
I Have Failed

As soon as Ronad got to 'one', his hands moved towards Ember's head. However, before he could reach it, he and Alvis suddenly felt a change, one that immediately halted Ronad's movement.

The change was subtle, very subtle. It was the type of change that one would feel and dismiss as mere paranoia.

But to Alvis and Ronad, both grandmaster individuals, individuals who had faced numerous battles and nearly lost their lives more times than they could count, this change sent shivers through their entire beings.

The millisecond they felt this change, they both immediately looked into their storage rings.

Swifty, they each brought out golden slates from their storage rings and, without hesitation, channeled mana into it. The slate emitted a bright glow that encompassed both of their forms, and swiftly, Alvis and Ronad immediately disappeared from the scene.

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