Time elapsed like the grains of sand in an hourglass. With each passing day, the temperature fell, signifying the arrival of winter.
During that period, Hiro routinely went for a checkup. Prioritizing recovery, he avoided any task that would hinder the recovery.
Although he found it a bit troublesome, he heeded his mother's words to stay away from football. However, it didn't mean that he totally ignored it. Though he couldn't engage in it directly, he studied the gameplays of others to broaden his knowledge.
It took a whole two and half months to remove the cast. Because of the cast, he had a lot of trouble in his daily life activities.
Especially, wiping his butt was a pain in the ass.
Fortunately, during this period, his father regained his senses. The recovery of his father wasn't the only thing that took place during that period.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: