

As he heard him, Kenji felt a pang of regret weighing him down. Just like many other passionate young players, he once had made the same error of deciding in a hurry. 

When the team he loved offered him a contract at the beginning of his career, he grabbed it without much thinking. 

Before concluding, he should have at least researched the current players, profiles of the coach, how often the coach played young players, and many other things. But he drew to a conclusion without giving much thought to it. 

Due to this, he struggled to get any playing minutes. It's not that he didn't get any loan offers. He had received a ton. But it was his stubborn nature that had nearly brought him to ruin. 

Adamant about earning his spot in the team he loved, he refused to go out on a loan. 

Though it had hindered his career greatly, it was all due to his foolishness. 


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