
38. Frightened

The enforcers were men or women dressed in black and blue military-grade bodysuits. Their suits had strange glowing blue symbols etched into their chest area, arms, and legs.

The night sky stood above, illuminated by the silvery light of the moon. The night was usually silent and somewhat peaceful, but not for the town of Shej.

The orange nature of raging flames lit the town up, as strange, eerie wails and gunshots overflowed from various positions in the town.

A certain man casually strolled down the streets of that settlement, his brown eyes taking note of the various shattered buildings, or strange corpses he encountered.

He was the head of the task force deployed to eradicate the supernatural anomaly ongoing in that town.

He was tall, standing at about six-foot-three in height. On his head was a headful of fine brown hair long enough to reach his shoulder. They glistened in the orange light surrounding him.

His large arms complimented his height, and the large axes strapped to his back, coupled with his overall macho build, exuded an air of dominance.

His very steps spoke of how he believed nothing could touch him. He wouldn't be too wrong too.

The average power level of the anomaly in that town was class-1. He stood in third class. He could consider himself a god amid such lower levels.

The expert's eyes sharpened and his gaze landed on a certain alley, he frowned when he found four men; all dressed in Enforcer attire, rushing toward him. He sensed trouble.

"What is it?" He commanded with a harsh tone.

"Sir Unglus! We've received report of an unknown individual taking out our men, sir!" One of the four composed himself to speak at the top of his voice; just as they were trained.

"The exact number remains unknown, sir! But we have lost more than six men."

Unglus furrowed his brows almost not believing what he heard. But he did. His men would never play games with him when he could strip them of their position and leave them in a near-dead state.

'How come?' He wondered inwardly. thirty enforcers had been deployed with him, and they each wielded might in the 2nd-class.

In short, such news should have potentially been impossible. Yet, the moment he heard about that development something within him was stirred up.

As if to confirm the words spoken to him, an explosion reverberated from a certain point in the town. An intensity of shots from no less than three individuals rang out, yet, one by one they were put out.


After a few seconds passed and no other shots were fired, even Unglus believed.

The event greatly startled the four men as had managed to escape Tristan only thanks to the fact that they had been on higher ground.

They had watched him decimate four others and had not been able to follow his movements!

"Wait here and don't move," Unglus ordered, bending his knees. Before those men could reply he took off with a powerful bang, shattering the ground beneath his muscular figure. The event generated enough wind force to send those four men flying.

Unglus leaped from building top to building top searching for the killer.




Tristan exhaled deeply, crushing the neck of the man in his grip. He swept his multicolored gaze on the world around him and all he could see was chaos.

The dead bodies of two others lay in different positions but he did not care.

"You should get to safety," he announced, addressing the men and women hiding in various buildings yet to be touched. He barely had his attention on them though.

His tone had fallen cold and his presence generated apprehension in the hearts of any that encountered him.

"Do so quietly," Tristan ordered, walking away. Unfortunately, he had not seen the changes that happened to the figures he thought were hiding humans.

Tristan moved towards areas still holding commotion, but with every second he spent walking, the pressure of the deaths happening weighed on him and he couldn't help but run.

In honesty, Tristan still did not understand what was going on. He failed to see the reason those armed men would go about killing those innocent townspeople in cold blood.

Did they not know that they worked hard to make a living every day?

He had seen their suffering, and hatred coupled with anger burnt in his chest for those enforcers when he recalled the faces of people he had managed to interact with during the few days he spent there.

Tristan smashed through the walls of an abandoned building to arrive on a street teeming with seven enforcers. He had almost brought that building down.

That sudden event saw chunks of rocks flying everywhere, and he caught the attention of those men.

They had been quick enough to open fire on that spot for they had received info about an individual who went about felling their comrades.

Unfortunately, those Class-1 bullets could not penetrate Tristan's skin. They managed to punch holes in his attire, however. Leaving him close to naked.

The world slowed down in Tristan's sped-up perspective. His mind processed information at a rate those men had not touched. Thanks to his invulnerability to those bullets he could act recklessly.

Stepping forward with incredible speed, Tristan seemed to flicker before one of the seven. The enforcer shook but raised his rifle to unload.

Unfortunately, Tristan caught hold of the riffle's muzzle and crushed it. The bullets fired exploded inside the weapon, but the man remained unharmed, but the force had pushed him back a few steps.

Tristan's eyes sharpened and he moved, dodging the rain of bullets that fell on his former position, he rushed toward the three that had opened fire and his fist crushed the chest of the first person.

He grabbed the dead man's leg and used his body to strike the other two, sending them flying and crashing into nearby buildings.

Tristan moved again, evading the shots fired at him. The remaining four focused their attention on him now and although he could finish them quickly he stopped moving for a bit and they simply pointed their guns at him.

The man he had disarmed earlier had a secondary weapon. A handgun.

"Who are you?!" One of them yelled, ready to open fire, yet unwilling. Three of his teammates had been rendered useless. Tristan clearly displayed a higher level of power, even if such an individual was not supposed to be present in that forsaken town.

No human was even supposed to be there apart from them!

Tristan took a deep breath managing to calm himself enough to actually articulate words.

"Why are you doing this? These people are innocent," his eyes bled with compassion and deep sadness, then they flickered a new light. "And powerless."

Tristan bent his knees, announcing his readiness to move. He wouldn't even let those men voice their confusion.

"You do not need to know who I am, and I only care to see your death." His words carried weight, and those men could swear they felt a pressure crash on their shoulders. Terror unfolded in their minds and they opened fire.

Unfortunately, Tristan vanished from his position. It only seemed so because they were unable to follow his movements.

A cry erupted from beside the man that had spoken. They had spread out a bit to form an arc before the crazy boy, yet he had bypassed their guns.

"Switch to your elemental magic!" The same man ordered with a loud voice, letting go of his riffle to cross his arms before his figure.

Flames flickered into existence before him, thanks to the already above-average ambient temperature his flames could manifest easily.

The man jumped forward, rolling and landing on his feet according to the leading of his instincts.

In those mere instants, another of the four screamed finding that his world spun when an immeasurable force slammed into his face crushing his face and making him smash through a building until it collapsed on him, killing him.

The man who assumed leadership of that team scanned his environment frantically.

He exchanged glances with the other person and the terror evident in that man's features made his chest tighten.

'Sir Unglus where are you?'

Tristan sped up and down the street appearing like several streaks, but he came to a stop before the man he had spoken to. Despite the balls of orange flames surrounding the man, he felt no danger.

Terror appeared on the man's features when his black hair fluttered before the expert.

Tristan had formed a fist and sent it flying toward the man. His bare hands were his only weapon.

Nevertheless, a strange coldness suddenly made his chest tighten, and he took a step back. Even if he ended up jumping several meters away and a few feet high.

Watching things unfold in slow-mo, Tristan saw a huge spike burst out of the very ground.

The force of the event ended up pushing his target away, but now he understood that someone else—someone capable had joined the struggle. After all, he felt frightened.

With a force capable of shattering the very ground, a bulky figure descended from the skies to become a wall separating Tristan from the shocked enforcer.

"Oh-oh!..." The person exclaimed with a deep voice, seemingly intrigued. His knees were bent from the landing, and his back was arched with his head facing the ground.

The man assumed a proper standing posture to cast his gaze on the world. "What do we have here?" His deep masculine voice bellowed forth, suppressing all other sounds within a 10m radius.

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