

They were both fully donned in the purple suits along with their helmets. Atticus also brought out two guns and gave them to her. Seeing how small Aurora was in the suit, with it being oversized, Atticus focused on the water element and let it stream inside the suit, buffing it up and making it fuller. In the next second, what was once a 5'4feet girl turned into 6'1.

With the water still enveloping them both, Aurora got on his back once again, and Atticus moved back a few meters, putting enough distance from the towers, and started searching for groups of patrolling soldiers, all wearing full sets of armor.

After a few moments, Atticus found the perfect group. They were heading up the hill and were fully donned in armor.

'I'll have to be fast, silent, and precise,' Atticus thought.

He stopped on a tree branch further from them, placing a palm on the tree, entering a state of focus.

Next chapter