

Noticing the sight of Masao, Hiro wasted no time and immediately went over to him to talk to him. However Masao who looked lost in his own world didn't even notice the sight of Hiro until he heard the voice of Hiro.

"Good morning Masao." Greeted Hiro with a warm smile on his face.

"Ahh!!" Hearing Hiro's voice which came out of nowhere, Masao was startled.

Masao then greeted him back a bit hesitantly as if something was bothering him, "Goo.. Good morning Hi... Hiro."

Looking up close, Masao's complexion seemed rather pale. And as if he hadn't slept well for a long time, beneath his black eyes, there were few dark circles.

"Are you sick Masao? Or is something bothering you?" Hiro asked straightforwardly after noticing his sickly appearance.

"Ahh no. I'm completely fine." Replied Masao while trying to hide his face.


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