
War in Quinghai

Once I'm back at the hotel I put a call across to Stacey.

"Hey Stacey"

"Zailah,Good evening. I was beginning to get worried because you haven't called in a while"

"I've just been really busy that's why I haven't called"

"Well I'm fine now that I know you're fine"

A small smile forms on my face at the thought that there was someone geniunely worried about me and not just because it was thier job.

"Thank you Stacey for worrying about me"

"If anyone is thankful it's me"

She mutter's under her breath 'why would you even be grateful to me?' but I pretend to not have heard anything.

"How's our guest?"

"She seems to be adapting to things quite well"

"Has there been any issue's recently?"

"No zailah, everything's fine. You on the other hand don't sound fine"

"I'm totally fine though"

"I know for a fact that, that is a lie...you always overwork yourself when you go on these trips"

"I'm fine,I promise"

She sigh's and say's

"I really wish you'd just take care of yourself. Even if it's with just one third of the effort you put into taking care of the people around you"

We both go quiet for a few minutes with neither of us knowing what to say.

As much as I was grateful to Stacey for worrying about me I also felt a great deal of discomfort when she expressed it. I didn't like to expect or be expected from and that's exactly what happens once you start to pour your emotions into someone. I wasn't a good person and like to believe that no human is either. It makes it easier to not be disappointed.

"Take care of things over there I'll be back soon"I finally say breaking the tension that had formed with the passing minutes.

"I will...please do come back safely"

"Goodnight Stacey"I say ending the call before it grew anymore tense.

The next morning I get a report that zhèngchāofēi's men's body had been delivered to qilin and Guangdong respectively. After two days I send my men to Gaungdong and qillin to attack their headquarters and just I had suspected there were just a few of their men there, with zhèngchāofēi nowhere to be found. I let one of his men slip away in other to give him the impression that I was unaware of his headquarter in Quinghai.

At midnight I alongside two of my men break into the Quinghai headquarters and sneak into his room but just as I pull the cover's off his bed I get shot from the other direction,lucky for me it only lightly grazes right shoulder. My men gun down the man.

"Fuck I knew this break in was just way too easy"

While we were distracted zhèngchāofēi sneaks out of the room and takes off, I see him just as he's about to cross door so I shoot him,it doesn't touch him though so I go in pursuit of him. I get attacked by two guys and my guys take over for me so I keep on zhèngchāofēi's tail. I chase him down a flight of stairs and into a narrow corridor where he meets with a few of his men and as soon I'm sighted I get shot, unable to dodge properly due to the narrowness of the corridor the bullet passes through my right arm. The two with gun start leading him out while I'm attacked by the remaining men with knives.

By the time I'm done with the men I've already attained a few cuts and bruises and zhèngchāofēi was already in his car about to leave, unfortunately for him I was a trained sniper while in the military. Although my right hand was currently damaged I can still use my left and, so from the corridor window I aim at the driver's forehead and put a bullet through it,while the other guy is trying to move the dead body and take over the driving I put a bullet through his heart. Zhèngchāofēi panics and gets out of the car in a frenzy trying to escape by foot. I shoot his two legs so he that he won't be able to move. At this moment my men catch to me and we head over to him. Once there I grab his face and say,

"I hope people learn not to mess with me from your stupidity"

"Any last Words?"

Instead of an answer he spits at me and it land on my shirt,I let out a frustrated sigh and let go of his face.

"Ofcourse he spat on me"I say letting out a sigh.

"I heard he has two pitbulls here,find their cage and feed him to them"

"Yes ma'am"

Once they're gone I put a call across to Kris,

"Are you done?" I hear Kris say as soon as the call connect's.

"You're quite impatient huh?!" I say with a mild chuckle.

"Yes I am,book a flight I want to head home at dawn"

"Also make sure there's a doctor there by the time I get there,I have quite a few injuries."

"Got it"He says and ends the call.

After a few minutes my men return and we head back to the hotel. I clean my injuries up a bit and tie my arm to reduce the bleeding. First thing in the morning we head out,Kris had book the the entire first class section and got me a doctor to attend time Incase something were to happen. I pass out after a few hours on the plane only to wake up in my room. Most of my wounds had been treated and I was getting my last stitch,I could barely keep my eyes open because of the anaesthetic so I look up and when I do I see Allyssa peeping in through the door but just as our eye's meet she takes off.

'What was that about? Has she never seen someone this badly injured before? I thought she was a doctor though.'I think to myself before giving in to the anaesthetic.

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