how he'd handle the situation if he got caught like this. Trying to explain why he was naked and had to throw his entire uniform in for the wash? Yeah, that definitely wouldn't go over well. Hopefully though, fate was on his side this time.

Nodding to himself, Gohan quickly picked up the uniform, excluding the shoes since they were the only things that were still relatively clean somehow, and made his way to the ladder. Slowly, but surely making his way down it silently with garments held by his right arm into his arm pit.

With his unbound erect cock lightly swaying from side to side as he moved. As stealthily as he could, he made his way through the hall, passed the bathroom/changing room and peeked his head into the living room and kitchen area. Seeing no one, he quickly looked up at the clock on the wall and smiled as he saw the time was 5:00 A.M as he crept past.

"Nice. It's really early. Even Haruko shouldn't be up for another hour or so." He thought with a broadening smile as he made his way through the hall some more, passing by each of the girl's rooms before making it to the last room in the apartment, which he knew to be the utility room that housed the washing machine.

Opening the door to the room, he walked in. The room itself being nothing special, with a wooden floor, a few baskets littered near the wall on his left and the washing machine dead in the middle between the other side of the small room and the door.

"Time to get to it then." He thought, as he got in front of the machine, pacing his shoes on the floor as he opened up the cylindrical door, throwing in the semen and fluid riddled clothes that reeked of sex. Closing the door back up, he found the open box of cleaning powder resting on top of the machine. Opening up the small compartment on the top left hand side of the machine, he poured in what he needed before placing the box back on top of the machine, closing the compartment, and pressing a few buttons on the machine to start it up.

Within a few seconds, the inside of the machine whirred to life and began spinning round and round, all while slowly washing the clothes inside.

"Okay, that should take about a half hour, give or take. Now, to get those pants." With that thought, the half saiyan came out of the utility room and snuck his way back down the hall, reaching the changing room and opening the door as he snuck in. Being mindful that if he was loud enough he may still wake up the others. He made it to the spot where his clothes were kept, which was a medium sized basket on the middle shelf of the brown storage case near the door that was three metres high and several metres wide.

The only thing he found there though, was his pair of white sneakers next to the basket. The basket itself was empty.

"What the? Why aren't they here? Haruko said she'd leave them here for me when they dried off from the wash, so where are they?" He whispered to himself in confusion.

This wasn't good. If he didn't have anything to wear, then he'd have to wait out the whole washing process, which again was a half hour, bollock naked.

"Okay… if they're not here, and they're not on the line over the balcony otherwise I would've seen them, then where are they?"

Gohan stood there for about a minute thinking this, mulling over his thoughts as to where they could've ended up. That is until a rather… unsettling answer popped into his head.

"Oh man… what if Haruko accidently placed my clothes into one of their wardrobes by mistake?" It was certainly a possibility. After all, outside of his uniform, he really only had a simple shirt, hoodie, pants and sneakers to his name as of right now, making it very easy for a mistake like that to occur. The reason he only had those was due to him deciding not to bother with clothes shopping, since he thought he wouldn't need to given his ability to make his own clothes with Piccolo's technique.

Yeah, in hindsight right now, that had been a terrible decision. Considering that his own body was making such an option at present moment impossible.

Which left him with two options. Number 1: he could do without and hope that none of them woke up before the wash finished and he could dry them off to wear.

Or number 2: He could take a risk and check each of their wardrobes without waking them and see if he could find his casual clothes.

After mulling this over for a bit, he made the decision to give the second option a shot. So long as he didn't turn on the lights, and kept himself silent, he should be able to pull it off without waking them. At least in theory anyway.

With that, Gohan made his way out of the changing room as silently as possible. Creeping his way towards the closest bedroom near the changing room, which was Inaho's.

"Here goes nothing." Taking a small breath in and out, Gohan slowly opened the door to the bubbly girl's room.

He couldn't make out much detail due to their being little light coming into the room other than what he was letting in from the outside. As he looked around, he spotted the wardrobe on the far side of the room on the left, a good bit away from the double bed at the top where he could see a noticeable bump within the sheets, and a familiar head of light brown hair.

Being positive she was still asleep, the half saiyan snuck his way over to the wardrobe and opened it. After a few minutes searching through it, he found that his clothes weren't there, so he closed the doors back up and quietly made his way out of the room. Closing the door behind him lightly as the busty girl curled herself into a ball under her sheets as she let out some cute, quiet snores.

Moving up a bit, the nude boy made his way over to the room closest to hers, which was Himegami's. Lightly breathing in and out like before, he slowly opened the door and creeped inside her room. He didn't really have to look around this time, as he could still recall where everything in her room was from when they had had sex.

Getting to her wardrobe, he opened it up and began searching. After another couple minutes, he came to the same conclusion he had with Inaho's. His clothes weren't there.

Which means there was only one place left to look… Haruko's wardrobe.

Closing the doors of the wardrobe, he sneakily made his way towards the door. Only turning his head to look back once at the peacefully sleeping form of Himegami inside her bed, before getting out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Only one left now." Tip toeing his way over the floor, he came in front of the door to Haruko's bedroom last.

Letting out one final breath, he opened the door as carefully as he could to not make a noise. Peaking his head to look around the dark room. He could make out a few shelves connected to the wall on the left as he moved his head around. On the far side of the room sat a queen-sized bed right in the middle between either side of the room, with desk beside it with what looked to be some sort of object on top of it. One he couldn't quite make out.

What he could make out however was the sounds of soft snoring coming from within the sheets of the bed. Squinting his eyes, Gohan was able to make out Haruko's pretty face and the peaceful expression it held as she slept in the middle of her spacious bed flat on her back.

"Better hope she stays like that." His head pulled away from her and looked over the rest of the room.

"There you are." Spotting it near her bed on the left-side wall, right beside the edge of it.

This one was certainly closer than the rest were to the other two, but this didn't bother him for the moment. This would take only a few minutes and he'd be out well before she woke.

This in mind, he tip toed his way to it. Reaching the sliding wooden door that housed her attires, he slid it open.

Giving it a quick once over, he didn't see his stuff in there yet, so he began rummaging through it. Not noticing that Haruko had started to stir.

Haruko's eyes squinted as she slowly woke up. Her vision a little bleary as her eye lids rose up to reveal tired looking light blue pools. Her body feeling groggy after having just awoken.

"Is there someone in my room? What's that noise?" She thought to herself despite her groggy state as she rose to a sitting position on her bed. The duvet falling down to her lap.

Meanwhile, Gohan continued searching for his tracksuit pants, his expression beginning to become rather worried as he still hadn't found it, or his other few articles of clothing despite having sifted through most of the clothes in the wardrobe.

"Dammit. Where is it? If it wasn't anywhere else than it has to be here! Come on, come on…" The frustration was clear in his tone despite it being a silent whisper that only he could hear.

At least, that's what he thought anyway…

"That voice… is that…?" Pulling her left arm, the buxom purple haired girl reached for the handle to her lamp near the bed, her hand catching and grasping on to the dangling contraption.

At the same time, Gohan's eyes lit up as he finally spotted what he was looking for. "There they are! Finally found them." His hand reached inside as he grabbed a hold of them from within the confines of the other piles of clothes at the bottom, below the many outfits hanging from coat hangers at the top. "Things are finally starting to look up a little, hehe."

Words like those were never spoken too soon, especially for the poor demi-saiyan. As, in that moment, a light flickered on behind him, emanating from the lamp and illuminating the room.

"G-Gohan…?" The half-breed froze. His entire body going stock still with the tracksuit pants clenched in his outstretched hand.

Slowly, and robotically, the boys head turned towards where the surprised voice came from. Beads of sweat starting to roll down his temple in nervousness as his face turned a little paler.

With his head fully turned to the side, his gaze landed on a now very awake Haruko sitting up from her bed. Unable to stop his eyes from roaming over her upper body clad in nothing more than a tight fitting, lacy purple bra. Showing off the creamy skin of her flat stomach, slim waist and wide hips.

"H-Haruko…" The boy's mouth fell open, his body becoming rooted in place as he stood up straighter. Noticing that the right strap of the lacy bra had slid down her shoulder. His cheeks flaring red as the bra which already showed off the deep valley of her stupendously large H-cup boobies, started to slowly display more and more of her right globe. The pad that held in the soft, fat, pale mound slowly peeling off downwards, evidenced further by the fact that a certain stub located at the peak of said breast was slowly, enticingly grazing its way up the falling fabric it jutted out through. This alone had Gohan's member going crazy, but thankfully for his sanity, the pad stopped falling right as it started to show the pinkish hue of her large tit's areola. If it were possible for a raging erection to whine, it likely would've done so then and there, being denied the sight of Haruko's humungous hooter completely exposed.

At the same time, Haruko also felt her mouth fall open as well, along with a crimson blush washing over her cheeks as she noticed his apparent nudity. Her mind travelling back to the erotic dream she'd had the night prior. "H-he's here in my room! Just like he was in my dream…" She thought, her mind beginning to become hazy as her eyes roamed over every square inch of his masculine, muscular body. Her body heating up more and more as her eyes trained over his broad shoulders, to his bulging biceps and triceps along his wonderful arms, to his shredded, fully defined six pack abs, to his tree trunk like, muscular legs.

Then finally, her eyes landed on his exposed member. The ten inch python jutting out in her direction, twitching madly, veins beginning to pop out, becoming harder and exceedingly more erect as she stared at it. A growing sense of lust bubbling up within her.

As for Gohan, he could practically feel every bit of his sex driven hormones warring… clawing… scraping… pounding against every fibre of his self-control. His rationally thinking mind doing its damn best to stave off his bestial urges assaults on his person to rip that bra off and go buck wild. However, thanks again to his stroke of luck with Haruko's bra pad managing just barely to hang on, his mind was able to slam down and curve his hormonal instincts with some difficulty for the moment. God help him if that pad had fallen completely, as his mind definitely wouldn't have been able to fight it off then, as he had found out through his… previous experiences…

Of course, that didn't stop this moment between the two from now being incredibly awkward and embarrassing on his end.

"Ehehe…" Gohan chuckled nervously, bringing up the pants to cover his family jewels and broad sword, whilst simultaneously walking backwards towards the door. "Look who's awake…"

Haruko's eyes managed to pull themselves from Gohan's crotch, even though his erect member was still noticeably jutting out through the fabric of the pants right in her direction, up to Gohan's blushing face. Her own face still burning scarlet, her lip quivered as she said the only thing she could think of right now.

"G-G-Gohan… Y-you're naked… in my room…" At this point, Haruko was halfway between stunned that he was naked in her room, and mesmerised with a heightened feeling of arousal beginning to surface along with lust that had surfaced throughout her voluptuous body. Somehow her lewd, indecent dream about him had become somewhat of a reality.

And as indecent as this thought may be, she was torn between a feeling of distress, and sexual attraction.

Meanwhile, Gohan had managed to backtrack his way to the door. A very forced smile on his face. "U-uh yeah! It looks like I am, hehe. Wonder how that happened?" Dear god he was digging his own grave. Was that really the best thing he could say right now!? "I-I can explain this…"

The demi-saiyan reached back and could feel his other palm resting over the handle to her door, his throat swallowing down some saliva with an audible gulp before he pulled it towards himself.

"Later!" Was his last word as he swiftly turned and bolted out of the room. Giving the confused, yet aroused girl a brief look at the back of his toned, muscular legs and ass before he got out the room and shut the door behind him without nearly as much sound as one would expect.

This left the busty young woman to herself, sitting upright on her bed. Her bra pad which had somehow held on to her breast this long finally slipping off, causing her humongous hooter to bob out into the open, constrained no more as her clearly aroused and fully erect pink nipple flicked outwards after being freed, swaying up and down in the air whilst her gorgeous, pale marsh-mellow it was a part of jiggled like gelatine.

Her knees coming together and rubbing up against the other underneath her blanket as she continued to stare at the door he rushed out of. A growing wet patch developing on her purple panties from her now very moist womanhood as she was left to her… increasingly indecent thoughts about the naked young man…

A little later that morning… In the first-years classroom…

"My fellow brothers… firstly, for joining today's meeting… I give you my thanks." Said Kengo, who was currently standing at the front of the classroom. A dead serious look on his normally laid back face, his eyes having an edge to them. A fire burning inside those coal black eyes of his.

Before him was a sea of first-year male students that basically made up the entire male student body of Tenbi, sitting down in their own various ways around the classroom as they looked up to Kengo. Listening intently to what the boy had to say. Mirroring the same look the boy before them had.

The only boy that wasn't there with the rest, was none other than Son Gohan.

"I have many things to say…" He began, raising his left arm up and motioning his open hand over to the boys in the same way a preacher would to those who would listen to him. "But, today there's only one…" He paused once more, letting his eyes flutter over the boys who were paying rapt attention to his every word. "In this era, such unfairness… is it possible to forgive unreasonable behaviours?"

"NO! IT'S UNFORGIVABLE!" Yelled the sea of boys in unison.

"Therefore… TODAY WE SHALL STAND UP!" Yelled Kengo vigorously, his previously outstretched hand balling into a fist that he pulled near his face. "TENBI MALE STUDENTS! WE WILL NOT BE DENIED ANY LONGER!" He decreed loudly and passionately for the world to hear, pumping his fist up in the air and pointing his finger to the ceiling in a defiant pose.




Were the passionate cries from the boys listening as they too pumped their fists into the air.

"We will not deal with this injustice any longer. It is time to make things right!" Kengo thought to himself through the increasing cheers from his fellow boys.

Later that day… following classes…

A sigh broke through Gohan's lips as he entered the Maken-ki clubroom, his eyes being met with the sight of everyone else, including the members of Venus already being present. Most of which were sitting behind their desks, or in Azuki's case, leaning back on her chair with one leg crossed over the other, placed on her desk, kicking back and relaxing for the most part. She appeared to be in the idle of something but Gohan didn't pay any mind to it.

His gaze then travelled over to the other side of the room from where he was, Where Furan was sitting down at her own desk having just done a bit of paper work, and Yuuka stood next to her with that usual closed eye smile of hers.

He noticed Furan's head move up enough to where her eyes could see him. Her cheeks tinting red as she saw him, nodding her head in acknowledgement of his presence before going back to the little amount of paper work she had been doing.

His gaze quickly moved to that of Yuuka, whose eyes had opened slightly into tiny slits, revealing her mischievous brown orbs. Her lips curled into a lascivious smile as, without anyone in the room other than him noticing, she crossed her arms under her ample D-cup breasts, bent forward a little in his direction, and gave him a saucy wink, before returning back to the way she had been before he came in.

He couldn't help but take notice though of the way her legs shook. The two appendages trembling, indicating that she hadn't fully recovered from yesterday, and he'd wager that Furan probably hadn't either, but hers didn't show due to her being seated.

Taking this as his cue, the half saiyan made his way away from the door, breaking his gaze away from the two before anyone other than them could notice it and sat down in an empty seat near the left hand wall, opposite the room from Azuki.

After sitting down, he sensed a few pairs of eyes on him. Looking up, he noticed that one of them belonged to Inaho, who was smiling at him from the other side of the room next to Azuki, her left hand moved up as she waved at him in a very friendly manner, a cute and kind smile on her face. He reciprocated the friendly wave, a small, yet strained smile gracing his features.

The other three pairs of eyes belonged to Shiria, Haruko and Himegami. The first of which also waved at him from her seat near Demitra and Yan Min with a beaming smile. He once again reciprocated the act, albeit strained, before turning his attention over to Haruko, who immediately looked away from him again, her cheeks turning scarlet as she avoided meeting his gaze, pressing the slim black book in her hands further into her chest subconsciously. Unintentionally causing some of her large H-cup cleavage to expand out and bubble over the top of the book from inside her shirt.

Gohan also turned away from her, cheeks turning red as his face settled into a grimace at the reminder of his little 'wardrobe malfunction' in front of her this morning. Not to mention the patent silence that prevailed over the two during breakfast as they sat at the table along with Himegami and Inaho. God that had been so awkward.

There was also the fact that he had come to realise about the clock on the wall inside the dining/kitchen area still being about forty to fifty minutes behind the actual time. Since they had never bothered to actually fix the damn thing, and in his haste, he had forgotten about that little nugget of information. This revelation had been enough to make him groan when he remembered and face palm dejectedly. It being obvious by that point that Haruko had begun to wake up then because it WAS her usual time to routinely get up in the morning, and begin her morning activities.

Given the way she was reacting to him now? There was no doubt he was even further into the doghouse with her after this.

Or at least, he thought he was actually…

What Gohan didn't know, was that he was no where close to being in the doghouse with Haruko. She wasn't even mad at him at all. Instead, she couldn't stop her mind from… wandering elsewhere when she looked at him.

"Oh god… I can't get Gohan-kun being naked out of my head." Not like she hadn't seen him naked, or exposed from the top two times prior, going back to their first meeting, and when she, Furan and Yuuka had caught him and Shiria… doing indecent acts with each other in the clubroom. "His muscles look so good, and his-" she gulped as soon as her mind conjured it up, feeling a heat build between her legs that she tried to calm down. "- huge penis."

By the gods, she was having so many indecent thoughts right now, and yet she didn't want them to stop! "So indecent. So… so indecent." She repeated in her mind. Almost like a mantra.

And yet… despite the indecency of them, she found herself emboldened by them instead of being resistant. Emboldened further to make that dream of hers a reality. She just didn't know how she was going to go about that just yet…

While she went off into her own little world, paying no mind to what was going on around her, Gohan's gaze moved one last time as it went over Himegami, who was smirking over at him with a quirked eye brow from her seat near Demitra and the rest of Venus. He saw her get up from it though, and make her way over to him. Walking around the desks and passed Furan's before making her way down to him from the right side in a brisk walk.

Stopping barely two inches away from the demi-saiyan, her smirk broadened as her green eyes looked down into his coal black pools, her left hand on her hip as her left foot raised up to her toes, bending the knee of her pale skinned, petite leg as the other remained straight and flat on the ground.

"You ok, Gohan? You seem to be a little… stiff." The petite blond said with a hint of amusement. Taking note not only of the way he was sitting, but also having her eyes spot a certain bulge from within his trousers at his pelvis. Which was quite noticeable when you got up close.

"I'm fine." He groaned, noticing how her eyes dipped down to his crotch when she mentioned him being stiff, and how the amusement in her eyes increased when she saw his bulge. "I went to bed earlier than usual and slept longer than I normally do. My body's just feeling a little rigid after that. It should ware off soon."

"You sure about that? It doesn't seem like it's ready to relax any time soon." She cooed, referring to his little problem inside his trousers once more.

"Believe me, it will." At least he hoped it would, damn erection hadn't calmed down in the slightest and was even more unbearably aroused than it was this morning, which was ridiculous. He was losing himself to his own hormones faster and faster every time he got to relieve himself, which didn't bode well. He really needed to find out some way to deal with it, and he'd already tried piccolo's meditation in between classes, and that hadn't worked either.

All he'd gotten for that was… well, his mind wandering off again and giving him obscene images of none other than Haruko in numerous compromising positions. Clad in nothing but the purple bra and panties she worn when he saw her this morning. Making it pretty clear who his salacious instincts desired next.

"Whatever you say Gohan. Whatever you say." She shrugged her shoulders, a look that said 'you know that isn't true' written on her pretty little face. "By the way, I was wondering. Would you care to explain what was going on between you and Haruko during breakfast? You two couldn't even look at each other, and barely said a word the whole time."

"I uhh…" Gohan paused, trying to come up with a good cover story, but sadly his brain failed him in this instance, and couldn't come up with anything good on the spot, so he just let out a sigh. His eyes briefly looking away from her expectant face. "Do you really want to know?"

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked."

Bowing his head for a second in resignation, Gohan decided to tell her, as at this point he just couldn't be bothered anymore. "She saw me naked."

Upon hearing this, Himegami's face showed some surprise momentarily, before she brought her hand to her mouth to stifle the laughter that was about to come out. Her eyes now regarding him with genuine mirth and curiosity. "Oh my… I can certainly understand now why she's been acting like that. After all, seeing you nude would probably get almost any girl riled up. I should know after all, I've seen it and experienced it myself." She finished with a lascivious smirk, her mind recalling said 'experience' with him. An experience she wouldn't mind getting a second dose of if she was being honest.

Her last words reminding him too of their little fling, Gohan felt his stiff member twitch once more inside his trousers. A feeling he promptly ignored to the best of his abilities, despite how much it throbbed inside.

"Hmm, but then how did she see you naked, and why were you naked in the first place?" She asked, her curiosity having only grown considerably now, as had her amusement at his expense.

"That's a long story." He replied whilst looking down at the ground, away from her gaze. Knowing that in order to properly answer that question, he'd have to explain the reason why he couldn't wear his uniform, and he wasn't sure how she'd react to knowing what he'd been up to.

The petite pig-tailed blonde quirked her right brow up at this. "So? We have plenty of time."

Gohan wasn't sure how many times he had sighed today already as another one left his lips. What he was sure about was that he didn't feel like holding this to himself. After all, several people already knew what he had been up to lately with his out of control hormones. What difference would it make if Himegami knew? After all, she had been his first, and despite how she acted at times, he was pretty sure she could keep her mouth sealed.

Or at least… he hoped she could anyway.

Moving his head up, Gohan met her gaze with his own. "Will you be able to keep this a secret if I tell you?"

"Depends what the secret is." She responded cheekily.

"Here goes nothing." The half-saiyan thought, choosing to take her sassy reply as a yes as he motioned her a little closer so he could whisper it into her ear.

She obliged, of course, and he proceeded to explain to her what had happened. Starting with the mornings events, and then explaining why his uniform was drenched in cum and bodily fluid by telling her what had happened yesterday with Yuuka and Furan, which led to him also explaining as to why THAT had happened in the first place. That being his clubroom sexual throwdown with Shiria following the mock hockey game set up by Yuuka herself.

Though he didn't go into detail about the sexy parts between himself and the other girls that much, pretty much so he could hold on to his rationality, it didn't stop Himegami blushing profusely about it. The news that he'd had sex with a few others after her didn't really come as a shock to her though. After all, given how he had essentially fucked her unconscious, and she didn't really think he had been fully satiated by it, it wasn't that surprising he had ended up doing it to others. Hell, she remembered thinking to herself before losing consciousness that she'd need some help with him as he was too much for her alone.

She could even buy his reasoning that his hormones were out of control since she had seen the look in his eyes while he was having his way with her. He looked like a beast in heat!

What did surprise her somewhat, was just how quickly he had lost himself to his own instincts again. As horny and perverted as the other boys could be, ESPECIALLY Kengo, that annoying super perv fanboy of hers, she was pretty sure even they would be able to hold themselves back better than that.

Wait, what was she thinking? Kengo could barely keep it in as it was without any girls showing an interest in him. He probably spent more time looking up girls skirts at their panties than he did literally anything else. He'd likely fold quicker than an uneven stack of playing cards held up and balanced on a pedestal smaller than a damn pencil…

Sufficed to say though, as Gohan finished his explanation, she found herself pleased that he was willing to tell her about his current predicament… and also a little turned on secretly, knowing just how high his libido and stamina were. But that wasn't important right now.

"Well… that's certainly quite the tale, Gohan-kun."

Noting the affectionate use of the 'kun' suffix after his name, along with the Cheshire like grin on her face as he pulled away from her, he went to reaffirm that she would keep this a secret.

"So, can you keep that between us for now?" He asked with a hopeful tone.

"Hmm, I don't know Gohan-kun. This seems just too juicy to keep to myself." She said teasingly, holding her sides with a shameless, humoured look in her eyes as her Cheshire grin expanded into a near full blown smile.

He was already beginning to regret his decision to tell her the truth.

"Kodama-chan, please…" He begged, using her given name rather than her family name for the first time since meeting her. Adding on the affectionate 'chan' suffix without even realising it.

"Kodama-chan, eh? I like the sound of that…" Thought Himegami contentedly, feeling a little merciful now as she gazed down at him with her highly entertained emerald green pools. "Okay Gohan-kun. I won't say a word." She told him, before leaning down and whispering into his ear, "So long as you keep calling me that, and do me a small favour, I'll keep quiet."

He didn't really have a choice here did he? Guess this was the small price he had to pay for telling her the truth. He only had himself to blame for this one. "Deal."

Himegami let out a small giggle as she pulled away from his ear. "Good to hear. My lips are sealed."

Gohan let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Well, that was that then.

"I'll let you know when I want you to do the favour for me." She said whilst turning away from him, a giddy feeling rising up inside her from the 'favour' she would ask of him. "Oh and by the way, just so you know… I don't mind you doing it with the other girls." She finished bluntly, her eyes full of humour, and her smile stretching from ear to ear, doing her best to stop herself from laughing as she felt his stunned gaze on her back.

"W-What the!?" Is she serious!?" Thought the half-saiyan in shock, his jaw almost slamming comically into the ground like some character from children's cartoon as he watched her walk away from him. Her short skirt fluttering up enough as she walked to give him small glimpses of the pearly white panties she wore underneath, garnering a small tightening in his pants before she made her way over to the other side of the room back to her seat. A clearly satisfied, victorious smile splitting her face.

Of all the things that Gohan knew of, girls and how their minds worked was something he knew the least about, and would probably never understand them. Especially Himegami, or 'Kodama-chan' as she now wanted him to refer to her as.

This day really did just keep spiralling out of control didn't it? Made him wonder if things could get anymore absurd than they already were.

The door clicked open and swung outwardly with a slight creak, drawing Gohan's attention over to it as Kengo stepped into the room. A big stack of sheets held in by his left arm as he walked forward, making a beeline for Furan's desk. A look of strong determination in his eyes.

This alone set off the alarm bells in Gohan's head. Whenever Kengo looked determined like that, he had quickly come to find out there was always a perverted intention behind it.

He'd just jinxed himself there, hadn't he?

Furan looked up from her desk as Kengo came up to, bringing the stack of papers into both hands before placing them down in front of her with a thud. Yuuka meanwhile, looked on with curiosity.

"What… is this?" Asked Furan, clearly confused and taken aback slightly by Kengo suddenly plopping these on her desk.

"Signatures… no… they're shouts coming from the guys spirits." He replied, a dead serious look on his face.

"Shouts from spirits?" Now Furan was even more confused, a drop of sweat trailing down her left cheek.

What was he on about?

A devilish smile came over Kengo's face, his eyes beginning to burn with fire in them as he continued, placing his hands on the table as he leaned in. Furan leaning back a little with a sweat drop at his forwardness. "The chairman opened the pool… do you know what's the schedule for swimming lessons?"

"Y-Yes. The petition from the girls… guys and girls will have separate lessons right?"

"That's it." Replied Kengo, his tone sounding pleased that she had gotten to what he saw as an issue.

"I really don't like where this is going…" Thought Gohan as he watched on, hearing the boy's inquiry about the pool schedules. There was only one real reason he would bring that up.

"Hahah-" Kengo turned his head around as he heard the short, mocking laugh. His eyes landing on Azuki, right as Gohan's attention was drawn to the fiery red-head as well, who'd paused what she was doing. "-In other words, you guys aren't happy that you won't get to see the girls in their swimwear…" She said, rightly pointing out what Gohan himself had concluded was Kengo's real aim. "Why are Tenbi guys a whole bunch of idiots."

Gohan felt the need to protest that statement since it was broad enough to include him too. But considering his recent escapades, he was probably the last person who should do that.

Kengo on the other hand, was unperturbed by her comments. Instead, his face took on a look of genuine shock as he saw what Azuki was doing. "Azuki-senpai… are you sewing?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

Before Kengo replied, Gohan found himself looking over at Azuki's hands and realising that, yes, she was indeed knitting something.

Azuki Shinatsu… of all people was knitting… Guess you really couldn't judge a book by it's cover. He had honestly believed she was too much of a tomboy to partake in such a pastime.

It seemed that Kengo was having similar thoughts to Gohan on that, as he continued to stare at her in disbelief. "W-Well, it's just that its odd to see you acting so… girly."

A tick mark appeared on the side of Azuki's head as a comically enraged expression morphed unto her blushing features. "YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT!? AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'ACTING GIRLY', I AM A GIRL YOU DUMBASS!" She yelled out angrily, steam practically pouring out of her ears like a kettle of water put on a boiling stove. Her tomboyish, aggressive personality coming out in full force.

"Jeez… that really pissed her off." Thought Gohan with a sweat drop as he noticed Azuki fuming, looking about ready to kick Kengo's ass all the way down town and back.

Which personally, he wouldn't have minded right now if he was honest with himself, as cruel as that sounded.

After taking a moment to recover from Azuki's outburst at him, Kengo ran his right hands fingers through his hair, a look of contentment on his face. "Well, definitely. These days 'girlish' and 'boyish' are obsolete words, an it's embarrassing to say boys and girls are equal even now." He commented truthfully, doing the biggest U-turn as to where his line of thinking was going that was possible.

This seemed to calm Azuki down, as she merely gave him a light, somewhat red-faced glare with a noticeable frown. Her gaze still indicating she wanted to smack him good for that stupid comment of his.

Even to Gohan, for once Kengo didn't sound like his typical perverted self, but Gohan was far from naïve, and he had a feeling the young teen was about to use that to peddle on to what he wanted.

Which he was proven right about as Kengo slammed his hand down on Furan's desk, turning his attention back to her as he declared loudly and confidently, "THAT'S WHY SWIMMING LESSONS SHOULD BE FAIRLY COMPACTED, ON THE SAME SCHEDULE!"

"So it's all about that?" Furan questioned rhetorically, bringing her left arm up and raising the back of her open hand near her chin as she flinched back in her chair. An 'are you kidding me?' look plastered on her dumbfounded face.

It was here, that Yuuka decided to cut in and help Furan out. "But~ these are only the guys signatures. The girls will be unhappy about it-"

"I've thought of that too!" Kengo cut her off with a smile, pulling another sheet of paper out of his shirt pocket. "Let's settle matters by this!" he exclaimed jovially, handing the piece of paper over to Furan.

Moving some of her golden locks behind her ear, Furan adjusted her glasses with her right hand whilst holding the paper in her other hand before her face to read it.

"Water… cavalry fight?" She read, not knowing what to think of the idea as she read on.

"Ara, looks fun." Yuuka commented over Furan's shoulder as she read over what it would entail.

"Looks like everything has to be settled through competition in this school." Remarked Demitra stoically after writing out her signature on a piece of paper, and removing the glasses she had been wearing.

Upon hearing this, Haruko seemed to finally snap out of her little daydream, admittedly still feeling rather hot and bothered with a look of confusion adorning her face. "Huh? What's going on?"

Her question went unnoticed as Himegami replied back to Demitra's statement. "This, at the opening of a pool this year. Though from what I've heard, cavalry battles have originated as the battles in the period of warring states. I guess you could say it's more appropriate for fights than hockey in this country."

"Hmm, I guess you have a point." Demitra replied with a nod of her head at Himegami.

"Ufufu, why don't we consider the boy's feelings…" Said Yuuka, not taking this seriously in the slightest with the carefree grin on her close-eyed face.

"Fuh…" Furan let out a resigned sigh, placing her chin over the back of her right hand that was placed over her left, her arms propped up by her elbows on the desk. She knew what had to be done with this information brought to light. As stupid as she thought it was. "Well, majority wins in this school, I guess."

"Hang on a sec, president!" Said Haruko, having pieced together what was going on, as she quickly made her way over to Furan's desk. Pushing the hotness she could feel in her loins to the side as much as she could for the moment. Her sudden exclamation catching everyone's attention, including Gohan's, as she zipped by down to Furan. Her skirt fluttering up with her sudden movement, giving a particular demi-saiyan a good second to see her black pantyhose and purple panties within it under her skirt. His eyes being able to spot a patch that was over her crotch looking very damp. Causing yet another tightening sensation in his pants as he saw how those big, round, juicy cheeks of hers jiggled inside the skin-tight fabric and colourful undergarment. And how that damp area seemed to expand a little, trailing backwards towards her fine, plump booty.

"She's… Haruko is… oh no." Thought the Saiyan in dismay as Haruko went off to try and dissuade Furan from that decision. Feeling the pulsating veins around his highly aroused cock pop like mad. Damnit it was getting worse!

"I've already received permission and notified the students of their schedules. President… you're not involved in it so it's fine for you but-"

"Oh, Haruko-san, this doesn't seem like you." Furan said, cutting off the busty young woman.

"Eh?" Haruko gave her superior a befuddled look. What did she mean by that?

"The 2nd years are joining in this competition too… Are you telling me you have no confidence in winning against the 1st year boys?"

"No way!/Hell no!/no.." Were the myriad of responses from the second year girls in the room. Particularly the amused Azuki, who began looking over at Gohan with the same challenging look in her eyes she'd had when they had their duel. "Heh, this is the perfect chance for me to face him again! Looks like it's time to put on a little wager again, only this time, I'll be the winner." She thought cockily. Seeing a chance to avenge a loss that still bugged her.

Meanwhile Haruko, who looked insulted by the mere suggestion that she wasn't confident she could win, had a fire in her eyes to prove Furan wrong, not knowing she'd just been played by her exploiting her pride, and a fire still clearly burning in her loins she did her best to ignore for now. And Himegami? She looked even more amused about the situation than Azuki did. Believing in her mind they would have this in the bag. The only real threat they would have is Gohan, but she had a feeling given his current state that he wouldn't pose much of a threat.

"Then… it's settled." Remarked Furan, agreeing to the terms laid out, which Kengo possibly the happiest Gohan had ever seen him.

"Oi Gohan." Turning his head over to face in front of him, Gohan found himself coming eye to eye with Azuki smirking competitively at him across the room. "You going to compete too?"

"Of course he is! He's going to be one of our aces!" Shouted out Kengo passionately before Gohan could answer himself, before coming over and placing his hand on Gohan's shoulder. "Let's go Gohan! It's time to strategise."

"I won't be able to avoid this, will I?" The half breed thought to himself despondently. If it were up to him, he wouldn't compete at all. It sounded like a disaster waiting to happen given his raging hormones. It was bad enough now as it was! If something happened out there, which it most likely would given his 'luck', he didn't know how long he'd be able to last before he lost himself again.

Guess he'd just have to gut through it though and hope nothing bad happened.

Once again, he had no idea how badly he jinxed himself there.

"Fine…" Was all Gohan said as he got out of the chair and began to follow Kengo to the door.

"Good to hear you're competing! Gives me a chance to face you again." Said Azuki excitedly. A broad, combative smile. Her words causing the two boys to pause for a bit as Gohan turned his head in her direction. "But, it being just a face-off is a little boring. So, how about a little wager."

"A wager?" Gohan repeated, blinking in confusion, as was Kengo who had stopped just a short step or two ahead of him.

"Oh yeah." Started the red headed tomboy, as she placed what she was knitting down on the desk, swung her legs off their perch, got off her seat and made her towards Gohan. Getting up near his face with a fire in her eyes. "Like the one we had before. If I win, you have to be my butler tomorrow after school and do whatever I say. If you win, I'll be your maid again tomorrow after school and do what you say."

Behind Azuki, sitting on her chair by her desk, being one of only a few listening in, Himegami began to snicker in their direction. Particularly at Azuki. "Is she seriously trying this again? Wow, guess she still hasn't gotten over losing the way she did. She's seeing this as a way to equal the score between them." She thought to herself, her snickering only increasing as she saw how Gohan didn't know how to react to her challenge. "Well, it's either that, or she's just looking for an excuse to become our maid again. Heh, she probably secretly enjoyed it, but just doesn't want to admit."

Wouldn't that be funny if it were true. Anything was possible, after all.

Then again, given his current state, she actually did have a genuine chance this time of beating him. So who knows? If he accepted, then there was a solid possibility he might lose this time, or rather, lose to himself, and end up having to put on a butler uniform and wait on her whims.

"Now that I think about it, he'd look good in one of those." The petite pig-tailed blond thought, briefly imagining the young man in a form fitting butler suit fit with a bow tie. Her lips parted as her tongue slid over them, a thirsty look flashing over her face. "Maybe I should get him to wear one myself for that favour…"

Haruko, who had also overheard, was having similar thoughts. "She wants to face him again? That didn't go well for her last time. But if he agrees, and she wins this time… then that means-" An almost identical image of Gohan in a butler outfit like Himegami's, but without a bowtie popped into her mind. Making her feel just a little hotter down low. "-Oh my…"

"A-Are you serious?" Asked Gohan after a moment, utterly taken aback by this. His face sweating nervously a bit as he gazed at her in disbelief.

"Dead serious." She replied, her eyes narrowing into a sharp gaze. "So, do you accept?" She asked with a tone that said 'you better say yes'. Her fiery gaze giving him the same message as she pulled her right hand up for a handshake.

Once again, like last time, Gohan knew that Azuki was the type of person who didn't take no for an answer. Even if he did reject this, he was certain that she would either badger him until he agreed, as this was something she CLEARLY wanted strongly, or would never let him here the end of how he backed down from a challenge.

While Gohan was nowhere near the kind of prideful individual that someone like Vegeta was, it didn't mean he didn't have his own pride either.

That, and there was just something about that passionate gleam from those eyes on that attractive, tomboyish face of hers that he couldn't say no to.

Or maybe that was just his libido talking…

"Okay Azuki. If you really want it, you got it." He agreed, taking her outstretched hand in his own.

"See you there, Gohan." She said, separating her hand from his with a pleased look on her face as Gohan simply nodded at her, before walking out of the room with an increasingly excited Kengo.

Neither of the two noticing the pair of calculating eyes that watched from behind, where the members of Venus were still seated belonging to none other than Yan Min. Nor the smirk that came over her face as she witnessed their interaction.

"Looks like I just found a way to get revenge on you-ne, you violent monkey."

A little later on… in the first years classroom…

By the time the duo of Gohan and Kengo had arrived to the classroom, Gohan had already started tuning out any and everything that was being said from the boys, especially Kengo.

The youthful, perverted boy alight with excitement as he egged Gohan on to defeat Azuki again, before not so subtly begging him to allow him to hang out at his apartment so he could see the well endowed tomboy in her sexy maid outfit. The boy even going so far as to question if Gohan could command her to allow him to grope her, whilst making squishing motions with his hands with a lewd look on his face. Clearly imagining Azuki's large and impressive E-bordering on F-cup breasts in his adventurous hands.

Admittedly, Gohan couldn't really blame the boy, no matter how perverse he was, for wanting to fondle the red-head's melons. After all, he'd be a hypocrite if he did since he had seen those twin puppies of hers for himself, released from the prison of her clothes thanks to a pissed off Kodama-chan. They looked plump and firm, yet soft and oh so inviting at the same time. It had been those very breasts of hers, those pale creamy mountains and vibrant, ruby red cherries that stood out from their peaks that had finally made him fall to his primal, sexual instincts for the first time.

That being said though, it didn't mean he had to listen to Kengo go off about that. So, he had shut down Kengo's attempt to tag along if he won, just like he did the first time, which had put the boy into a depressed state momentarily for being denied his chance to witness a subservient Azuki for himself once again.

The boy did recover quick though, not that Gohan was paying attention anymore, as they walked into the classroom and Gohan took a seat near the door. Regretting how he'd just allowed his mind to go over and visualise Azuki in her maid outfit, and then those pale bazookas on her chest. Feeling himself dip further into arousal as sweat began to come out of every pore in his body in an attempt to cool him down.

Once Kengo reached the head of the classroom overlooking the boys, he began prattling off about how while half the second years would be joining as a handicap. Explaining how they got to pick, before explaining how the most popular girls would be the ones chosen, which none of the guys disagreed with.

"I hope there will be some accidents during the match!" Said one of the many boys in the room, who was sitting next to Gohan with a cheeky smile on his face.

"I do as well, my brother!" Said Kengo passionately with a raised voice, nodding his head sagely as though the boy had something wise. The other boys in the room, excluding Gohan, all agreed as well, nodding their heads the same way Kengo did.

"Alright then, let's go draw lots to see who's joining." Kengo picked up about five thin pieces of paper out of the box before him on the desk into his hand to show what he meant. "Each team has to have one teacher in this match, so there will be five people as 'horseman'. Each team has three people as the horse legs. Let's decide the riders first."

Filing in in a line, each of the boys who would be competing stuck their hand into the box and fished out their lot. A couple coming back looking pleased as they had picked the lot for a rider, while the rest picked horse legs, and looked crestfallen.

One such boy even fell on his hands and knees with tears in his eyes, pounding his clenched fist into the ground while whispering depressingly, "Damn my luck." As now he wouldn't be able to tango with the 2nd year girls and their amazing boobies!

"Heh, all the pieces are falling into place. I have the perfect strategy set up, along with the perfect person to enforce it." Kengo thought confidently as he looked over at Gohan. "Speaking of which…"

"Hey Gohan." Said demi-saiyan lifted his head as Kengo called to him while walking over.

"Are we done here, Kengo?" Asked Gohan, hoping that they were so he could leave and go back to the apartment.

He really needed a shower, hot or cold he didn't care, and not because he felt dirty either. He just needed a place private enough for him to either get his mind off all the arousing imagery his hormones were forcing into it, which was most likely not going to work. But hey, it was worth a shot.

"Yeah, we're about done for today." Kengo replied with a smile. "Here, take this before you go."

Kengo outstretched his hand to Gohan that was holding a lot, one with a darkened area that signified that of a rider. Gohan took it without hesitation, nodding his head before stuffing it into his right pants pocket as he got up.

"See ya tomorrow, Gohan!" Was Kengo's cheerful goodbye as Gohan made his way to the door.

Opening the door and closing it behind him as he walked out from the room that sounded quite animated, he came face to face with Haruko who was walking towards him from down the hall.

Said girl swallowed a lump in her throat as she stopped just two step away from him as their eyes met. "Oh! Uh, Gohan… are you uhh… going back to the apartment?" She asked a little more timidly than she'd have preferred. Her eyes snaking down for a second to his crotch once more, where a damn near impossible to miss up close bulge could be seen.

Gohan simply tensed up, his own dark blush being sported on his cheeks as he met her gaze again.

Along with that… his nose's strong sense of smell began to pick the scent of said girls arousal, which he had seen for himself in the clubroom with her dampening panties and pantyhose. His eyes travelling downward as he noted a small dark trail coming down either of the girl's inner thighs and slender legs within said pantyhose.

Gohan wasn't sure if Haruko was aware of how dripping wet she was getting right now, or the fact that it was setting off his own primal urges to the limit, but right now he needed to deal with his 'little friend' downstairs yet again before he lost the plot.

"Y-Yeah, I am. I-I really need a shower." He replied, his breathing becoming heavier as he whiffed even more of Haruko's aroused scent. Feeling his urges become ever stronger as he made to turn around and say his goodbyes.

"A-A shower?" the buxom girl stuttered, her blush deepening at the thought. Her mind running a mile a minute as she realised this could be her chance! "Y-You know… I-I think I need one too. P-Perhaps I could… join you?"

Gohan froze in place at the suggestion, his self-restraint waning and heart pounding in his chance at the implication of such a request.

She wanted to join him in the shower… which meant they'd end up naked together… inside of a closed space… up close and personal…..

Right than and there, Gohan couldn't hold it back anymore, and his rationality took a backseat, whilst his libido took the reins, not for the first time and certainly not for the last.

"S-Sure…" he managed to choke out, as he started walking down the hallway.

Haruko, hearing his response, didn't say a word as she followed him through the halls and out of the school building, making their way back to the apartment.

The sexual tension In the air between them was palpable as they trekked back to their abode, time seeming to pass by at an agonisingly slow pace for both of them.

Eventually though, they made it back to the apartment, walking up to their apartment room and making their way inside. Closing the door shut behind them, they quickly made a sharp left into the changing room area.

The sliding door leading to the bathroom right in front of them at the end of the room, the horny demi-saiyan started stripping his clothes off as he made his way to the bathroom. Each article of clothing being thrown haphazardly to the side into a crumpled heap.

Haruko felt herself become even wetter at the sight of Gohan being nude again as he got rid of his last piece of clothing, his underpants. His 'little monster' practically whipping itself out as he pulled them down to his ankles before kicking them off and opening the door to the bathroom.

The sound of running water reached her ears not a moment later.

Taking that as her cue, she started stripping herself.

Undoing the red ribbon in her hair first that kept it in a pony-tail, her long purple fell down to the small of her back, just over the crack of her ass as the ribbon fell to the floor.

Loosening the red cravat over her sailor shirt, it too fell to the ground next to the ribbon as Haruko grabbed the hem of her shirt with both hands. Her arms criss-crossed over themselves as she pulled the shirt up, the white fabric coming over her yellow bra bound H-cup breasts, pulling them up with it. The bound breasts popped out, bouncing down with a series of excited jiggles when they slipped out of the shirt as she pulled them over her shoulders and off her head.

As the shirt met the floor, and she removed her shoes and socks from her feet, Haruko's hands came down near her hips, one hand placing itself on the red fabric as the fingers of her other hand latched on to the zipper at the side.

Pulling the zipper down close to the hem, she let it fall down by her feet harmlessly. She then hooked her fingers into the sides of her tight, black pantyhose, which had multiple trails of moisture cascading down the legs of them, originating from her crotch which had a wet patch that had expanded significantly all over her pantyhose and utterly soaked panties within it.

She wasted little time pulling them down, the thin black fabric peeling off her legs as she brought it down to her ankles and stepped out over them.

All she had on now, was her yellow bra that strained itself to holster in her jaw dropping, H-cup globe trotters. Hard, pointy, and ferociously aroused nipples jutting out from the centre of each bra pad.

And her dripping wet yellow panties, which clung to her sex due to how drenched they were. Thin trails of clear liquid starting to flow down her pale, naked legs. First coming down her thick thighs, the descending down to the sides of her knees, before reaching her ankles.

Bringing her hands up behind her, her hands grabbed the clasp of her bra. Fiddling with the clasp for a bit, she managed to open it, the pads of her bra sagging a little, causing her bountiful, expansive cleavage to bulge out a little more with another small set of jiggles.

She brought her hands over the straps on her shoulders then. Hands gripping them and pulling them down her shoulders. Bending over, she brought her arms close, mashing her perky, massive mounds into each other as the straps slipped down her arms and hands. The bra fell to the floor a second later as she pulled her arms away from her now exposed tits. Those humongous hooters of hers wobbling and jiggling like jelly. Rock hard pink nipples swaying from side to side in quick succession as small beads of sweat trailed down her glistening, near equally as pink areolas. The pale, fat mounds of flesh continuing to jiggle as she brought her hands to her final article of clothing.

The doused yellow panties sticking to her overflowing folds like a second skin. Her thumbs and index fingers gripped the sides of her saturated underwear, she began pulling them down her curvy legs. The garment came off her moist sex with a light pop!, as it was sticking against her throbbing womanhood like a band-aid. Allowing even more of her pussy's juices to free flow down to her thighs and quickly dribble down to her ankles like a running water tap. Her plump, round ass plopping out too. Delicious, creamy white half moons jiggling too as they were set free.

Her thin lower lips, bright pink like her nipples, now removed from it's confines as the panties fell to the floor, pooling around her feet. The dripping wet, pulsating clit having a sheen to it from the light in the room as it fell on to the moisturised vagina that was still leaking it's fluids like an opening in a dam.

Stepping over her sagging panties with her naked hourglass figure that put the majority of women around the world to shame, and make just about any straight man cream himself, she made her way to the bathroom. Unbound mountains of creamy delight bouncing and wobbling along as she walked. Stiff nipples swaying, drawing circles in the air with every bob of her fun bags with each step she took. Her bubbly, perky ass jiggling with each stride too, those two soft, titillating mounds wobbling as one leg stretched out past the other, pushing out her glutes.

One thing was for certain. This would be one hell of a shower.

One that neither teen would forget anytime soon, that's for sure…


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