
Not Now

Many would wonder, just why was Atticus going through such trouble.

Why didn't he just purchase all the books related to both the blacksmithing and alchemy and professions or at the very least pay for the classes and attend the lectures himself?

The answers to both were obvious. For the former, it was simply because regardless of how detailed any of the books he purchased and read were, it would always fall short of being taught by an actual experienced teacher.

Especially one that had been in the trade for decades.

No matter how much he read, there would be a lot of missing information in the process, information that would most definitely be useful in either of the professions.

And as for the latter, the answer was also obvious. He was already being forced to attend one class for 5 whole hours.

Although Atticus had been entranced with the topic being talked about and the way the teacher taught, it was still 5 hours out of his day.


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