
Chapter 445

"No, don't die."

"Please, don't die."

"No, I can't lose you."

"Oh my God! Please, I need your help!"

As Damon said, they ended up in the hospital. But not to have her injuries check but to save his life. The bullet that was supposed to hit her did not come for her.

Instead, Damon slumped his body toward her, falling into her arms. He used his body as a human shield to protect her. Then, slowly, he dragged her down with him to the floor.

"Please, don't let him die."

She barely remembered what happened next as her eyes watched the blood that oozed out of his back, dripping to the floor.

All she could remember was the warm, sticky liquid that covered her hands as she held him down. Then, his eyes could barely keep open as he struggled to stay conscious.

"I need him."

She believed the time stopped.

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