

"I was taking a walk today and ended up in that **** village. I heard from someone that they have nice melons there, and I felt like buying a few. But who would have known that I would overhear something so scary like that?" as Madam Kudzai recalled what she overheard, she shuddered with fear, regret washing over her.

In that village, women, like always, were talking. There wasn't any place where people didn't gossip. How can they say they are living without stories or people to talk about?

She just didn't expect to hear her family's name being included in the mix. It was because of that; that her interest was piqued. Otherwise, gossip in some backward village wouldn't have interested her. It wasn't like she knew the people there.

However, when her family name was spoken, she wanted to hear the bottom of it, so she eavesdropped and regretted it.

"Ah~ we are suffering! Who would have guessed that one day I will be back to foraging?"

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