
Bid For Freedom

After making sure I was ready to act at a moment's notice I went looking for the mind of Mido.

Entering his mind, I planted the thought that Psimon told him to remove me from the pod to run some tests. Once he started the procedure I quickly returned to my body and fully submerged my mind into it to take full control.

As my mind merged with my body, I became aware of all my senses not just the vague sense of pressure around me and opened my eyes.

Just like Monkey said my body didn't feel drugged and was full of energy I attributed this to the sap from The Parliament of Limbs.

Feeling the liquid drain out of the pod I was in I could only wait for the door to open unless I wanted to change into something that could break out of it.

Deciding to hold off on that unless it becomes necessary, so far Mido has been doing just fine on releasing me. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the blinking red light in the corner of the computer screen.

Once the liquid was at my knees, I reached up to pull the mask off my face. My limbs felt I little stiff like they hadn't been stretched for a long time, but I moved to work them as loose as I could.

Once the pod door opened, I stepped out and apparently this action was enough to wake Mido from my suggestion.

With eyes wide, all Mido could say was "How, wait, what...?". As soon as he reached for the control panel, I punched him to quickly knock him out.

Quickly rifling through his clothes in hope, I looked around the office noticing that other than the door the only way out would be the vent in the wall above my pod.

Finding Mido's phone on him I look it over only to see it is numerical password protected, quickly entering his mind I am amused to find the password is the day and month Queen Bee first spoke with him.

Peeking out the glass window of the door I see a red strobe light going off above the door and a group of guards all in grey rushing towards me carrying rifles.

Quickly morphing into a monkey, I jump and grab the vent cover, pushing the phone through the opening I drop down and return to my form now naked as the spandex shorts I had on didn't stay after transforming.

Taking a moment to figure out what form I can morph into that would fit my needs, I settled on a small squirrel that should be able to fit in the vent cover and still have the strength to carry the phone.

Quickly changing into the squirrel, I imagine in my head I jump to the top of my old pod then make the leap for the vent just barely making it.

Grabbing the phone, I make a run for it. Not realizing that the guards that just burst into the room can clearly hear my nails clacking on the tin vent as I run. Calling it out on their radio they wait for instructions.

Patting myself on the back for the perfect Houdini act I pulled I make my way through the vent system, amused at the thought they were trying to figure out how I disappeared into thin air.

{If memory serves the best bet is for me to head down to the lowest floor where all the Beetle mumbo jumbo is and there should be a hangar there leading out. Then I just have to call M'gann at the phone number mom showed me and convince her I'm not trying to lead her into a trap.}

{Comic law will dictate that she is either on a mission, has her version of Gar next to her or she will just not answer a random phone number calling her.}

Trying to think up options, I finally reached the lowest level of air vents. Quickly jumping out and hiding behind some rubble I shift back to my normal body breathing hard. {That's the longest I have had to hold a body and technically it's only the second form this body has held, other than my natural one.}

Glancing around to get the lay of the land I see a bank of computer screens and related panels. Then I spotted the wall with the beetle carved into it with surrounding hieroglyphs. Finally, I see the long runway and the cliff to my freedom.

Keeping low and hopefully out of sight I moved along the wall fully aware I'm naked as the day I was born, well, made, I guess.

Interrupting my musings about whether I was born or not, I see what looks like a carving of Mars Martians in all their natural glory, but the color showed one to be white and the other yellow. They were depicted as leaning over a table with a person on it. Weird, but I have other things to think about right now.

Deciding I would file this bit of information away for now, I feel a tug from under my skin on my right shoulder. Looking over my left shoulder, I see a very large gray fist heading my way.

I duck just in time and the fist goes through the bit of wall I was just looking at. Looking at the other end of the fist I see a large gray skinned person??

{Oh crap' that's Mammoth!}

I hear him yell "Sis Shimmer he over here!! I find him!" as loud as he can.

Thinking quickly, I yell "Don't call your sister over here I'm NAKED!! Pervert!!" I turned my back to him as if protecting my modesty and drop the phone.

"NOO I no pervert! Sis don't come over here!"

Shaking my head at his mental state I quickly shift into a Clydesdale horse and unload both my back hooves on his surprised chin.

As he flew backward due to my cheap shot I returned to my form and grabbed the phone back up. Thinking I need a place to put it, I think of the only animal that comes with a pocket and well go-go kangaroo.

Feeling the immense power of my back legs I start jumping down the runway and then try to put the phone in my pouch as I see Shimmer headed my way.

{What the hell!! Male kangaroos don't have a pouch?} that's the only thing I can come up with as I'm just rubbing the cell phone along my furry belly not finding the pocket I had hoped for.

Changing back to my body in all its naked glory I get the shiver that signals Psimon is coming.

Enough of this I think, then I place the phone in my mouth and change into a Cheetah. Resentering my thoughts I run around Shimmer and just SPRINT down the runway with no intention of stopping.

As soon as I get to the cliff, I jump off like I'm trying to get to the other side. Relaxing my form, I revert to normal and let me tell you, it's hard to concentrate when you are falling hundreds of feet.

Taking the phone out of my mouth so I don't bite through it as I try to concentrate, I put the form of a golden eagle in my head and grab The Red with all my might hoping I can make the change before I hit the ground.

Grabbing the phone with my talons as my arms stretch out, I don't even try to flap, I just lock my arms/wings out and let the wind lift me away from the ground. My body panting with effort and fright.

As soon as I think I'm out of sight of anyone watching me I start looking for a place to land and make my call.

Seeing the sun is about halfway down or up on the horizon, I'm not sure if it's morning or evening. What direction am I facing? Finding an overhang that I can hide under, I look at the phone and see it says 8:20 PM. I figure my directions from there and try to come up with what I'm going to say on the phone.

With her solid gold stinger shaped earrings swaying as she walked through the cavern, she didn't even try to hide the irritation she felt. With a piercing stare at Psimon the said "Explain!" and waited

"The subject that was cloned from the blood of the Logan child you brought us along with blood from Martian Man Hunter, somehow woke up and managed to escape. I was just in his room before noon and personally scanned his mind and saw nothing but empty conciseness. With no brain pattern noticeable, there was no security on him besides the one scientist that was monitoring him. "Psimon reported without pause.

Continuing after a breath "The scientist Mido by name opened the pod without clearance and the alarm sounded outside his room. Once security got there, they found Mido unconscious and heard a scraping sound coming from the vents. After reporting they took Mido into custody and the base went on lockdown."

Pausing to let the information sink in, Queen Bee replied "It's a good thing this is not a project of The Light. Put automatic doors on the vents to close with an alarm and double the effort on the doors for the runway cliff. This will not happen again." walking away she finished by saying

"Interrogate the scientist and get what information you can. Also double our offer to Devastation, we need more security for the times to come. "

Looking at Mamoth and Shimmer with contempt.

"Hunt the boy down, send Rhino and these two failures. I want him back; we need to see how he gained conciseness without the aid of Cadmus Genomorphs!" Queen Bee finished as she left the hangar.

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