
Meeting a Female Drug Lord

The car pulled into the driveway of what was essentially a massive mansion. Yet this mansion had walls surrounding the building, topped with razor wire, and cameras everywhere. There was no such thing as a blind spot in this compound's security, and if that were not intense enough there were men armed to the teeth at every corner, patrolling across the grounds.

The sniper towers were located in all directions, and these marksmen were equipped with anti-material rifles designed to take out armored and lightly armored vehicles. If a man were shot in the chest with such a weapon, his entire torso would be vaporized.

As intimidating as an entrance as this was, Alex was not afraid. Perhaps it was foolishness, or perhaps it was the fact that Alex had already died once already. But the prospect of being brutally murdered by these vicious killers was something that was not even present in his mind.


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