
The Legend of Wedonia Episode 16

The Final Battle! Slender Vs Zae Begins!

Zae and Slender clash, sending a barrage of slashes and clashing left and right. Zae's trying his best to conserve his magic energy but Slender with his Great-Axe isn't letting him get a opening. "Your friend's might've been lucky beating my subordinates but you won't have such luck!" He Says sending Zae Flying with a slash, thankfully he coated himself in magic energy so he didn't get cut. "Shit that hurt" Zae Says on his knee, Although this isn't a long break due to Slender coming down with his Axe in the air. Zae ran out the way and as Slender landed it causes a huge crash. "What the hell are you crazy!" Zae yells. The Smoke disappears and Slender rushes at Zae "Come on Samurai, Don't run away like wounded rabbit FIGHT!" Slender Says going on the offensive on him while Zae was barely able to block. "Yeah Yeah Take it to the publisher pal" Zae Says taking a Slash at Slender but he disappears. Zae is shocked but he looks above him and sees Slender coming down again he has no time to dodge. He thinks as quickly as he can and uses his black cape to block Slenders vison. When Slender lands he cannot see Zae anymore but Zae has a perfect opportunity to slash him. "Demon Katana Magic: Soul Slash!" He Yells Hitting Slenders soul causing him to cough up some blood, this causes Zae's lifespan to shorten, however.

Slender gets back up after getting dropped "So it seems you guys do have some bite to your bark" Slender Says. "The King didn't send us out here for nothing you know, I've gotten much stronger since i've fought that Ass Hat whatever his name is" Zae Says getting into his stance.

"Zae!" Pure yells. He turns around to all his friends running to him. "NO STAY BACK" Zae says. "Earth Magic: SPIKES" Slender yells launching Sharp spikes at Zae'a friends, Thankfully Hot Shot was ready to block them all. "Ha Guess you guys aren't as worthless as I thog-" When Slender was about to finish is joke, Zae crushes his hand. "You might've beat my ass but don't EVER hurt my friends" Zae Says furious. "Unhand me" Slender says, throwing Zae away.

"You fools are already dead anyway" Slender Says. "Wanna Elaborate further" Zae Says. "This alternate dimension you're in, cannot be turned off at all, me, you, and all your friends ARE STUCK HERE!" Slender yells. All the warriors are stunned "N-No I can't stay here, My village" Jovon say's losing hope. Everyone else is starting to lose hope too. "Ha Ha, Ha Ha, HAHAHAHAHA" Zae Starts laughing hysterically. "What the hell is so funny" Slender says. Everyone else was thinking the same thing too. "My Mom, My Dad I never had em, in fact I never had much of a family outside of the old man" Zae Says. "But this party is only one i've ever known so that means, if I have to destroy this barrier, That means i'm gonna do it" Zae Says. "Y-You're rambling" Slender Says. "This Barrier is an exact replica of the planet Earth, you really think YOU can cut the planet?" Slender Says. "Watch me" Zae Says.

Zae charges his magic energy to his maximum to the point where, similar to the king, could be felt throughout the planet.

"What the hell another one" Diro thought meditating. Everyone in Diro's Cafe felt it as well. "Hm it seems like that kid finally decided to grow a pair" A mysterious Crusader named Aston

"Hm this should interesting, I wonder, how will Slender beat that child" Dex Says Smiling, his magic energy was so strong he could sense how the entire fight went even with his eyes completely closed.

Zae flies in the air "I am" Zae Says. "I'm gonna be the best in the world!" He Yells using his Three Katana Style he used in the invasion with all his power put into it. He Slices the Dimension. A Clean Hit. After the slice the entire Dimension collapses on itself leaving nothing but the real planet Earth with it.

"Finally the barrier is down" Muffin Said. "See now we're on a even playing field Slender" Zae Says. But when Zae looked over to Slender, he was furious. "You worthless fucking human!" Slender Yells, "You made me look like FOOL! YOURE FINISHED!" Slender yells.

Slender grows, he grows and grows higher than a mountain, he grows wings claws and a long neck. Slender… Was a Dragon. "You gotta be kidding!? A dragon!?" Spec Says. "I think we're in over our heads" Jovon Says. "We gotta help Zae!" Pure Says. "NO!" Hot Shot Yells at them drawing their weapons. "Stay back, he has to do this himself" Hot Shot Says. "Are you crazy" Pure Says. "And what if my brother dies huh?" Spec Says. "Then, We'll have to move on, we can't linger over everything, Zae is my friend yes, but if he die's doing a mission, we cannot cry over it, and he wouldn't want us too either" Hot Shot explains.

Dragon Slender Roars, "Huh Looks like you cant speak english looks like i'm gonna have to slash ya til you go back to your normal form!" Zae Says jumping. He Blocks his blast breath. And Slashes Slenders stomach. The Dragon Roars in pain, but Zae doesn't let up "Katana Magic: Triple Tornado" Zae Yells. He spins around like a Tornado slashing him rapidly but Slender doesn't budge. He Slammed his tail onto Zae and he instantly shot down. Zae Struggles to get up but Dragon Slender picks him up with his mouth and tosses him across the village to the point where Zae crashes into a building and falls to the ground not moving.

Zae does move for about five minutes and everyone is worried the dragon rages on Breathing his fire in victory.

"W-Where am I" Zae Says in his head. "Zae, Zae, Zae!" He Hears Yelling. A Women hugs him crying "We've Missed you so much" She Cries harder. "Who the hell" Zae whispers. She could see his confusion and addresses it "It's us, your mom and dad" Zae is shocked. "Y-You're supposed to be dead" Zae Says. "Yes son" His dad steps up. "This is heaven son the place you'll be staying" His Dad Says. "Damn it NO!" Zae Says. His parents are surprised he didn't seem happy to see them. "It was great to see you and all but my family is down there, about to die, they need me guys, I can't waste my time being here" Zae Says visually angry. His mom was tearing up but his dad was understanding. "Very well my boy, be the warrior I couldn't and remember we love you" His Dad says disappearing.

Zae wakes up from his comatose and stands up. "Thanks Mom and Dad I won't forget you" Zae Says. "Hey Dickhead" He Says to the Dragon. Slender roars looking at him. "Sorry Diro but I'm gonna copy your transformation but without the stupid time limit" Zae Says. His Magic energy shoot up. Zae is coated in Light Blue Armor and his Sword Transformed into the shape of Excalibur, his face is covered in a Kinght Helmet finishing his transformation.

"I'll show you THE POWER OF WENDONIA" Zae yells Charging at the dragon.

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