
Chapter 55

Eventually, "Thanks," Jules accepted his hot drink, which had slightly grown cold. She supposed she needed something to calm her nerves after the distressing experience.

"I hope you like it." Damon raised his cup to his lips, urging her to do the same, which she obliged.

She took her first drink, and just as she had already thought, the chocolate was as rich as the cream. And it was not as sweet as she initially assumed.

It was just perfect.

But her eyes watched the man before her, seeing him in a different light for the first time. She had assumed he would always be this cold, arrogant, serious guy. 

But seeing him in this circumstance made her question her judgment about him. It was like she was looking at a different person. He seemed more approachable.

"I mean, thanks also for the help. And sorry for the way I acted." She felt she owed him an apology for being dismissive when he was only trying to be helpful.

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