

In the beginning, Tapiwa thought that she would get at least fifty women maximum to the meeting, but to her greatest surprise, the number reached ninety.

And this made the two pots of food prepared already to be not enough once again. However, cooking more food was already out of the picture.

So Tapiwa had to come up with a new idea that would also make her guests full and leave her place with smiles on their faces.

All women gathered under the shade, with some seated on the benches while the rest were seated on the mats.

Inside the kitchen, Tapiwa was giving Tambudzai another new recipe secretly earning another good person card from Tambudzai.

To cook something fast, Tapiwa decided to make flatbreads that didn't require too much flour.

She picked white flour since she was going all out, and brown flour was out of the question.

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