
Cuteness Overload!!!!

{Gar, Gar, Garrr.}

Opening my eyes groggily I pull my head out of the last bit of dream I don't remember and see a red wall in front of me.

Not the one I'm used to looking at, this one has a more pinkish shade to it. Still half asleep it takes me a few minutes to get my thought together. "Where am I?" I ask before my head kicks in, and I remember.

{You are still on Bio-Ship, but we have landed. Kid Flash went to get a frequency scrambler that will keep any tracker you have on you from revealing your location.} M'gann replies telepathically.

{Soldier Girl was going to wake you but, she seemed to cause your companion a little distress.} She reviled a sweet looking smile as she pointed to my shoulder, well to Morph that was sitting there.

His eyes stuck on Miss Martian and surprisingly he had formed a mouth with sharp teeth showing as he growled.

Seeing this, Gar could only think the most danger Morph presented was if someone had a cuteness overload seeing this behavior. Still, he didn't want to discourage his friend.

"Thanks for the back up little guy." I said as I ran my hand over him. His teeth disappeared but his mouth made some purring noised and a couple squeaks as he rubbed more of his body on my hand.

Talking out loud, Miss Martian said, "He is just too cute, where did you get him?"

With a smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes he responded, "I got him in the lab I was in." keeping his answer vague.

"The first time we met he just kind of got absorbed into thi.. my body." Mentally it was still a little weird to refer as this body to his, but he decided to make a conscious effort to settle into his new reality.

Being intentionally familiar he asked, "So sis, do I need to keep my mental shield open for you during my visit or can we relax now?"

Slapping herself in the head, "Hello Megan, sorry Gar but your mind felt so familiar that I just fell back into the Martian habit of connecting to those nearby."

Responding mentally, {It's not a bother M'gann, I was just curious if you were told to stay attached so to speak. You do feel very familiar and friendly but I'm still an unknown to the League here. Hell, I'm an unknown to myself as well.}

Going back to vocal speech, "Besides if we just sit here without talking how will those listening be able to act all mysterious later on?" I finish with a wry smile.

Showing confusion until she hears "As soon as K. F. gets there bring him to the debriefing room 4 Miss Martian." from the speakers in Robins voice.

With a slight edge M'gann responds "I told you to stop hacking Bio-Ship Robin!" A guilty silence is all the reply she gets.

A few minutes later Kid Flash rushed up and hands me a small watch like device. As I put it on, I feel it scrape my skin causing a little scratch and smile to myself. [Guess someone here is paranoid, bet its Batman. Just not as subtle as the one i have read about.]

"Got to go Meg, it's been more than 24 hours since I have seen Artemis. You know how many seconds that is? You know how long a second is to someone as fast as me? Bu Bye, and good to meet you older Gar! Kid Flash leaves just as fast as he arrived.

With a helpless sigh M'gann says, "Follow me." As she begins walking away.

With my sense of smell telling me that air is heavily filtered and my other senses telling me the gravity was just slightly off. I had a good idea that we were in the Watchtower, so I tried to look around, but we didn't run into anyone as M'gann led me through the halls.

Stopping at what looked like a random door to me, M'gann knocks and then just waits. When the door slides open, she gestures for me to enter before her and when she steps through the door slides shut.

Eerily reminiscent of a promotion board or even a school board I saw five figures siting behind a desk with a small chair facing it. Along the wall I saw several other figures in attendance, but their lack of seating showed they weren't going to take part of this. They were just here for the show.

Walking to the chair I decide to make a point that while I will be cooperative, I will not be subservient even here, I turn it to keep the back toward the group and sit that way.

Knowing that the person in charge will wait to make me uncomfortable, I decided to address them first.

Looking first at the person in the middle I see a Dark red almost black outfit, he has a cowl with the horns protruding from his forehead just slightly to the side of his temples. The symbol of a bat was on his chest, Was this a version of Batman? He looks a bit like Daredevil also. Weird!

Sitting to his left was an Amazing beauty I recognized as Ororo Monroe, also known as Storm to me. Making sure to keep the lust he felt for her as a teen reading comic book's out of his eyes, he still had to appreciate her beauty.

Pure White hair that seemed to defy gravity went well past the bit of shoulder I could see from my position. A Golden tiara with a black star held her hair back from her face was a new look to me.

Her outfit started with the traditional Ww accentuating her breasts that looked like they did not like being contained. Then her outfit continued with a body-hugging top of red and more gold. The arms she rested on the desk showed her silver and gold bracers.

{Was this Amalgam comic's Wonder Woman?}

Wonder girl looked like she was royalty, but Ororo looked like she was a Goddess walking among mortals in this outfit.

To her left sat an older gentleman, he looked much like Dr. Fate when he didn't have his helmet on. What was his name Nelson? Kent Nelson, I think it was, interesting he doesn't have to wear the helmet here all the time, I guess.

Then Sitting to the right of the Red cowled figure in the middle is a man that needs no introduction, Superman. Wearing his traditional outfit so far as I could see with no variation and looking identical to the king of nerds in my old life, Henry Cavil.

Next to Superman again is a figure I recognize instantly as the amazing Baldy of Marvel, Professor Charles Xavier. In his traditional yellow hoverchair and business suit. This must be some sort of mashup universe with weird combinations, hope it doesn't have all the bad guys of both universes as well.

With my eyes running over and recognizing some of the Heroes in front of me I was just about to start talking when the door opened behind me.

Looking back, I see The Martian Manhunter J'onn J'onzz enter. He looked exactly as he did in Justice League. His eyes didn't quite have the black mascara look but they were sunk back enough to be shadowed. The Red X across his chest that identified him as a Manhunter looked rather cheesy in person because it wasn't stuck to his chest like in the comics or the animated shows.

He looked at me and without moving his eyes away he addressed the members at their desks. "I request to be here for this debriefing please." The monotone in his voice didn't sound like it was a question to me but maybe that's just the way he spoke.

The man in the middle who I assumed was in charge spoke for the first time since I entered. "Even as a founding member your vote will hold no sway J'onn, but your input could be invaluable so I will not ask you to leave." With a nod from the other four J'onn took his eyes off me and walked to the wall to watch.

Before the silence could drag into another bout of an attempt to make me feel uncomfortable I spoke.

"Before we begin, I would offer advice that anyone here or anyone watching a recording of this in the future that has powers related to animal shifting, has no knowledge of the Cosmic Flow or the Multiverse, leave or face possible consequences of limiting their growth if not losing it all together."

When i finished speaking, the four members looked at the man in the middle to see his reaction.

"Why?" the figure demanded.

Finding it amazing that he can pack so much intensity in one word i replied the way i had decided when i figured this conversation would take place.

"Knowledge earned will take you farther than information given." was my reply

He bowed his head for a moment. "Everyone but J'onn exit the chamber." as people started to file out, he continued. "Watchtower, disable the recording devices in debrief room 4.

"Security Override code needed to process request." a clearly robotic voice responded.

"Security code Devilbat 02 Password DLA*760 Omega 1939." Devilbat snapped off.

"Code accepted" was the reply just as the last person left the room."

Next thing I knew from my right shoulder i hear a voice shout in a cute voice trying to sound gruff "I'm Batman, I AM THE NIGHT!!" Morph has changed into the form of batman I'm familiar with, complete with black and grey outfit his arm lifted and posing.

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