
Chapter 371

She was a coward.


A big, big, big coward who could not face the truth. Or whatever she could not remember. But whatever it was, she did not want it to taint her mind with its memories.

After her shower, she was supposed to meet him outside the room. But when she went out, he was not there. She saw the food on the table and the door on her right.

"No! I don't need to know." She told herself as she tiptoed her way across the living room.

She did not look for him or wait for him to show up. Yeah! She chose the door, the cowardly way out, as she ran like a thief, afraid to get caught.

"Nothing happened." She tried to convince herself. "I would know if something did. Right?" But she guessed there was still a tiny doubt in her mind.

She quickly hailed a taxi when she saw one. Thankfully, it was available. However, she realized that she had forgotten her purse.

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