
Chapter 2 the queen bees egg hatches

It has been a total of 5 days and the queen bee has not hatched but I've been studying the hole beast tamer thing and found out that there are rifts in space that can act as a space type tunnel that connects to other worlds I also learned that when our world awakened it was merged with a few other worlds that more then tripled our worlds size we in fact are still studying the changes to our world but what is certain is that besides the rifts in space our world also gained a few new spaces to train

We have dungeons like in the old books we have ruins that contain treasures of various types and grades an old drunken bum was in this area in the beginning of the merge and saw a temple form out of nowhere however when the bum went to tell other people it vanished as though it was never there however people search the property thoroughly and found nothing now this property belongs to my family and we live just fine

The good news is that on the outskirts of human habitation there are only weak monsters so I'll go look around the property and see if I can find this temple that the story's spoke of as a kid I won't go to far from the house but I'll see what I see when I see it so I spent the next week looking around our property to no avail for the temple but I did find herbs for my mom and her yummy food the egg will soon hatch after all the egg like all of its kind has signs of hatching

So I'll be good and stay inside today and hopefully it will hatch the next morning

I'm so bored then the next hour later the egg hatches and the something strange happened the two of them glow as bright as a star and disappear in the blink of an eye his mom comes to check on him but finds nothing sense he has been coped up so long he might have gone to play but she notices the egg shell on the ground and goes to her husband and says hunny have you seen our son and the husband says yes I'm sure hill be back he rushed out the door the little rascal to play with his new pet little does she suspect that the husband is lying to her face and he knows exactly where his son is for the reason no one has found the ruins is only a beast master who owns a insect monarch monster can see as well as claim the ruins however the father is to old to claim them sense the ruins have an age limit placed on them for a successor to lay claim however he can see all that has happened within them it is also for this reason that he didn't want his son to have a insect monarch, monster pet as his first pet because the temple will pull him inside after that and his father will have to save him which will cost his son the right of succession to inherit the trail grounds and it's treasures which will have to wait till the next generation to inherit them if no one finds out till then that is after all this is a epic grade trial ground with a complete inheritance only a few inheritances in the world can match that kind of power

With that done the trail he was watching was breathtaking as his son used his widths to take on the trail the first trail was a simple one it was to make it to the other side of a hall with out triggering any traps wile sharp arrows were being hurled at the trail taker he passed by memorizing the pattern of the arrows the second trial was to test a persons speed one had to open a door from a difficult 20 meters away with a large wheel to like that of a boat wheel on a pirate ship and make it inside the door on the other side he remembers that his mom makes him where a belt so he uses the belt to jam the wheel to stop it from turning and enters the door the third thrill is to get across a pond filled with man eating fish like that of piranha but much faster he remembers the herbs he got for his mom and there where some with a slight poison on them the pond isn't that deep so I think I'll use the herbs and let them sit as the time ticked away the fish came up dead one by one only an hour passed by in total then he moved to the next trail th e trial was a bit strange as the trail was a scale but as put into pieces the door he was in front of was having a completed scale as the key but he chose to try a simpler approach the door was already unlocked he just had to move it and he took the scale as well in the next room he saw a group of statues this was strange they all looked so real then he saw a large hour glass and turned it upside down and started the trail then he brought them to a stage a little ways away and lined them up but when he was done the statues broke and revealed monsters they where in fact 3 eyed monkeys that where human like covered in gear his goal was to kill them after breaking there curse so he used the stone shards and found a good few and put them into a spit wad straw so he could launch them like projectiles he aimed for the eyes of the monkey and with his practice over the years flash back to father and son time where the would fight using a spit wad war he trained to hit a target using a blow gun and with that an rapid succession he hit 2 of the three monkeys in the eyes the third one was spared because he didn't have enough pieces to do it but he was planing on playing a prank on his father before coming in hear which is why he had the poison herbs he also had fire cracker balls inside his shirt pocket and with the blow tube he kept in his back pocket at all times he launched the mini fire cracker balls inside the monkeys mouth they swallowed and boom there heads ruptured as there thought bled from the inside and there where two dead the one with three eyes that still worked and a damaged one both dead the final one was a little tiring because he had been running all over the room and avoiding the monkeys now he noticed that there is a small stone good enough to be a dagger and he has used it to slit the throat of the last monkey

And with that the tails end

Next chapter