
A bad dream?

The figure in the glass window did nothing but give him pitiful gazes for some moment. Neither did it speak nor did it change it's facial expression.

The already silent room started getting even more silent. As if he was losing his sense of hearing, he couldn't even hear his own voice at this moment.

An eerie silence engulfed the entire room as his eyes became glued at the reflection on the glass window. And the more he stared at the reflection, the more he felt like he was getting sucked inside the brown pupils of the figure in the window.

It wasn't because he wanted to stare at the reflection. Infact he desperately wanted to look elsewhere, however as if he was hypnotised, he couldn't take his eyes off the reflection in the glass window.

His heart started pounding faster and faster, to the point it felt like it could jump out of his throat at any moment.

He was on the verge of collapsing.


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