
Chapter 180


Oh my! What was she doing?

"I can't do it." She shouted as she held on tighter to whatever her hand could hold on to.

The adrenaline that had propelled her up on the wall had eventually dissipated. Now, she had gassed out and was merely running on fumes. 

Now, she questioned her sanity. What had possessed her to agree to do this stunt? Did she have a death wish? Hopefully not, as her hands held on for dear life.

"You have to climb down or just let go." He calmly spoke to her. "Don't worry, I will catch you if you fall." His voice confidently said.

But nothing about what he said reassured her. On the other hand, it only intensified her nervousness as the fear of falling crept up in her mind.


She could snap her head or break her bones if she fell. She could die just like that. "No..." She could not let that happen.

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