
Morning training

Ring!! Ring!!

At around 5 in the morning, an irritating sound of the alarm clock similar to that of emergency horn reverberating from Shun's side of bed, woke him up.

However the person who had set the alarm clock, showed no reaction and kept on sleeping like a pig.

"Urgh!! Shun!! Turn off your alarm clock." Hiro murmured while covering his ears and went back to sleep.

Even though he would normally wake up at around that time in the morning, he was struggling to wake up at the sound of the alarm clock that morning.

Because of his late night conversation with Shun, both of them had slept pretty late in the previous night.

And thus instead of waking up, he tried to sleep some more while covering his ears. But the irritating sound from the alarm clock continued without a break.

"Argh!! Shun!! Shut that damn alarm off." He exasperated.

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