
Geeking Out

After finally getting some cloths I find myself sitting at a table with Garfield (OG), Connor and Megan I look around at the heroes that are also taking this time to eat.

While it wasn't as full as it showed in the Justice League Unlimited show it was a good 8-10 heroes in costume and another 10-15 civilians in station worker uniform. I bet the vetting process is a pain for the civilians, but the pay must be worth it.

Focusing my attention on young Garfield in front of me, "What's your take on this whole thing Gar?"

"It's cool to see what I'll look like in another 6 years, but I don't know how to think about you honestly. I am glad that there is enough difference in our looks that we aren't identical. It's just, I don't know.... Weird, I guess. Your little joke about me being your dad shut me down for a while."

Smiling at him, I just shake my head. "Yeah, that one was in bad taste but still funny. I think maybe it's best if we don't tell everyone about our situation unless necessary. I don't want your Aunt Rita to feel like she needs to take me in, and I don't think I would be a good fit for the Doom Patrol from what little you have told me."

Knowing his history, literally and some of his struggles to come from reading the comics I say, "But you need to know that I am here and literally owe you my existence so whether you need anything or just want someone to talk to, I am there for you. We are blood family here, not relying on us is worse than attacking us. We can fight back if you attack but we can't be there for you if you don't tell us you need us."

I gestured to Miss Martian while saying this to include her in the conversation. Knowing her family issues and how she was segregated even inside her own family because of her color.

Keeping her attention, I say "Blood is important, but communication is the glue that hold us together even when we don't agree with everything said."

Hoping she will take it to heart and avoid the problem she is creating for herself with Connor.

Gar looks at my third plate of beef stroganoff and says, "Another thing I just don't understand is how you can eat that stuff man; you literally are the animals they kill and milk to provide ingredients for that meal. Makes my stomach churn just seeing it."

Putting my fork down I look in his eyes. "Half of the animals we turn into eat the other half. Every animal we are had to climb its way up the food chain by consuming all they could. Mother nature is not nice to picky eaters. I enjoy a good block of stinky tofu as much as the next guy, but it's all fuel for the tank to build this body.

I notice M'gann look over my shoulder as she says, "Better get you home Gar, Aunt Rita will have my head if you don't get back in time to finish your homework."

Connor also stands and says, "I'll meet you back at the Mountain Megan, I want to get something together since we missed date night last night."

Looking at me he continues, "I have some experience Clone wise if you want to talk about anything. I may not be blood family, but I am here as well."

Guessing that their sudden departure means J"onn J'onzz just walked into the cafeteria. I smile at all three of them and wish them a good evening and continue eating my dinner.

A few moments later I hear, "May I join you?" looking up I see exactly who I expect. Holding a tray is The Martian Man Hunter J'onn J'onzz.

"Please do sir." I respond respectfully.

As he sat down opposite of me, something finally hit me. I am interacting with Real Heroes, the type that (For the most part.) have shown their willingness to lay down their lives to protect this planet and its people.

It didn't really hit me with talking to Megan, Connor, and Garfield. They are mentally younger than me and I was able to act natural with them.

But now the wonder and excitement were starting to set in, in fact you could say I'm feeling a bit star struck. I always said that if I meet a movie star or a popular singer, I will just act normal and treat them as no big deal just to keep It comfortable for them, but I got to say I'm about a hair on J'onn's head away from asking him for his autograph.

"I would give you one with no hesitation young one." J'onn speaks.

Blushing a bit (I wonder what I look like with green skin blushing, I must check that in a mirror one day.) "Sorry sir, I must have been shouting that rather loud mentally." I say with a bit of shame

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, you are just days old with these powers. If the worst you do is have trouble keeping your thoughts shielded than you are far ahead of many that have had their power all their lives." J'onn's rumbly voice says rather soothingly.

He continued, "I would offer my services as an instructor or coach to help you explore your gifts and test their limits in a safe environment."

"That would be tremendously helpful sir, I was also hoping you would help me look for any mental triggers that may have been left in my brain. I don't want to turn into a liability here. I have a few questionable areas I can't explore that kind of concern me. If I'm not interfering in your duties that is."

Standing and grabbing my tray to put it in the drop off I say, "If you will excuse me, I would like to head to the medical bay so they can get proper samples of my blood. I don't imagine the signal blocker got enough of a sample for full analysis."

J'onn quickly stands, "I will show you the way and can also show you to the quarters assigned to you after. "

Seeing him drop off his tray without a bite taken from it I smile a bit, but don't say anything.

Taking notice of my smile he just says, "It seemed the best way to approach you naturally, human customs are still an ongoing learning experience for me."

"Yeah, this is definitely going to be a learning experience for the both of us sir. But I promise to be mindful of our differing customs and I will not take offence without giving you the chance to explain first. So long as you give me the same understanding." I gesture for him to lead the way.

"That is a most agreeable offer young Gar. It is also not necessary to refer to me as Sir, J'onn will suffice or just John if you prefer." J'onn replies.

"I find that J'onn is more natural to my way of thinking, and I will try to remember the Sir appendage, but I know I will slip often as it is ingrained in me to refer those in authority with a Sir."

Walking along J'onn in a companiable silence, I was glad to see he wasn't the type that wanted to fill every moment with words.

"Here we are." J'onn spoke after walking for about 10 minutes, he then stepped toward a set of double doors.

As the doors opened automatically, I stepped into your typical doctor's office slash treatment room.

J'onn walked straight to a male nurse that was organizing a cabinet and asked, "Is Dr Nelson in?"

Turning his attention away from the cabinet the nurse asked, "How can I help you Mr. J'onzz?"

"I would like to have Dr Nelson run some checks on my s….. friend here, please."

"I will let him know you are here sir."

Watching the man walk to the back room, I turn to J'onn. "He was probably more than capable of drawing blood from me to test, there was no need to get this Dr Nelson J'onn."

"It's fine young one. Dr Nelson is the leading authority for medical science here in the watchtower. I wager he is interested in overseeing your exam personally, no matter his complaints." J'onn replied.

Shortly after that, the Man I saw sitting next to Storm (Wonder Woman) at my hearing came walking out with an irritated look on his face. "Seriously J'onn, you had them come get me for this? It's a simple blood draw, not life-threatening surgery."

As if he heard nothing J'onn spoke, "Yes Kent but if they drew the blood, you would just be informed by a file on your desk you would not read for days. This way it has your curiosity and that means results much faster for young Mr. Logan here. This would also lead to a better understanding of his physiology so we can begin training quicker."

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