

Slowly opening his eyes with great difficulty, Hiro contorted his face as he squinted his eyes because of the bright light.

Although the bright light coming from the window beside him first made him to squint his eyes. However slowly and gradually as his eyes got adapted to the light, he rolled his eyes to his left and right.

On one side of his bed, he found his mother sleeping beside him while holding his right hand. While on the other side, he found some intravenous fluids injected on his wrist.

From the looks of it, he could tell that he was lying on a hospital bed.

However as soon as he realised that he was lying in the hospital bed, his heart started beating faster and he started to panic.

His breathing became irregular and he struggled to breathe properly. As if he remembered something he had forgotten a long ago, his body started to react weirdly as he tried to rise from his bed.


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