
Nothing but Giants

Xu Hu Zhe was a late bloomer, with no family to trace his lineage back to, so one could only speculate about his lineage. Xuan Yang, on the other hand, had a clear inheritance to look back at.


Yet, it didn't make very much sense at all.


Xuan Yang should just be a descendant of the snake clan of Dongzhou, but he was entirely too tall to be that degenerate's descendant alone. In addition, he had black scales. 


It wasn't impossible, but it wasn't likely to have black scales from what should be descendants of a green garden snake like beast.


Bo's thoughts might seem a bit harsh, but they had too much truth to them.


The people of this continent don't understand that Xuan Yang isn't just a regular black snake…he seemed like a general black snake with his spattered of scales that he can't control, but his bloodline is too strong. 


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