Inconspicuously dressed in black, Hiro and the rest arrived at the airport. At the moment, alongside Naoto and others, Hiro was inside a taxi.
The taxi was stuffed and they had to squeeze inside the taxi like a pig squeezed inside a cupboard. With them squeezed together, there was hardly any space to move.
Filled with uncomfortable grunts and complaints, the inside of the taxi was rather chaotic. Even with the AC, it was hot inside.
Hiro, who was seated at the window seat at the back was finding it equally hard. Normally, the back seat could only fit three players. But due to the presence of jacked members, he was finding it rather uncomfortable.
Previously, he had suggested that they book three different cabs. However, due to one person's clumsiness, the situation led to this.
Just as they arrived at the airport, Hiro heard his phone buzz.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: