

Emily removed her shoe and sat on the couch, clearly upset.  "What's going on?" Camilla asked, concerned.

"I'm not going anywhere," Emily said, her voice firm. "You can't just do that," Camilla replied. "Maybe something unexpected came up and they had to leave suddenly. Give them the benefit of the doubt."

Emily shook her head, "Robert left me without a word. He didn't even bother to tell me he was leaving."

"Try not to be too upset, they'll come for us, I'm sure," Camilla said, attempting to reassure her.

"I'm not budging, I've made up my mind. If it was an emergency, the least he could do was send a message or make a quick call. But no, he just left me behind without a word," Emily said, her frustration visible.

"I understand you're hurt that Robert left without you, but let's not jump to conclusions. There might be a logical explanation for this," Camilla reasoned. Emily remained silent, her mind made up.

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