

It wasn't forceful; in fact, the impact on the ground wasn't even intense. You could even say it was soft.

But the resulting events were anything but soft.

It felt as though the earth grumbled, as though the earth was incredibly unsatisfied with something.

The ground shook as the entirety of the camp trembled.

The once sturdy academy buildings within the camp groaned and creaked under the strain, their foundations tested to the brink of collapse.

Amidst the chaos, the students of the camp fought to maintain their balance, their feet slipping and sliding on the unstable ground.

Aurora's gaze snapped to the side as she felt the advanced training room shake.

She instantly moved her head to the side, dodging a fire imbued punch that threatened to blast her head away.

"Stop the fight!" She instantly instructed, her words immediately followed by the robot stopping its movements and moving to stand quietly by the side.

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